💙💜Game time!!!!!!!

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Hey guys this is me again.....

I hope you liked my last segment......

Well for this time I thought you guys could enjoy a little game....

Kai: a little game of love....

A/n: what the!!!!

Suho: hey we are just helping....

A/n: I swear this time I wasn't even writing any story about you then why the heck are you here???

Sehun: hey!!!! It's a book about us and we can pop pit whenever we want.... By the way we are out of bubble tea!!!!!

A/n: shut up sebooty!!!!

Chanyeol: you know what I read the title, and I love games, can we join????

A/n: well it's a game for exo-l, so I don't think you can....

Chen: hey still... Well anyway you are beautiful!!!

A/n: oh really, thanks!!!!

Kyungsoo: what a dumb author.... She can't even understand he is trolling her....

A/n: hey (sniff) you didn't have to be rude.....

Lay: let me heal you girl.....

A/n: I think I'm having an Deja Vu..... Please leave everyone....

A/n: finally..... Baekhyun leave...

Baekhyun: OK...

A/n: wait... My make up.....

Baekhyun: fine.... (whispers) bitch!!!!

A/n: hey I heard it.....

Anyway here you go guys.....

Suho: hey!!! I know you are busy, but can you make this game as OT12 please it's just I miss them......

A/n: OK suho!!!! Just for you...

Enjoy the game guys.....


Predicting your future....

I'm gonna predict your future now dear readers, so get ready....
It's simple just choose the options and combine your answers.....


your bias will_____ you, because he______ and you will___


1.Your birthday month.......

Jan- fuck you......
Feb- kill you.......
Mar- marry you.....
April- love you.........
May- sue you....
June- seduce you.....
July- leave you in altar....
Aug- kiss you......
Sept- slap you in public....
Oct- threaten you......
Nov- break your heart.....
Dec- makes you pregnant.....

2. Your bias wrecker.......

Suho- because he wanted to....
Kris- because he lost a bet ....
Xiumin- because he wants you...
Chen- he wanted to prank you...
Kyungsoo - because he hates you..
Chanyeol- because he loved you.
Sehun- he doesn't care about you.
Baekhyun - he wanted a revenge..
Luhan- he was too cool for it...
Tao- he was afraid of you....
Kai- cause he was too sexy for it...
Lay- he confused you with someone else....

3. What's your shirt colour....

White - and you didn't care about it

Red- you hated it.....

Black- you loved him even more.......

Blue - you wanted to kill him....

Yellow- and you thought it was a dream......

Green - you cried everyday for it...

Stripes- you tried to control your urges for me (physically)

Others - because you had a dead soul......


So what did you get......

I got......

Sehun will marry me because he loved me and I loved him even more......

Lol I did want sehun as answer, but I didn't expect to marry him, this game wa not set according to my wish, I typed the first thing that popped in my mind while I was typing..... I swear on my love for exo........

Anyway share your answers.....

And like I promised to suho... I did the game for ex members too....

This indicates request are open, also for ex members....

Anyway... Hope you liked it....


Exo: bye Kathy's readers love you guys!!!!!! Thanks for playing the game.....

Chanyeol: Woah!!! So I'm your bias wrecker a/n!!!!!

A/n: (灬♥ω♥灬)

Chanyeol : * chu ♥♥♥*

A/n: (fainting!)

Exo: hey!!! Don't kiss her like that, she belongs to everyone, see what did you do!!!! Now who will say bye to her lovely readers!!!!!

Kai: I will....

Suho: no let me do it!!!!! 1..2..3.. We are one.....

Goodbye and take care readers..... Till next time...

Baekhyun: If possible comment and vote......

Exo: bye and love you loads.... ❤❤❤❤

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