💚Kai's little crush....

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Hey guys I hope you liked my last segment....

So this time...... I'm dedicating this chapter for my maknae NiniSiddu

I hope you like it... You too maknae.......

Here it goes enjoy.....


As exo proceeds to solve the problem that now was in their hand... They didn't know what to do.... That's when leader had a best idea.....

Suho: let's call her!!!

Sehun: yeah!!! She would know what to do.....

Chanyeol: yeah!!!! I'll call her and tell her to come here as soon as she can.....

Kai: Lets just chat with her in the phone.... Why does she have to be here.....

Xiumin: why is he behaving like this...

Chen: I know..... Our second maknae has a crush on her.....

Baekhyun: is it true... Jongin...

Kai:....... (blushing)

Sehun: ahhh!!! Hyungs face tells it all....

Xiumin: whatever you do she is going to be here, so....

Suho: I think she's here.....

Ninisiddu: hi guys, what's the new problem you guys are into...

Baekhyun: I still can't believe, someone young like her could be our lawyer.....

Chanyeol: not forgetting the fact beautiful....

Ninsiddu: .............. Aish!!! Stop making fun of me...

Suho: it's not a problem... The thing is our schedule for an add is colliding with our concert, the add production house decided to take action against us...

Chanyeol: we didn't know about the concert dates, until the last minute.....

Ninsiddu: it's fine I'll take care of it.... You could have told me in the phone itself....

Chen: then our jongin wouldn't have met you....

Ninisiddu: huh???

Kyungsoo: (nudging Chen in the arms) he meant we wanted to talk to you face to face...

Suho: since you're here I'll go get something to eat....

Sehun: I'll go get something to drink...

Chen: I'll help you guys...

Baekhyun: me too....

The others understood what those members were trying to do... So they did the same....

Chanyeol: I have to check for the recording....

Kyungsoo: yeah!!! I'll check the lyrics....

Xiumin: and I'll check for... Um..... Background colour...

Everyone left except Kai and ninisiddu....

Ninisiddu: I didn't knew you check for background colours too....

Kai: well apparently we do (thinking inside him..... I know what hyungs are doing... But this is the bad... Maybe finally I can talk to her)

Both at same time......

Ninisiddu and kai: so...

Kai: you first....

Ninisiddu: so another concert huh??

Kai: yeah!!! You should come... Someday...

Ninisiddu: sure.... I'll be there...

Kai: well, if you.... Um.... Don't... Um.... Never mind....

Ninisiddu: what is it????

Kai: no... It's nothing....

Ninisiddu: it's OK ask me...

Kai: OK, if you don't mind... Can we go out tomorrow???

Ninisiddu: as a group??? Sure...

Kai: no just us....

Both of you just blushing and looking at each other.... Finally Kai gathers courage.... To speak...

Kai: it's OK, if you don't want to...

Ninisiddu: no I would love to. I was meaning to ask you.... But never had the courage to ask you....

Kai: so....

Ninisiddu: yeah!!!!

Kai: this is really awkward... Hi I'm Kim jongin also known as kai..... Member of a boy band.... Dancer...

Ninisiddu:(smiling) hi, I'm Ninisiddu, basically I'm a baby sitter..... For grown up boys...

Both of you bust off laughing....


That's all for today's storyline...

Hope you liked the story....

You too maknae.... I hope you liked it....

Check out my other two books on exo...

Also request are open for all my books.....

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Till next time bye and love you loads....

Saranghae ~♥~

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