💛Love notes!!!!

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Hey guys so let us see exo being a little in the morning....

Oh!!!! I forgot, I hope you liked my last segment.....

Here you go.....



You will roll in your bed and open yoibeyes to look, a piece of paper at your side with a red rose...

Hey!!!! Good morning hajima, I wanted to give you something as beautiful as you, so o found something that is close enough...

You smoke and blush.... That's when you notice piece of paper over the bed, on the ceiling, the window, all with the message...
You are puzzled.... But that's when you find the other note in the kitchen which says...

Didn't know which side you will open your eyes, so note at all the direction.... Love you jagiya.....


He won't be the romantic love poet type.... He would be love song writing type....

Hey beautiful saw the sun today,
Should have picked the sign when my mom told one day
One day I would meet a girl like you
Couldn't believe who would love me...
That's when you walked in my life...
And that's when I knew this life belonged only to you...

And there is a recorded voice beside you, in which chanyeol sings the same song.....

You smile...... Finding it cute....


Hey jagiya, went to buy bubble tea.... Don't get sad that I wasn't there when you woke up..... I wanted to wake you up, but I got lost in those smile which you were giving in your sleep....

Awww......maknae, has become a man.....


He wouldn't be writing a love note time... But what ever he does would be cute.... Those little things.....

Hey jagiya!!!! Went down to make breakfast, don't worry I'm making for you too... So hurry up and come downstairs...


He is a lazy butt, he would sleep next to you soundly... But o think he would do this before he would sleep.....

Hey hajima, I wanted to wake up early today, but as soon as I woke up , you started to tug my shirt... I couldn't resist it and fell asleep next to you cuddling....

You see him sleeping soundly....


He would be also like suho, I imagine....

Hey beautiful, you lied, to me.... You told me you look ugly on morning.... It hurts that you lied, I have never seen anything this cute in my life... For this itself I would wake up everyday early before you to see your face.....

Awww.... lay 4th ou hopeless romantic.....


I think his messages would be cute....

Hey!!!! I was shocked in the morning to see..... (look at the back of the paper) AN ANGEL!!!!
And I couldn't believe that she was mine.....



I think his live notes would also be trolling you....

I don't know how else to say this...... (To read more go down the stairs)
But I have to say this (go to kitchen to read more....)

By this time you may be having a heart attack


Chen you stupid I was scared...

I was too jagiya, that you will leave me one day if I don't do this.....

How can I????? ( go to hug him)


I know this was not as you expected, I'm sorry...

But I hope you liked it....

Check out my other two books on exo.....

Till next time, bye and love you loads.......

Saranghae ~♥~

Exo Funnynarios (Wattys 2019) ✔Where stories live. Discover now