Episode 3

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Words from the Author:

Here we go. After seeing how my first two episodes are really long and they're even longer than a lot of the episodes from the 2nd Branch story, I might make this episode shorter, but I doubt it will be that short. In a way, I should think that the longer the episode, the better. Enjoy the episode and I still don't own Neon Genesis Evangelion.

Episode 3: True Feelings and Developed Feelings

A couple of weeks pass and, during that time, the children had grown accustomed to their new living conditions as they're starting to get used to each other. Although there are some moments where Asuka enters an argument with Touji thanks to that being the way those two are, everyone's able to live quite peacefully while the reconstruction of the city, the progress of repairing the Evas and creation of the new Evas transgresses. As the reconstruction moves along, all the civilians had returned to Tokyo-03 and are doing everything they can to help out. Amidst the children's wait for their Evas to be completed, they perform synchronization tests to verify where they stand as individual pilots. Even though Touji hasn't had that much experience when he was first made to be a pilot while Hikari and Kensuke will be going through their first test, they are encouraged by the others that they will do pretty well. Right now, Shinji, Touji and Kensuke are changing into their plugsuits within the boy's locker room as Asuka, Rei and Hikari are in the girls' area.

Shinji's currently endowing himself with his plugsuit while looking at the floor, spacing out a bit in the process, as he mentally registers, "I didn't think I would actually have to wear this so soon." The 3rd Child steers his concentration to the ceiling while containing the plugsuit half-way on and thinks, "I guess this proves I'll have to pilot again..." Shinji's then filled with sadness as he finishes putting the plugsuit on and fasten it to his body.

Simultaneously, Touji had slipped into his plugsuit, but it hasn't been fastened onto his body since he's helping Kensuke put on his plugsuit. The brown-haired lad's plugsuit has the color light grey on the upper part of the plugsuit and blue for the rest of the plugsuit, except for the arms that possesses some black onto them. It's similar to Shinji's plugsuit with the lone difference being the white on the upper part instead of light grey. 

In his case, Kensuke wears a plugsuit that has dark green on the higher part and light green for the rest, excluding some sectors of the arms due to all of the children's plugsuits having black on the arms. During that, the glasses-endowed boy emanates a decent quantity of irritation thanks to his plugsuit getting stuck upon his legs as he persists his effort in putting it on. "Oh come on! How hard can this be?!" Kensuke looks up and sees that Shinji already has his on while Touji's just one step away from doing the same, provoking a yell of jealousy, "How the hell do you guys do this?!"

Aggravation appears on Touji's demeanor while sighing and rolling his eyes. Afterwards, the jock veers his focus back at Kensuke as he fervently shouts, "Come on, man! It ain't that hard!"

Kensuke's about to respond, however, loses his balance because of his legs still being tangled as he falls face first onto the floor. 

Both Shinji and Touji watched Kensuke hit the floor with sympathy as they say at the same time, "Oooh! That had to hurt!"

Kensuke stays lying atop the floor while his glasses had come off and is situated beside his left. He then turns his head to view his glasses and mumbles with depression brimming, "Why me...?"

Touji abruptly begins laughing due to it finally dawning onto him that Kensuke falling face first is amusing. As he does that, the teen places his left hand over his forehead while tilting his head back with his eyes shut. "That shit was funny! Way to go, Kensuke!" He continues to laugh.

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