chapter 27: shall we find him together?

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after a long surgery, i walked back to the staff room to find jinyoung sleeping on the couch. he must have knocked out from the way he was just sprawled on it without even a blanket. he had a night-long surgery with an emergency patient yesterday, so he was probably exhausted. i picked up a blanket and placed it on him, lightly tucking him in. 

as i was about to walk away, he called out to me. oops, i must have woken him up. i whirled around and walked to jinyoung who was trying to sit up straight. "when did you end?" he asked, still in his drowsy state. 

"i just came. i was going to go have lunch with you but you were sleeping so i didn't want to wake you up. what time did you end?" i asked. "i ended this morning at 6am. they told me to go home and come tomorrow, but i guess i knocked out the moment i sat on the couch," he replied, rubbing his eyes. "do you want to sleep more? or should i drop you off?" i offered.

"no, it's fine. i've had enough sleep. i'll have lunch with you and i shall go home then," he stood up, brushing his surgery clothes from yesterday and walked to the changing room. i hummed a reply and removed my head mask, rubbing my temples. i walked to the ladies changing room and changed into casual clothes. 

i opened my phone and searched for some good places to have lunch at. just as i found the perfect place to eat at, jinyoung was also done. "okayy! let's go!" jinyoung dramatically punched his fist in the air. "are you sure you ended this morning? you're too energetic for it," i remarked. he pouted and then hooked arms with me before pulling me out of the staff room. i just laughed at him.

- at the restaurant - 

"mhmm.. this is good! the stew is so good," jinyoung kept on exclaiming each time he took a bite. knowing that i can't change this habit of his, i resigned to my fate. but, for real, the stew was delicious. "so, how close are you to finding your father?" he asked.

"mhmm... let me see. not even a tiny bit."

"do you need help?" 

"nope, it's all good. yesterday i thought that i had found him but it turned out to be jinki hyung," i shared the event that happened yesterday. but the only thing he was interested in was jinki being back home and...

"wait- you were crying on jaehyun's shoulder? nct jaehyun's shoulder?! are you sure no one saw you two?"

me crying on jaehyun's shoulder, of course. "i thought you wanted to help me find my dad."

"of course, i want to but you always reject my offer and i know you don't like it when someone does something that you denied in the first place," he said sassily.

"goodness. but sometimes it is nice when someone cares extra for you. unlike someone," i eyed him up and down. he covered his chest area and gasped dramatically. a grin made its way to my mouth and soon, we burst into bubbles of laughter. 

i paused laughing and spoke, "do you remember my ex-lab partner before you took his place?" jinyoung paused to think for a while and then his mouth widened when he remembered. "right.. didn't he become a stripper?" he questioned while scratching his hair.

"i think so, that's what people said. i can't believe that he didn't even tell me anything. we were so close.. he even puked on me in first year," i said, salty about how i had to find out what he became from others. jinyoung smiled, showing off his eye crescents. 

i looked at him intensely. "what are you looking it?" he placed a piece of spam on my bowl of rice as he asked. he placed a scoop of rice in his mouth when i spoke, "didn't you use to like me in the first two years?" 

he choked on his food, his eyes watering. i gave him a glass of water and reached across the table to pat his back. he sipped on the water and finally placed the glass down. "you knew?" he asked, amazed by how quick i can tell. i shrugged my shoulders proudly. "well.. if you had confessed, then it would have taken me much lesser time to figure out why you were acting all sweet to me." 

"you found out anyway.. but how did you know?" 

"idiot, you were so obvious. everyone around you could tell you liked me and i'm not those clueless kdrama female leads who have no idea and asks stupid questions like 'whY Do yOu hAte hiM?' almost every woman can tell. if you're asking about the time when i actually confirmed was when you started pinpointing every guy's flaws who came up and talked to me," i spoke, spilling everything. jinyoung continued to look at me with his mouth wide open. 

"then, one question, if i had asked you out, would you have accepted?" he asked curiously. "i would have thought about it for a while and then..." he continued looking at me, waiting for my response. "rejected you hAh, you wish." his face dropped and he leaned back on his chair.

"i'm hurt," jinyoung held onto his chest dramatically and i hit him playfully. we just laughed it off and continued eating. after stuffing ourselves with luscious food, we held onto our stomachs and sighed. i was pleased by the food here. "have you been working out? you don't look like you're full," jinyoung questioned, looking at my flat stomach. "obviously! do you think i woke up one day and magically had a flat stomach? nothing comes for free honey."

we left soon after paying the bill. well, we fought over who was paying the bill but i gave in and jinyoung paid anyway. it was his loss, not mine. jinyoung bade farewell and left in his car. his house was nearby so i told him to go and rest. i would instead take the bus back to the hospital. it's been long since i took the bus also, so i wanted to experience it. the weather was perfect for a bus ride too. 

i walked to the bus stop and sat down, tapping my feet excitedly on the pavement while waiting for the bus. i checked the time on my watch. 12.43pm. i won't be late for afternoon shift. just then, a black, polished car stopped in front of me. i recognised that it was a mercedes benz. the window of the car rolled down and a handsome-looking jaehyun peeked out. "hey, waiting for the bus?" he called out in his sweet voice.

"yea, i just ate with jinyoung and he went back home so i'm waiting for the bus." i pointed at the restaurant i ate at with jinyoung. he nodded. "would you like a ride back? i'm going to starbucks there anyways," he offered a ride kindly. i rejected but he insisted on bringing me there. so i gave in. well, i guess i'll see you on another day, bus ride. i buckled the seat belt and he drove off. 

"you really didn't have to," i said, pouting slightly. he smiled sweetly and spoke, "so you still finding your dad?" i nodded reluctantly. after a short exchange of words, we finally reached the building. 

i unbuckled my seat belt and opened the car door when jaehyun held onto my wrist. he asked, "shall we find him together?" 


heyy, so this chapter showed the relationship with jinyoung and irene (or you) so i hope it was a fun one. it is difficult to write scenes with jaehyun since he's quite busy as an idol so small interactions are what would be common but i'll make sure that they are meaningful and heart-fluttering. continue to support this book and vote if you like this chapter!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2021 ⏰

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