Chapter 10

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Bran's POV

It's true when they say you don't know what you have until it's gone, but in reality its just that you knew exactly what you had; you just think you would never lose it. I knew I had my baby sister with me... I knew it the entire time... I just never thought of ever losing her. I never thought I would lose her ever. I used to call her a loser teaming up with other pack members. However, now I feel like I'm the biggest loser who had destroyed the only family he had including the fact that his mate doesn't want him no more. Yup, that's me.

"Ashley, we will find her I promise you. Just understand that I never saw this coming. I never meant to do what I did to her" I begged her to consider my explaination for once, giving me a chance to become a better mate and brother, but she wouldn't bulge.

"No.." she whispered in between sobs. "No. No. Nooo. I can't. How can I? What type of best friend would I be if I accept the person as a sould mate who destroyed my baby girl?" she responded more like explaining that to herself though.

I saw her tear up again. I felt like someone was killing me alive as I saw her cry. Being her mate, I felt her every pain and sentiment which didn't help at all. I was overwhelmed with strong guilt.

I never became a better brother to Evelyn...I probably would never get a chance to be a better mate looking at the situation at this moment. I never became a better son to my parents by protecting their little innocent princess as they called it.

It wasn't me though. It wasn't me who did all that. I never would ever attempt to lay my hand on Evelyn especially I would never physically hurt her in any way, but I just don't know what happened to me today. It felt like something had over taken my body that it seemed to have its own control. I did blame Shane, but I felt like a hypocrite considering the fact that I was also a major part of it. At the times she needed us the most we turned our backs on her.

"Ashley... I'm already feeling miserable... I need someone on my side babe. I need you, Ash. Please... give me a chance to prove myself..."

"Did you give her a chance Bran? Did you ever consider the fact of quitting your player tricks knowing you are constantly hurting your mate? Did you give anyone any chance over yourself Bran? Did YOU?" she was fuming with so much hurt and anger that it scared me. It scared me to the part where I could only wish she wouldn't reject me.

However, I couldn't even seem to make an eye-contact with her cuz of all the times I've hurt her and Evelyn.

I remember the day when I turned sixteen, last month...and found my mate, Ash.


"Evelyn you piece of shit hurry up and clean this mess before my friends begin to arrive" I yelled calling for Evelyn to clean up all the mess my friends caused last night.

"Happy birthday Bran" she said softly yet hesitantly as she rushed down the staires.

I released a humorous laugh "you are the one who took my happiness away and your wishing me a happy birthday? How lame, slut" I responded.

I saw sadness flash through her pretty eyes, but I couldn't soften up one bit I don't even know why.

"Bran I..." she trailed, but soon was interrupted by someone. I smelled the best scent of pineapples and tropical at immediate.

"Evelynn...." Ashley called out in chorus. Her eyes widen as realization hit her, but I was glad she didn't bring it up in front of Evelyn.

"Hey Ash" Evelyn replied.

I muttered a few swear words under breath before making my way out. However, not before signalling Ashley to follow me outside.

As I walked out Jessica came and pulled me in for a kiss, which soon turned into a steamy make-out session until I heard someone clear their throat. I slightly pushed Jessica off of me and looked into Ashley's gorgeous green eyes, but I couldn't quit my player ways so smirked looking back at Jessica, "how about we carry on this later babe?" I suggested, winking in process.

"Ofcourse baby" she responded using a trying-to-be-seductive voice.

The moment after Jessica left I made my way to Ashley.

"Sooo..." She trailed but I beat her to it.

"Yeah, I know we are mates, but I won't accept you nor will I reject you" I cockily stated, smirking at her.

I saw tears began to form in her beautiful eyes. My wolf was begging to let it take control, but I wouldn't bulge or else I will for sure end up accepting Ashley, which I didn't want to just yet.

I mean don't get me wrong... she was flawlessly gorgeous, but I'm just not ready to be committed to 'the one' yet.

"I knew you would say something like this, Bran. However, I really don't care at this moment just please don't hurt Eve..." she pleaded, sadly. She was hurt - I could feel my wolf whimpering at the sad sight of our mate, but I ignored it.

"Whatever. Will see you around mate." I smirked again.

"Jessssss babeeee, where are you" I yelled in chorus purposely. I don't even know why I did that in front of Ashley, but whatever I went with the flow.

*flashback end*

Now when I think of that day, I would do anything to change that situation. Anything. I will win Ash back no matter what. She is mine for a reason, the moon goddess put us as soul mates for a reason and I is whom she belongs to. She is mine. I will find Eve and win Ash and no one will come into my way. No one.

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