Chapter 23

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Evelyn's POV

Once again, I couldn't respond to his confession as I was sprinting out of words. My wolf however, seemed pleased at our mates confession and wanted me to follow the same, but nevertheless, I won't claim it just yet. Not at least before I'm consent that he has refrained from his player traits.

As if he was reading the trail of my thoughts he spoke up.

"You don't have to say it back, Eve. I just wanted you to know my feelings for you" he pulled up a wide smile though I did sense the disappointment hidden behind it.

"I will, Shane. I will when I think the time is right, but I do appreciate your honesty" I stated truthfully.

Before he could come any closer my stomach grumbled causing him to chuckle in response. I felt my cheeks warming up with embarrassment.

"Let's go get you something to eat" he suggested grabbing my hand and pulling me off the bed in process after intertwining our fingers.

Holding hand in hand we directed our way to the kitchen. As soon as we neared the kitchen a foul smell of burning smoke hit me. I looked up at Shane only to see him casually looking around the entrance.

How can he be so casual? Can't he smell that? I mean the kitchen could be on fire you never know plus isn't he the alpha to say out loud?

As we entered the kitchen I took in the view in front of me. I saw Mark attempting to cook something oh-so-professionally where on the other hand, both, Bran and Ash set on the island counter holding onto their noses giving each other scrunched expressions.

I cleared my throat as I realized they didn't really sense our presence. Not that I blame them, the smell was too strong for gods sake.

As soon as Ash saw me she scooted down two seats away from Bran - probably thinking I didn't like her near my brother.

"It's okay Ash...I'm sorry for earlier I was just too overwhelmed with everything. Plus, I'm happy you're my brothers mate" as I said it i noticed Bran looking at us with a genuine smile. I walked up to Ash engulfing her into a tight hug, which she gladly returned.

"By the way... What's happening in here?" I asked confused taking a seat beside her.

"Well you see Mark here is trynna cook!" She exclaimed emphasizing cook. I bit my bottom lip to hold back my laughter that was threatening to escape.

"Who the f*k took a shit in here? It smells awful!" Meghan screamed as she entered the kitchen.

"I'm cooking pasta babe" Mark said casually, shrugging.

"What the heck?!? As much as I love you babe please SPARE our lives!!" She yelled once again causing a frown to form on his face, but she's right... No way I'm eating whatever that is.

"PLUS THE DAMN WATER IS ALREADY BURNT AWAY WHAT?" She screamed as her eyes went wide as she peaked into the container.

"It's called boiling, Meg" Mark responded shaking his head.

"SURE IF THERE'S ANYMORE LEFT IN IT!" she said holding the container upside down which held no evidence of water, but water stain and strong smell of smoke.

"Why not just give up cooking Mark. Go sit instead of being a wife and I'll cook us all alfredo pasta!"

"Some mate you are" I heard him mutter which caused me to chuckle.

"Thank moon goddess I'll see a fine day tomorrow" Bran whispered exhaling loud enough to earn a smack behind his head from Ash.

"Trust me man feelings mutual" Shane whispered back patting Bran over his shoulder, but soon received a death glare from me.

"I-I mean we all know Bran can be a jerk sometimes he should be more mature...nice...I guess?" he said smiling sleeplessly coming to my side causing Brans jaw drop in shock as I noticed Ash giggle.

Not that happiness could last for too long as the devil herself chose to walk in the very moment.

"Aw Shane, babe, I looked everywhere for you..." Stacy whined as she made her way to Shane wrapping her arms around his waist.

I wanted to separate her head off her skanky body, but I tried my best to control my wolfs demands to rip off her throat. I, however, tried to keep myself busy into conversations with Mark, Bran and Ash.

I noticed Shane glancing at me every now and then from the corner of his eyes observing my every little movement. I just remained quite until I will done eating. Shortly, after I was satisfied with enough pasta that MEGHAN (luckily) cooked... I thanked her making my way back upstairs.

"Evelyn, wait!" Shane said holding onto my wrist. I simply signed before trying to squirm my arm out of his grip.

"Let go Shane... I'm tired..." I was tired to deal with all this. I don't think he would ever refrain those traits.

"There's something I want you to know, babe" he whispered pulling me back to him making my back to hit his hard chest as he engulfed me into a hug.

I curtly nodded before questioned "what is it?"

He simply smiled before giving me a warm smile which got me utterly confused.

'Its about Stacy... Not here though. Come with me. Act normal though as if it doesn't affect you...just let me explain and I promise you'll never see me with that skank or any other female ever again...' He mind linked me.

I don't know what it is about Stacy exactly. Should I even bother going or nah?

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