💜 When You're Horny....

146 13 81

Hey guys it's me...  Again.....

Well I'm back with my byunte side.....

Younger ones close your eyes...  And thats it.....

Without further delay let's move forward......



The Minseok who always loved your sweet side....  Loved the occasional horny side of you....

He was working out tats when he saw you stading in the counter in a rather hot fashion......

Jagiya don't tell me..... You want......

He doesn't even finish saying it....  And you pull him over the counter losing him hungrily... ....

You know jagiya I love that you're hot...  But I hate it when I'm not dominating.........

With that you can imagine what would have happened next....


He had a really hot photoshoot....  Where he was looking all hot in the black leather trim get fitting pants.....  Wearing a little t shirt....

He was posing rather hotly......

You were in waiting in the green room cause the hotness was extreme.....

But when the sweating him come in.....

Sorry baby....  10 more mins...  And we will wrap for today.... I'm really sorry for the date being delayed......

That's when you loose the sweet you.......

You know honey...  Let me punish you a little to show you it's bad to make me wait.... 

He looks shocked....

You later pull him inside by shuting the door behind you and making out with his back leaned against the door......


He and you had an argument over something about rumours......  After somtime you both realised it was stupid thing you were fighting for....  Yet you both didn't want to admit it......

You silently get to go get a glass of water from kitchen.....  And he ignores you and goes to his room.....

That pissed too as he wasn't asking sorry for what he did.....

You know saying a sorry never hurts anyone.....

You were rampaging on and on about how irresponsible he was....

That's when.... He kissed you to stop you from talking....  As you were already raging....  You couldn't control it and slap him away......

You throws you over the shoulder....  And puts you on your bed......

He bits your lips and you bite it....  Let's say that...  It was going to be a long night......


Suho and you had a date and it got canceled....  As soon as you sat in the restaurant.....

He was pissed clearly seen in his face...  You were too......

He asked you to go home.... But you refused....  So you tagged along with him.....

He had this meeting with his manager..... He had some. New projects it seems.....

Exo Funnynarios (Wattys 2019) ✔Where stories live. Discover now