Episode 16

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Words from the Author:

First off, I'd like to thank all the people who have followed, favorite, voted and reviewed my story. I really appreciate that there are people who found my story interesting enough to have read up to this point. I hope I've made it an enjoyable experience. My creativity will be put to the test for this episode. Wish me luck. I will now state again that I do not claim owning Neon Genesis Evangelion and I will never falsely state anything of the sort.

Episode 16: The Pain That Comes From Betrayal Is Merciless. Just As The World We've Come To Know

The scene begins with Unit 03 retaining its hold of Unit 04's face via its left hand, which is the only appendage it has since the giant robot lost its right arm during the fight against Dummy Eva 14. 

As that transpires, Rei, Hikari and everyone in Central Dogma watch with shock due to them seeing Nero's current action. Simultaneously, Units 01, 02 and 05 appear at a pretty far distance away, in the south part of the area, while the pilots of those Evas have no idea what's going on.

Desperation can be seen on Kensuke amidst making Unit 04 grab Unit 03's hand with both hands. Unit 04 then tries to loosen the black machine's grip while Kensuke yells in concern, "Nero...! What are you doing, man?!"

Nero callously stares at Unit 04. "What I must do." The lad looks away from Unit 04 via gazing eastward and mumbles, "Anyhow, there's something I have to confirm. So one way or the other, this was bound to occur." Nero returns his attention to Unit 04 with a sinister smirk.

At the same time, the Extra Eva abruptly runs up from behind Unit 03 while disconnecting its Umbilical Cable and reaching out to it with its left hand. In succession to that, Hikari exclaims via a pleading tone amidst leaning onward, "Nero, stop!" Her Eva's instantly stopped by Unit 03's A.T. Field, resulting in the Extra Eva's limb colliding into the defensive wall, as that momentarily surprises Hikari and pulls her body rearward substantially. She's then filled with determination, pushing the controls forward so the Extra Eva places both hands on the A.T. Field in the attempt to penetrate it. Unfortunately for Hikari, her Eva's fails to prevail and this causes her to shout while her focus is on the A.T. Field, "I can't get through! It's too strong!"

Nero pays no mind to the Extra Eva, maintaining his vision upon Unit 04, and thinks, "You're going to be first, Kensuke..." Suddenly, Unit 03's hand starts to slowly contaminate Unit 04's face like it did with Dummy Eva 14.

Meanwhile, Hikari accepts that she can't get through Unit 03's A.T. Field with her Eva's bare hands, leading to the Class Rep pulling out a Prog Knife from each pylon. After that, the Extra Eva feverishly strikes Unit 03's A.T. Field with both tools, although seems that none of it is doing anything as well. Witnessing her efforts go to waste, Hikari's engulfed by worry while yelling, "What's going on, Nero?! Why are you doing this?! You need to let go of Kensuke before you get yourself into serious trouble!"

With that plea from Hikari, the scene temporarily switches to Central Dogma's confines as many of the spectators remain astonished thanks to what's transpiring. 

Eventually, Maya exclaims while viewing her screen with a horrified expression, "There's contamination in Unit 04's head! The pilot will be in severe danger if this persists any longer!"

Misato observes the main monitor, considering it's displaying Nero's treachery, with concern radiating amidst thinking, "I can't believe what I'm seeing! What's he thinking?!" The beauty snaps her head to solemnly concentrate on Maya and utters in a commanding voice, "We have no choice! Sever Unit 03 and its pilot's synchronization! Afterwards, we'll retrieve Nero and get some answers!" She refocuses onto the huge screen while thinking with moderate anger dwelling inside of her, "And he better have a damn good explanation!"

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