Episode 29

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Words from the Author:

What's up, everyone? I think it's finally time for me to bring all of you some high level action after having to go through roughly four episodes without it. There was actually some instances I thought I might not get to this point of my story, but luckily, I managed it and I'm seriously happy I did. Well, onto what you all are here for! Reminder, Neon Genesis Evangelion is Gainax's property. I don't own anything from the series, manga and movies. Please support them and pray for an actual 2nd Season! Enjoy.

Episode 29: Prelude To Everything

The episode starts from where the previous one left off with Unit 08 effortlessly levitating in the air while facing towards Unit 06 that's roughly three miles away. At the same time, Unit 01 continues to lie its back onto the ground after having been sent flying, complements of Unit 08, while Shinji seems to be a bit dazed by what had happened. As Nero and Zahn confront each other, the destruction being inflicted on the other areas of Tokyo-03 are starting to deplete for some unknown reason.

That fact alone causes Nero to become a little concerned as he takes multiple, quick glances towards his surroundings while being sure not to lose sight of Unit 08. "That can't be good." He then focuses his full attention on the gold Eva while opening a private channel so that Zahn doesn't hear him. "How are the others, Misato?"

Misato's image appears on the left side screen with a composed demeanor. "They're trying to pull themselves together. Once they do that, I think you guys should regroup."

Nero nods with some discontent taking over, cracks his fingers one by one while having them lowered to his sides and slightly leaning forward. "I would've normally agreed, if it wasn't because of that lack of noise."

Confusion can now be seen on Misato's person. "What?"

Nero takes in a deep breath while readying himself. "Just check on everyone again. I'm going to have all my channels open so anyone can contact me when needed." His eyes then narrow without deviating from Unit 08 and softly says to himself, "Because things are about to get insane."

Misato heeds Nero's request without hearing the last thing the boy had said and hurriedly makes her image show on Asuka's upper right screen with an unwavering expression. "I'm back, Asuka. You sure you're alright?"

Asuka turns her gaze to Misato with her back rested on the seat while frustration shows itself. Meanwhile, Unit 02 gets on its feet after having been sent flying about five miles and collided into a couple of the ruined buildings that had been made from the attack. "Yeah, but that son of a bitch is going to pay for making me look bad!" Unit 02 then faces towards the direction Unit 08's located while being fairly close to the east part of the city since that's the direction it had been sent. Asuka can barely get a good look of the gold Eva, but at least knows where it is as anger joins the red-head's frustration. "I got you in my sights!"

Suddenly, Hyuga, who's sitting at his post, receives a notification from his screen that causes horror to overtake his face and yells out to Misato with his head turned to the left, "Incoming on the 2nd Child's position from above!"

Misato snaps her attention to Hyuga with a stressful look. "What was that?!" She then veers her focus to the main screen that's showing Unit 02. "Asuka, heads up! Literally!"

Asuka responds to Misato's warning by instantly throwing her head back to gaze at the sky and then is surprised to see that almost a dozen, cylindrical-shaped, yellow missiles are aimed straight at her while yelling out in panic, "Mein Gott!" Unit 02's A.T. Field then hurriedly appears above the red Eva and temporarily blocks the missiles. Though for some odd reason, they didn't blow-up on contact and that forces Asuka to shout out in disbelief, "The hell?!"

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