💛when you fangirl for another star

168 22 44

Hey guys this me again, sorry for the late update.......

Suho: yeah!!! Guys she was with us...

Chanyeol : no she was with me, and we did stuff.... Like

A/n: (shuts his mouth) please don't lie.....

Sehun: stuff like she brought me bubble tea...

Kai : no dancing and stuff (smirk)

A/n: (fainting )......

Chen: guys she is gone again.... Hey wake up....

A/n:(waking up slowly.. )....um.....

Kyungsoo: (walking in slowly) guys let her talk, it's her book after all....

Baekhyun :no it's a book about us..

Lay: yeah!!!! That's right... Wait what was it you were talking about??????

Kyungsoo :(satansoo mode activated) guys!!!!!
(no one listening.... ) * shoots everyone*

A/n: (confussed) um.....

Kyungsoo : no need to thank me.... Just continue your work and if possible bring everyone back.....
(exists the building by draging everyone.... )

A/n: (still confused ) as I was saying sorry for the late update....

Hope you enjoyed the last segment of mine......

So this new segment is you being fangirl for another star......

Hope you enjoy this....

Here it goes....

Just the intro:

You being his girlfriend he brings you to a fancy party, where you meet your favorite star.....

You approach him and talk to him.....



Being all cool on the outside, but on the inside feels confused that you have such a bad taste, looses it when your f/s holds your hand...

"That's it I'm buying your company (wishpering to himself) and making you lose your stardom so that y/n won't like you anymore" (evil laugh)


Doesn't care about it, is very happy to see you happy.... Love it that your smiling..... But is shocked, when you shouts angrily at your f/s....

"Don't talk like that about my boyfriend, you are nothing compared to him, call him monkey ears one more time, you may lose yours"

You drag him outside.....


Is pouting seeing you all around your f/s, is really jealous, but is happy when you approach him...

"What happened???? "

"well he is fun and all but I'm bored"

" so can we go then"

"yep!!!!!! "


Joins the conversation with you guys and makes fun of him and embarrassed your f/s.... You are also embarrassed by him

"babe let's go... "

"that's right babe he is waste of your time"


Doesn't care about what's happening, but is very careful so that he doesn't have physical contact with you,

" I know she is approaching him but I know she loves me and I love her and he is nothing like me"

Baekhyun :

He becomes all loud and full of energy from the start of your conversation with your f/s,

"babe you are disturbing me, by being so loud"


"fine let's go"


He is absent minded always, but strangely he gets very attentive around you..... He is very cautious that your f/s doesn't approach you...... So he keeps blocking you and him by asking question....

"hey... I'm.... "

"Babe there is an amazing cocktail"

"babe I'm talking "


"well can I get your.... "

" so you want that cocktail or not "

"you know what fine I'm going"

"yes plan worked"


Is shocked to see you all giggly around your f/s, he looses it when your f/s makes you call him oppa....

"what you her oppa???, she will call that only her boyfriend and FYI I'm her boyfriend, so hit on someone else, come-on y/n let's go... "

You are feeling embarrassed

Kyungsoo :

From the initial itself he is pissed about you approaching another guy...... So he keeps giving him stink eye........

"so, I'm your big fan I have listened to all your songs"
(You See your f/s getting all uncomfortable, you see him looking at a direction..... So you turn around to see him where he is looking) "knew it DO was the reason.... Lol he looks cute though.... "

"babe are you done, can we go!??"

"yeah!!! It seems he was was uncomfortable with you staring at him, are you his fan babe you keep looking at him"

"well yeah!!! Fan you say.... "


Well that's it folks hope you liked it........

If possible comment and vote.....

Anyway bye and love you loads.....

One more thing guys don't forget to show your love for exo, cause once exo-l always an exo-l and they need us now more then ever, as the military enlistment happening and it started with xiumin then next would be suho, then chanyeol and so on....

So don't forget them and love them...

Waiting till 2026 for the total reunion......


Exo Funnynarios (Wattys 2019) ✔Where stories live. Discover now