Episode 20

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Words from the Author:

This is it. This is the episode that will change everything. To be honest, I actually thought by the time I got to this episode number, I would have either ended this story or I would be wrapping things up in a couple of episodes. It seems like my creativity has expanded to an amount that I did not foresee as possible. I still have a way to go until I'm done, which I think some of you like the fact that I'm not done yet. Well, enough talk. It's time to rock out!

Episode 20: Nero vs. Kaworu

As Nero and Kaworu finally meet for the first time, SEELE's watching from the room that they're usually located in with a lot of interest. This is due to them knowing that the battle between those two is about to begin. Right now, Unit 06 remains in the air while looking down on Unit 03. It can be noted that there's a halo above Unit 06's head. This displays that Unit 06 isn't any ordinary Eva and this obviously concerns Nero.

Nero says softly to himself while still looking up at Unit 06 with a serious stare, "This won't be easy... When Shinji brought everyone back, he brought Kaworu too. Even though he's an angel. That obviously has to do with the fact he's also human." He then sighs with his head lowered. "He's going to be tough to beat, especially when he can combine his abilities with an Eva." Nero looks up at Unit 06 again with concern in his eyes. "That thought is just plain scary by itself."

Kaworu says with his usual polite tone while looking down on Unit 03 with dullness in his eyes, "Are you ready, Nero? Because there is no avoiding destiny. You are meant to play a great role in 4th Impact, and by trying to deny that role, you created your own destruction. This is the undeniable truth of this world and the creatures that inhabit it."

Nero gives off a skeptical look while tilting his head a bit towards the left. "Is that for a fact? Considering you are Tabris, the angel of freewill, I didn't think you would be bounded by 'Destiny'." Nero chuckles for a brief moment and then says with a hint of amusement, "Especially after refusing your destiny of living forever and causing 3rd Impact."

Kaworu shows no emotion while responding with a cold tone. "Exactly my point. If you deny your destiny, you will cause your own destruction. I went against what I was destined to do, and I suffered the consequences."

Nero smiles with sincerity taking over his person. "But you had no regrets when you did that. You wanted to die to protect something that mattered a lot to you. I say, if you're going to defy destiny, do it for what you believe in. In your case, you believed that humanity deserved to live. That's why you sacrificed yourself."

Kaworu's a bit surprised by Nero's words for a moment and then smirks. "This is what intrigues me so much about the Lilin. So many of you rationalize things about the world as if that is truly the way it should be. If you believe in something with all your heart, you do not give up on it and continuously fight for it. I really wish I could be like that."

Nero retorts while joyfully smiling. "Don't sell yourself short. You're human too after all." He chuckles softly.

Kaworu closes his eyes while lowering his head. "That may be true, however, I am still an angel and there are obligations that I must uphold." He slowly opens his eyes to gaze at Unit 03 again with sadness arising. "I would really like to be as free as I am meant to be, but at this moment, I can not."

Nero's slightly concerned by what Kaworu said. "Why not? Everyone deserves to do what they please and live their life as they see fit. Why else would God have given us life?"

Unit 06 starts to descend slowly again as Kaworu says with a cold tone, "For us to die. That is why God gave us life."

Suddenly, Unit 06 flies towards Unit 03 with impeccable speed and appears right in front of it in an instant as Nero hurriedly looks at the indigo-colored Eva while being caught off guard by the Eva's instant appearance in front of him. Unit 06 then expands its A.T. Field while displaying the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil on it. Right after that, the A.T. Field hits Unit 03 with an immense amount of force and sends the black Eva rolling backwards onto the ground up to a four mile distance away. Unit 03's back then crashes into a large mountain that barely withstood the weight of the Eva.

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