Chapter 13

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Shane's POV

"After I asked Alpha Xander if she's there or not... there was a long pause, but but oh lord guess who came up on the phone???" I was so happy I couldn't calm down. At this time, I'm in Evelyn's room with Bran and Ashley since that's were he usually spends time when he misses her.

Ashley's eyes widen at this in shock before she slowly whispered.. "Eve?"

"Yessss!" I exclaimed with the biggest grin on my face. Bran just looked as happy as me.

"We are going to go get her common!" I stated looking at Bran. However, he just stood there for awhile staring at the floor. I walk upto him putting my hand on his shoulder.


"Hmm?" he responded looking even more anxious now.

"What happened? you coming?"

"Yeaa.. I'm sorry I just got caught away with the bad memories, but I will make it upto her let's go" he looked like a little kid whose chocolate was taken away, but soon returned back. However, I get where he is coming from. We did hurt Eve a lot in past. My wolf growled at the memories of me being a bastard to our mate.

I got some confused looks, but I shoved it off. I'm only concerned about Evelyn at the moment and that's all that matters.

Before I could step out of the doorstep, Stacy walked in pulling me in for a tight hug.

"Hey baby" she whispered in my ear, slightly getting on her tippy toes.

I pull out of her hug. "Stacy, this cannot happen anymore" I said truthfully.

"What? This babe?" She smirked running her manicured finger down my jaw to my neck.

She sure doesn't know when to give up ugh she is pissing me off. I just pushed her away, it got her to stumble back a little but I could care less.

"Yes. That. I was stupid to continue being with you in the past even though I had my own mate who is billion times better than you in every way. I'm going to get her and you," I pointed at her "won't be in my way or else I won't have a second thought about my action. Understood?" I spat at her using my Alpha tone.

"Yes, Alpha" she stated 'alpha' bitterly before flipping her hair and walking away. Not just me, but everyone has noticed my Alpha power doesn't really have much affect on her I have no idea why though.

Soon someone snapped their fingers in front of my face. I was thrown aback for a second then I realized it was just Bran.

"Let's go bud" he said patting on my shoulder.

And soon we made our way out and where directed to ShadowLight Pack.

Evelyn's POV

"Eve..." They repeated once again interrupting the train of my thoughts.

"Yeahh" I replied yet not making any kind of eye contact with either one of them.

"We asked are you sure you want to go with him?" Xander questioned, looking highly concerned.

"I...I don't know..." I really don't know what to do and which to pick. Cole just silently stood there without uttering a single word even. It hurt me seeing him like this. Especially when I'm the reason why.

"Xander.. can I speak with Cole first? If you don't mind?" I asked truthfully. Xander looked confused at first, but he soon nodded making his way out.

After I was sure no one was around. I made my way to Cole. Putting my hands on his muscular chest.

"Cole..." I softly spoke, but he didn't even look at me.

"Cole.. look at me.." I place my hands on either side of his cheek and gently make him look at me.

Now he just continued to look into my eyes. His hazel eyes were breathtaking, but I took this opportunity to speak up instead.

"You feel it too don't you?" at this I felt him stiffen a bit and his eyes went wide as he was astonished.

Alpha's RejectionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin