💚Sehun texting you....

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You: sese, I'm out....  Do you need anything???

Sehun: seen the message...

You: OK then one bubble tea....

Sehun: seen the message....

You: fine then two....

Sehun: seen the message....

You: fine then five....

Sehun: seen the message....

You: you know what this is your problem.... You never talk..

You: you always ignore, me..

You: a relationship is build on communication....

You: fine, then you didn't wanna talk then let's break up..

Sehun: seen the message...

You: fine then goodbye....

Sehun: seen the message..

After 30 mins....

You: senpai look at me.....

Sehun: seen the message...

You: I'm sorry, can we get back together, I'll never fight or pester you....

Sehun: seen the message....

You: what's your problem you could at least say okay...

Sehun: babe!!!!!!!! It's my time with Vivi..... Stop disturbing me...... And I said bubble tea or not you don't need a reason to come to my house.... Cause either love you....

You: awww!!!!! I thought.... You would break up with me....

Sehun: ps: bubble tea would be a good idea though..... One bubble tea please....

You: -_-||

Sehun: ( ̄3 ̄)


Sorry for the small and crappy chapter.... 

Anyway I hope you enjoyed it...

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Till next time bye and love you loads.....

Saranghae ~♥~

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