chapter 18: restaurant

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i checked my phone and it was already 7.15pm. i had to leave so i said goodbye to everyone before leaving with jinyoung. "hey, want to have dinner?" he asked. "nah, it's ok! i already have plans," I replied. "oOoOooO! someone has a date on valentine's! who's that lucky person?" he wiggled his eyebrows at me and I elbowed him in the stomach, causing him to clutch his stomach in pain. "BYE!" i waved at him and opened my messages.

me: i just ended work. where are you?

cuppa coffee jaehyun: i'm at the carpark

me: already? you could have told me you arrived.

cuppa coffee jaehyun: i didn't want you to rush your work for me. and i just came.

me: ok ok. just wait there.

i went downstairs and saw jaehyun looking at his phone in front of the car. he was wearing a suit and he looked really handsome. as i walked up to him, he looked up from his phone and gave me a soft smile, which i almost melted in. "hey, were you waiting for too long?" i asked.

"no, i arrived just 15 minutes ago. come on, get in," he held the door open for me. i sat in the front seat of the car and heaved a sigh of relief. he also sat in and put on his seat-belt, which reminded me to put it on as well. i could have died.

wait, why is my heart beating so fast? guess i'm going to die because of my heart and not because of an accident.

"where are we going?" i asked. "you'll see," he smirked at me and started the car. "so, how was your day?" he started a conversation and we talked all the way until we finally reached the place.

he opened the door for me and we entered the restaurant. i gasped at the sight in front of me.

this was the famous seafood restaurant that i badly wanted to go to but couldn't.

i jumped excitedly and squealed. "how did you find this place? this is amazing!"

"well, i thought you might like it so i brought you here." he answered as he looked at me intensely. i looked at him and he immediately turned away. "come, let's go sit." we sat at the seat he reserved. it had the view of the sea. the chilly sea breeze caressed my face and my hair elegantly flew around. the weather was so perfect today, now that i think about it.

"it's so nice," i quipped.

"yea, it is," i heard jaehyun say and I turned my head to look at him. he was enjoying the sight in front of him instead of the sea. we made eye contact for 10 seconds and turned our heads away when the aunt from the restaurant called us. i touched my face and it was burning hot.

omygawd, why am i blushing so much? he's someone who i met just a few days ago but he's making me have butterflies in my stomach.

"What do you want?" jaehyun shook me out of my thoughts. "anything. order the highlight of this restaurant. i want one jjampong, one jjajangmyeon, 5 soy-sauce crabs and 5 spicy-sauce crabs. oh and beer please," I replied casually and looked at jaehyun. his eyes were wide open.

"oops, jaehyun order what you want."

"uhm, i think i'll get one udon and it should be enough. and one more beer for me please," he told the owner and smiled graciously. after what seemed like eternity, the food came. i immediately dug in and i nodded my head because it was so delicious. "really good!" i kept exclaiming as i took every bite. jaehyun chuckled at me. i looked at him with noodles stuffed in my mouth. after i finished the bite, i shouted across the restaurant, "the food is really good!!"

the people in the restaurant turned around and gave me weird stares but who cares anyways. food is with me. as we were eating, jaehyun sighed and leaned forward. my first instinct was to move backwards. nevertheless, he took a tissue and wiped the sauce using it before smiling. my heart started beating so fast that i could hear it in my head and i prayed to god that he could not hear it.

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