chapter 21: worldwide

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i woke up by the continuous ringing of the door bell. i was lazy to get up so i just let it continue on but it exceeded my patience level and i angrily removed my covers before getting up and ruffling my hair. then, i heard a beep sound which meant the person entered the house. my eyes widened and i took my pillow but then paused to wonder how is this going to be useful. i then convinced myself that i can choke him with this and yea that totally does make sense. i peeped through the peep hole and made sure the vicinity was clear. i walked out in my ready-to-attack-at-any-time defense position and walked down the stairs and there was no one in the living room. 

i continued walking towards the kitchen and i saw a silhouette. someone is there, omygawd please save me. but holD uP, why would the thief be in the kitchen? he must be a food thief. 

(a/n: this is ultimate crackhead culture) 

he was drinking some water and then opening one of the cupboards where i had my plates and bowls. i gasped silently. my precious plates. i walked right behind him and tapped on his shoulder and he turned around. i smacked the pillow on his face and he lost balance and fell down. well, almost. i didn't want him to suffer from a concussion so i used my feet to hold his head from hitting the floor hard. 

i felt proud of myself because i made a good choice of choosing the pillow. i felt the head squirming and i got surprised a bit and looked down and i freaked out. it was only park freaking jimin. he didn't have to come in all black with a black hat and black mask. tsk. i dropped the pillow and offered him my hand and pulled him out before making him sit on the chair at the dining table and gave him some water. he rubbed his neck and then removed his black mask. he looked at me angrily and i looked away in guilt.

"what the hell is wrong with you?!" he screamed at me. "i'm sorry! i thought it was an intruder, specifically a food thief, and i never let anyone touch my food so i got extremely cautious. you had to wear something that a thief would wear. though a thief does not wear such expensive clothes to steal," i mumbled the last few words but managed to explain in my defense. he seemed convinced, "next time don't do that! OKAY?!" 

"i won't. anyways, why are you here?" i asked.

"i came here to see you and catch up. it's been weeks and we've only texted not even call. i rang the doorbell many times and no one came so i figured out you were asleep and punched in the pass code to enter. but you almost went to murder me. so much for wanting to spend time with my friend," he spoke as he pouted. my face cringed in disgust and i apologised one more time before saying that i still had work today.

he then said, "yea, i know you have work. then too bad! i was thinking of bringing you to meet bts." i spat out the water i was drinking in his face and then coughed. he closed his eyes and i could see him feeling disgusted. he wiped the water with the tissue at the side and looked at me occasionally as if he wanted to murder me. i tried to change the mood and said, "i'm coming! i'll come. y'all are probably only free today. i will ask for permission to leave work early today. just tell bts i'm coming. wait, no keep it a secret weeee!" 

i was obviously excited. i have been friends with jimin and heard him talk about his brothers a lot but he never let me meet them. and today is probably the only day that i can. i stood up and tapped his shoulder and asked him to cook his own breakfast before running up the stairs and choosing my clothes to go and shower. 

- 20 minutes later - 

i walked out of the bathroom, wiping my hair with the towel while singing "So long" by Paul Kim. that ost was so good, i fell in love with it when i watched hotel del luna. i dressed up and walked downstairs and walked into the kitchen. "jimin?" i called out and he was nowhere to be found. i felt thirsty and was about to open the kitchen door when i saw a post-it. i took it and read it out loud.

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