Episode 25

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Words from the Author:

My plan for this episode is mostly informative with excessive drama, which I hope doesn't bore anyone. I'm still improvising here and there. Sometimes I come up with an idea and I'm pretty sure that I'm going to put it, but I either decide to change it or I forget it and end up not using it. Let's see how this episode turns out. Well, enjoy. Neon Genesis Evangelion is owned by Gainax and all others who worked with them to create it. Continue to give them your support because I bet they'll greatly appreciate it.

Episode 25: The Awakening Of SEELE's Final Child

Gendo, Fuyutsuki and Kaworu are currently inside Gendo's office while Misato, Kaji and the other children went to see how Shinji is doing since they had just received word that Shinji had passed out. Kaworu is still wearing his plugsuit since he hasn't gotten the chance to change yet as the conversation that he and the two commanders are about to have occurred during the same time Shinji was remembering his promise with Nero.

The topic that they're discussing concerns Unit 06. This being an Eva that had the capabilities to defeat Nero while being piloted by Kaworu. Though Kaworu would say that by technicality, Nero was the one victorious due to him proving to Kaworu that destiny isn't always written in stone.

Gendo sits at his desk with his left hand in front of his mouth in the position that he normally would have in his famous pose. While his left hand is positioned like that, Gendo's right arm is resting on the desk with his left arm's elbow in front of it as he calmly says with his attention on Kaworu, "Tell me, Nagisa. There's something special about Unit 06, isn't there?"

Kaworu smiles at Gendo while having his hands behind his back. "Before I answer that, Commander Ikari. Allow me to ask you something."

Gendo gives Fuyutsuki a quickly glance as Fuyutsuki is to his right like always. Gendo sees some concern on Fuyutsuki's face as his attention is towards him. They both then shift their attention towards Kaworu, and after that, Gendo responds to the grey-haired boy's request. "Go ahead."

Kaworu continues to smile as he asks, "How is your right hand?"

Gendo's a bit surprised by Kaworu's question with his head having been pulled back slightly. Afterwards, the Commander eases his head forward while giving Kaworu a suspicious look. "Why do you ask that?"

Kaworu promptly chuckles lightly while closing his eyes with his head lowered a little. "That hand used to have Adam infused into it, correct?"

Concern and surprise can be quickly noted on both Gendo and Fuyutsuki's expression as they don't know how to react to what Kaworu said at first. Gendo then says after a few seconds with a serious tone, "You must have known that for quite some time. Considering that you are an angel, after all."

Kaworu slowly opens his eyes while lifting up his head to look at Gendo. "To be honest, me being an angel has nothing to do with knowing about that. Anyway, the Lilin are angels as well, so we are all the same in the end." He turns his head towards the right to look away from Gendo. "Now, I'm going to tell you the point of my reference to your hand."

Gendo's focus doesn't waver from Kaworu as he lifts up his right arm from the desk and gets into his usual pose. "I'm listening."

Kaworu states with a casual tone, "Before, you had Adam literally within your grasp while Lilith was in your possession in Terminal Dogma. Now, Lilith is of no use as it is at the bottom of that blood-filled lake and Adam no longer is in that hand of yours."

Fuyutsuki cuts in while having placed his right hand on top of Gendo's desk to lean forward with a serious look on his face. "Why do you make it sound like they are two separate issues." He then turns his head to look at Gendo and says to him, "You told me that you had successfully fused Adam into Rei, and in turn, Rei fused with Adam."

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