Episode 31

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Words from the Author:

I got this episode more or less all planned out so it should be easier for me to write, but there'll always be some sort of problem to get in the way. I just hope whatever it is, it doesn't screw me up too much. Anyhow, no more talk! Neon Genesis Evangelion is copy righted and owned by its respective owners. I'm not going to claim anything they own because I don't feel like getting arrested. Enjoy.

Episode 31: Fighting For What Matters To You

The episode begins with a sleeping Nero lying on a bench that's to the side of a street with his eyes shut, both hands behind his head while wearing a white, long-sleeved shirt and black jeans, although they have something that the black-haired boy hasn't worn in a long time, which are silver crosses on both the shirt's front and at the shin area of both pants legs. At the same time, the little black kitten known as Lucas is resting up against the top of the 7th Child's head with his eyes shut too. Several moments pass with the two of them sleeping until Nero slowly starts opening his eyes and peers to the right side since that's the opposing of the bench that isn't blocked by the part where one rests their back.

Right after doing that, the black-haired boy sees the silhouette of what appears to belong to a teenage girl, however, can't get a good look of her and says with a faint tone due to still being tired after just waking up while lightly lifting up his head from the bench, "Asuka...?"

In response, the girl who's before Nero mildly scoffs at the boy's words and leans forward with the back of both hands planted on her hip while revealed to be the deceased, blonde-haired girlfriend of Nero in her purple school uniform, who interestingly enough has a small resemblance in appearance to the 2nd Child. "I feel insulted, Nero. To confuse me with her... Did you really get over me?" She grins in a teasing way.

Nero's briefly stunned with his eyes widening and mutters, "Rivka..." His eyes then narrow with coldness resonating in them as he sits upright on the bench. "You can't be her."

Rivka straightens her posture while moving her hands behind her back and tilts her head to the left. "So what if I'm not? You still miss her. That's why I'm here, so I can give you another chance at that life. The life with me, the girl you love."

Before replying to what the fake Rivka said, Nero faces towards her with both feet on the ground, glances to his right and takes notice of the continually sleeping Lucas. Afterward, the 7th Child contentedly smirks, turns his attention to the fake Rivka and gently shakes his head. "You're wrong. You're here to make me doubt myself in what I want, but that won't work."

An annoyed scowl instantly takes form on the fake Rivka's face and snaps at Nero while getting very close to him. "What are you talking about?!" She then places her right hand on the center of her chest. "Don't you love me anymore?!"

Nero's quite angered by that statement and quickly rises to his feet with both hands tightly clenched while lowered to his sides. "I do love Rivka, and you are not her! You even said it yourself!" He pulls his right arm to the left side of himself to swing it to the right side and declares with determination in his voice, "The Rivka I loved would never make me doubt myself!" The black-haired boy promptly puts his arm down and calms down a little before saying with a stern tone, "I believe Rivka wouldn't care that I'm in love with Asuka 'cause she would be happy as long as I'm happy."

Having said that, Nero momentarily shifts his gaze to the cross on his shirt and lets out a small sigh before directing it to Lucas, who has awaken. The little, black kitten is happily staring at the 7th Child with its blue eyes while letting out a loving meow. Once the black-haired boy saw Lucas do that, Nero reverts his attention to the fake Rivka and points at the kitten with his right hand. "And he's even more proof to why you aren't the real Rivka. I made a promise to him that I'd bring Asuka to him... So why did you come in the form of Rivka instead?"

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