💛Break up with them(funny)!!!

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Hey guys it's me again.......

I hope you liked my last chapter...

So this time we are gonna go through a funny break up with exo......

Suho: NONONONONO!!! (crying)

A/n: it's just imagination suho, please stop crying you look ugly...

Suho: sorry!!! (sniff)

Sehun: Hyung!!! Here have my bubble tea!!!!

Suho: thanks....

A/n: shut up sebooty you may be my bias!!! But I can't have you here... Now take suho with you and get out....

A/n: anyway enjoy the story....



Jagiya, don't break go with me (crying) (╥﹏╥), please!!!! I promise to earn more.....

Y/n: OK ,OK I Won't Leave you just stop crying.....


I swear if this was about my multiple hair colour.... I promise I'll change back to my original colour.....

Y/n: then tell me, what is your original hair colour!!!!!

Sehun: um..... (thinking)

Y/n: bye....


Jagiya, I can't live without you, please don't leave me.....

Y/n: (seeing him cry, you feel like you hurt a puppy) I'm sorry babe, I can't breakup with you.... It's hard....


I can cook, sing, Beatbox, dance, act, rap I can practically do anything... Why are you leaving me....

Y/n: babe you can't rap!!!!

Kyungsoo: is this because of the guy in your office, what's his name.... (satansoo mode activated)

Y/n: it's not that, you know what I (shaking in fear) was.... Just.... Kidding..... (๏_๏)


Do I know you miss ??????

Y/n: this is the reason I'm breaking up with you!!!!

(the next day)

Lay: jagiya!!!! Goodmorinig I woke to see the bed empty next to me, where are you???

Y/n: lay we broke up yesterday!!!

Lay: we did???? OK then have a good life, I wish hour wounds may heal.....


Babe I swear I won't steal your eyeliners anymore... Please don't leave me.... Hahahhahhaa.....
Do you think I'll plead like that...

Y/n: (crying)....

Baekhyun: don't cry babe I know I should have someone better then you, now leave sehun is coming with his booty... I mean bubble tea......


Hey!!! Don't Jongdae me OK!!! Wait where are you...... Let me drop you home.....

Y/n:  ̄へ ̄


Hey!!! Babe you sure want this, then it's alright... I hope someday we can go past this and be friends.... ( sweat dripping from him, cause of no electricity)

Y/n: on the other hand.... (push him on couch and rip off his shirt) let us enjoy some post break stuff.....

Xiumin: (yes!!! Knew it she can't resist me)......


As you were saying.... Something about break.... (ripping his shirt off)

Y/n: breaking the bed, I meant...

Kai: that's something g I can help you with babe!!!!!


Well that's all for today's storyline....

Hope you liked it.....

Baekhyun: yeah!!!! Kabesong!!!

A/n: why did that come now!!!

Kris: she is not my style...

Suho: babe I missed you... I meant Kris we missed you....

Exo: you said it was OT9 why did Kris come here!!!!

A/n: that's to remind the readers that I take request and also for ex members........

Kris: so are you done, can I leave now....

A/n: stay... Tell bye to my lovely readers.....

Kris: bye lovely readers of Kathy's...... (wishpering) not my style.....

A/n: '︿' why didn't I bring this jerk here.....

Anyway bye my lovely readers.....

Chanyeol: comment and vote if possible!!!! Saranghae puing....

A/n: hey that's my line.....

Chanyeol: I love you a/n -san..... Cause you make me alive....

A/n: *doki *doki

Kyungsoo: he meant in the books, stupid girl always advancing in the dream world...

A/n: ╯﹏╰


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