The Respectable Sir Name For Exo

65 11 23

You Know the sir names that are given to some people.... 

Like Sir amaze-a-lot......

Yeah it's kind off same like that  but funnier...  Why funny...  Well it's exo...  And serious didn't suit them...  So I'm going with funny....


Anyway long time since I came to this book.....

Ps: this segment is ot12.... Yayyaya..........

Let's begin.....



Sir ageyos- a -lot.....

Lol why not we try something else....

Sir never-ages-not......

Sometimes I think he's a vampire...


Sir manly-a-lot.....

Heck yeah he's manly...  Though he may look girly and do girly stuff and let's not forget has. A man...  *Coughs two man...  He's still manly....


Sir draws-a-lot

Though I never get his drawing....  Lol......


Sir spends-a-lot

One of the best....  I think...  This would suit him....

Sir worries-a-lot....

Suits him too.....  Lol....


Sir forgets-a-lot....

Just no words to explain...  😂😂


Sir screams-a-lot.....

Lol beagle line......... Let's be truthful we have seen him shout and scream in lot of videos....


Sir whines-a-lot

Cause he just can't stop saying awe!!!!!!!!!  And he does come from a family of Dino's........


Sir laughs-a-lot
Sir falls-a-lot
Sir blushes-a-lot

I mean I can go on.... But I love him...... So I'm stopping.....


Sir stares-a-lot...

I mean is here anyone who doesn't agree with me......


Sir strips-a-lot......

Lately he's doing this a lot...  Maybe he's reading the Fanfictions.......  And he's getting inspired to do more.....


Sir talented gets ignored-a-lot

As funny as it sounds...  It's true he's talent gets unrecognized ..... Do see him sm.....  Do see him....


Sir ignores-a-lot

He does, do this.....

Sir talented-a-lot...

I mean he is talented....  Thank god finally recognised......


Thank you for reading this crappy segment....

Now that I look back...  It's really not funny.....

Please do comment if it's funny and if you don't agree to done names here.....

And do vote......


Anyway....  Bye and have a nice day.......

Saranghae ~♥~

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