chapter 4: number

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i nudged her while speaking in between my teeth, "mom! why'd you ask personal questions?"

jaehyun, on the other hand, was calm about it, "i'm in a boy group so it's a bit difficult to date. besides, i'm under a contract. but..."

"but?" joy asked.

"when i was in middle school, i really liked this girl and we ended up dating. but i left and didn't tell her. i would kill for anything to just see her" he continued, being lost in his thoughts. "that's pretty sad but cute," joy replied.

"so, you couldn't tell her until the very end? so she doesn't know why you left till today?" i questioned him, careful not to hurt his emotions. "hmm," he hummed, looking back to his feet.

*ring ring*

"yes, manager-nim. *pauses* yes, i'm coming soon. i was having lunch at my friend's place. *pauses* yes, i'm leaving now." 

he quickly stood up from the sofa and walked towards the door. i ran behind him. "hey, i'll drop you off," i offered and he rejected first but i insisted so he gave in. i took my car keys and wore my jacket before running to my car.

i drove to sm entertainment. 

"wow, this is huge," i was amazed at the building that i was seeing for the first time in my life. he chuckled before speaking, "thanks for being so nice to me even when it's your first time. i thought you would not welcome it. also, i really enjoyed the food."

"no no it's my pleasure. my mom is not bothered by these, she likes cooking for others. i am glad you liked the food." i smiled. he thanked me once more. 

"can i get your number? i mean if you don't min-"

"yes, sure. give me your phone." i reached out my hand. he looked surprised at my willingness to share my number with him. i nodded towards his phone. he placed it on my palm and i typed in my number.

after exchanging numbers, he got out of the car. he knocked on the windows and gestured for me to roll the windows down. he peeked in and said, "call me when you are free!" i nodded in reply.

he waved and walked away. i rolled up the windows and drove out of the carpark. 


this was a filler chapter, i'm so sorry if this chapter disappointed y'all. even i am:(

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