Chapter 14

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Cole's POV

"Oh dude no you got it wrong. Her mate um..Shane is coming to pick her up and he told her that so I got sort of furious sorry man" as Xander's words processed through my mind I felt like someone just stabbed me right into my heart over and over again.

I don't know why I felt so hurt and betrayed, but I think it's the cause of the connection we shared. However, I don't expect her to stay here for me... if her mate is whiling on accepting her and if that's what she wants then who am I? I can't just catch feelings over someone cuz I lost my mate. That day when I memorized her scent I thought the moon goddess has given me a second chance to prove myself as a better mate and to protect her no matter what, but I guess this isn't that.

I directed my attention to Evelyn as Xander repeated his question.

"We asked are you sure you want to go with him?" actually I'm glad he included 'we' to that cuz I'll honestly like to know the answer to that. My wolf was full on alert too to hear her answer.

She looked zoned out, but soon responded truthfully with an "I...I don't know..." I think she doesn't know whom she would choose. She looked like she didn't know whose hand to accept and whose to let go. I knew it's never easy for that, but I just kept my mouth shut staring down at the now-so-interesting- looking floor.

"Xander can I speak to Cole if you don't mind?" she asked Xander, but I was just too intertwined with my thoughts right now. I didn't know what happened next, but I felt my wolf whimper but however, he was on alert again purring as she placed her hands on my chest trying to gain my attention.

"Cole..." she spoke up. Oh goddess her voice is so angelic. It's like I would never get tired of it.

"Cole, look at me..." she pleaded by taking my face in her soft hands making me look at her. Her eyes... crystal clear blue... how so innocent...

However, her next words got me astonished. "you feel it too don't you?"

Does that mean she feels it too?

'Of course she does you fool' my wolf said pulling me back into reality.

"Y-yeahh...?" I replied her, but it came out more like a question. She frowned at this. Oh no.

"I mean yes I feel it too Evelyn, but I don't know what it is" I said truthfully.

She looked taken aback before smiling a little for a second before replying back.

"I don't either...but there should be some sort of connection to this no?" she's right there should be and there is for me well. That's what I thought when I first saw her, but I doubt it now after knowing she has a mate whiling on having her back as his Luna. Well wouldn't this make things awkward?

'Now's the only chance!' my wolf reminded me. He is right.. it's now or never.

"Evelyn I don't know if that's what it is, but I guess I'll just tell you what I thought when I first felt it?" I said rubbing the back of my neck, feeling utterly nervous.

"Please do..." she whispered. Her voice laced with both sadness and hope. I guess I will have to tell her why I despised rogues so much.

"Last month on my birthday... I found my mate...Emily. Xander threw a surprise party for my birthday in case if I find my mate it'll be memorable, but the odds weren't on my side. I couldn't seem to find my mate. I was completely drunk cuz of sadness when I smelled that amazing smell of..." I looked at her only to see her staring at me back with so much interest. I gave her a small smile before continuing...

"Strawberry and vanilla scent which got both me and wolf crazy. I knew right at that moment she's my mate. She realized it too since she came upto me giving me a warm smile before I guess she smelled the liquor off me. She ran out of the house I followed her hot on her tail. I followed her as she entered the woods... everyone was so involved in the party and having fun dancing and drinking that none of us realized the rogues entering our territory.."

I inhaled deeply before continuing again. This is too hard to get off of my mind. However, I signed and then again started...

"I rushed into the woods again as I smelled the rogues. I guess they sensed me and ran away, as I growled at them threateningly. I followed Emily's scent only to find her laid down on the mud whimpering. Soon everyone including Xander came to the woods and the pack doctor said she wouldn't make it since the rogues had hurt her horribly implanting silver in her wounds that it would take long to heal. It was too late cuz silver made her wolf weak and you know the rest..." I couldn't feel myself breath as my breath caught into throat at remembrance of these horrible memories. Evelyn came to my side in instant rubbing my back whispering soothing words, but I had to let it out and so I carried on once again...

"And then after a month now, you came. We thought you were one of those rogues, but when we were on our way to the pack border I had this weird feeling overwhelming me. Then I smelled it, I smelled that strawberry and vanilla scent again... and that was on you. I thought the goddess gave me another chance to prove myself as a better mate, but then I heard your story and... you know the rest" I signed heavily.

She suddenly pulled me into her warm comforting embrace.

"Oh I'm so sorry Cole... I'm really sorry that I asked you for all this, but I don't know what to do... and don't worry it wasn't your fault, Cole... you seem like the most caring person and I'm sure Emily would've loved you as her mate... I see you taking care of little Paise and it's just unbelievable how caring someone could be..." Nothing but honesty was filled in her voice. Does this mean she'll stay here by my side or is it otherwise...?

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