Episode 27

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Words from the Author:

Be wary of this episode because I have no idea what's going to happen at the end of it. You might see action, romance, drama, hell you might even see the world coming to an end. All I know is that one way or the other, I will continue to do what I've been doing for each episode to this point. Do my best to leave an outstanding impression on you. Neon Genesis Evangelion... Owned by Gainax and Anno... I only own the characters I have created... That is all.

Episode 27: The Importance Of That Day

As Mari and Asuka have their race to test the S2 Engines, they and everyone in NERV have no idea that they're being watched with the use of an American Satellite. Fortunately for them, it isn't by SEELE they're being watched. It's the remaining crew members of the 1st Branch that were originally under the control of Keel, but have broken free from his grasp and have chosen to help a child they consider as a dear friend. There are only four people present in the war room that would be the equivalence of NERV's Central Dogma as it looks very much the same in appearance with all of them being men.

Three are stationed in similar positions as the three Lieutenants of NERV and wear a uniform that's like what NERV's staff wears, however instead of the color beige, it's a navy blue color. The fourth man, being the head commander of them and all other personnel that once were under Keel's control, stands at a small distance behind the others with his hands behind his back as he's clearly wearing a brownish/grey version of the uniform while calmly watching the large screen that displays NERV's Evas.

Sgt Falcon, a Hispanic-American that stands at 5'11", has mildly tanned skin, dark brown eyes and short, dirty-blond hair that's comb down to each side, sits on the left side of both the war room and the head commander. He intently stares at the large screen with a slight smile as his arms are crossed and his back resting against his chair. "That seems to be a bad use of high-profiled machinery." The Sargent then chuckles.

Sgt Johnson, an African-American that stands at 6'2", has light brown skin, brown eyes, and a buzzed haircut that allows you to see his black hair, sits on the right side of the room. He's leaning on his station with his right hand placed on his right cheek to hold his head up, left arm resting on his lap and expression showing discontent due to what he's seeing on the huge screen. "You would think NERV wouldn't let their pilots do something so foolish like that and waste valuable time."

With that said, Sgt Johnson turns his gaze towards the left to the man in between him and Sgt Falcon. "It's plain obvious that they're racing. In what way would that help them prepare for SEELE?"

Sgt Mitchell, a Caucasian-American that stands at 5'8", has light skin, blue eyes, and long red hair tied into a pony-tail, happily smirks at Sgt. Johnson with his hands behind his head. At the same time, his back's against the chair while his body faces towards the giant screen. "Maybe they're trying to ease the pilots' nerves. They can't always be as fickle as you." He laughs softly with his eyes shut for a moment.

Sgt Johnson immediately snaps back with his right hand now down and irritation arising. "That's not funny!"

Both Sgt Mitchell and Falcon start to laugh in a hysterical manner as Sgt Johnson slouches his body with his irritation overflowing until taking a deep breath while briefly lowering his head and calms himself down. After that, Sgt Johnson turns his gaze to the man behind them with a composed demeanor. "What do you think, Chief?"

The Chief, an elderly Japanese man who stands at 5'9", has dark skin that resembles close to Gendo's skin color, black hair with a few grey hairs to represent the age this man holds and light brown eyes, retorts to Sgt Johnson's question with a firm look on his face while staring at the large screen. "NERV can do whatever they please. As long as they're ready for SEELE's final attack, they could get wasted for all I care."

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