chapter 2: starbucks

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i drove to starbucks as joy requested. we got out and joy ran to the counter to order. she knew my regular order, so she could order for me as well.

java chip with whipped cream - that was the most perfect drink in starbucks to me.

i fished out my phone and opened the messenger application.

you: mom, joy got the job!

i waited, no reply. i waited even longer, still no reply. "what is this? my mom said she would reply immediately after i send her the message," i scoffed and exited the app.

my fingers pressed on safari. i searched for straits times. opening the website, i clicked on the first article i saw and started catching up on today's news. while i was reading, i looked up to see joy at the front of the counter already.

once it was her turn, she asked, "hi, two java chip with lots of whipped cream please!" she also shared the names with the cashier and moved to the collection counter.

the man behind her was using his phone so he did not notice that she was done. the cashier waved her hands in front of him to get his attention. he apologised before ordering, "i would like to have 2 java chip please." 

after he was done, he also moved away to the collection counter. 

i looked back at my phone.

"2 java chips with whipped cream!" the worker shouted. when joy was about to pick them up, the man took it in a rush and walked away. she called out for him but he could not hear it.

she took his drinks and placed it on the table i was sitting on. "unnie, i am going to the toilet," she hurriedly said before walking towards the toilet. i plainly nodded. 

jaehyun pov

i was about to take a sip from the drink when i realised i hadn't asked for whipped cream. i recalled what happened earlier. my eyes widened.

i mentally slapped myself for being impatient. i turned around and scanned the shop for that girl at the counter.

my eyes landed on a familiar coat. "yes, i found her. there she is."

i needed to pass her the drinks but i was too embarrassed. i pulled myself together and walked towards her.

"i believe this is your coffee."

irene pov

"i believe this is your coffee," i heard a voice and looked up from my phone to see a handsome young man standing in front of me. 

he was wearing a black turtleneck with ripped jeans and a brown coat that covered his fit build. the bottom half of his face covered with black mask. he looked strangely familiar but i just didn't know where.

he placed the drinks on my table.

"sorry?" i questioned. 

"earlier on, i accidentally took the wrong drinks, which happened to be yours. sorry," he apologised, bowing 90 degrees. 

"i don't think it was me but my sister. it's alright though," i replied, quickly accepting his apology. he stood there awkwardly. 

i offered him to take a seat and have his drinks. he complied and sat down. after pulling his mask down and sipping his drinks, he took a glimpse at me looking at my phone.

"what's your name?" he asked. i put my phone away and i looked into his eyes.

"i'm bae joohyun and i'm a doctor," i replied. "what about you?"

just as he was about to reply, my sister was back from the toilet. 

"sis, did he come bac-?" her eyes landed on the man sitting beside me. "oh, so you did. i see that you have gotten your drinks as well and that you are talking to my sister," she pointed out.

as she sat down, she took a closer look at him and she freaked out. 

"oh my god, sis, you have been talking to an idol member. he's jaehyun from nct!" she shook my shoulders vigorously. 

my pleas to ask her to stop were not heard by her.

i held onto her hands and pressed on it firmly, making her stop. i moved her hands away from my shoulders. i looked back at him.

"are you really jaehyun? from nct?"

"yes, i am. i am surprised that your sister knows nct quite well," he shyly replied. joy continued talking to him and he seemed pleased. i was slightly worried about whether he could talk to strangers.

just then, i received a message notification.

wang boyfriend <3: what are you doing?

you: i;m at starbucks with joy because she went for the job interview today and she got it! 

jackson<3: good for her. but i asked about you. i miss u <33333

i smiled like an idiot to myself.

you: i miss you too ;(

you: when are you coming back to korea?

"who are you texting that you are so happy?" jaehyun questioned.

smiling like an idiot, i spoke, "i'm texting my boyfriend, jackson."



hey guys, so this chapter is about how jaehyun and i met. continue reading my story and vote if you like my book. thank you! i love you all <3

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