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hi everyone, i hope everyone is doing well! i know that all of us are in a time of crisis where we can't be with the ones we love and do the things we love. it is ofc very emotionally and physically torturing because it's human instinct that is very difficult to control. however, we all need to know that the government is planning everything so that it ends much faster and without making the situation any worse. in america, everyone is in lockdown until august and the numbers of confirmed cases are just increasing, which is not making the situation any better. 

in singapore, most work employees are working from home except for people who provide essential services. schools are going to be closed from next wednesday and we're going to have home-based learning, meaning no seeing friends anymore for one month. it is necessary to take this measure in view of our safety. it can get very lonely and boring but we need to be strong. don't think that we're 'stuck at home', say we're 'safe' at home. so please listen to the instructions given and be responsible citizens. this applies to citizens of ANY country. try to stay at home as much as possible for the sake of you and the ones you love. 

in this crisis, there are many frontline workers who are working to their maximum to do the best they can to save us. i see posts of nurses saying they have been wearing the same mask for 3 days continuously and their noses red and bleeding. we also have to be considerate for them. if we behave irresponsibly, there will be more cases meaning more work for them, leading to poorer service. doctors will have to make the choice of choosing who is to live and who shouldn't by comparing medical conditions, age, etc. don't make them do this, they also don't want this to happen. and remember, doctors or anyone in the medical field are also humans and also have family whom they want to see after their long day of work. 

also, cleaners are trying their best to clean up areas as frequently as possible while considering the hygiene of our surroundings. maintain social distancing and avoid going to large social gatherings. it's your health so don't give reasons like "FOMO" or "i'm bored at home". NO, please don't. wash your hands frequently with soap and cover your mouth or nose when sneezing. use hand sanitizers when you touch public places and wear a SURGICAL mask regardless of whether you are feeling unwell or not when you need to go out because some people don't show symptoms even if they carry the virus (PM in singapore said that but WHO is still reviewing about this).

BUT good things are coming out of this. the world is returning. the nature is returning, there's lesser flights so more birds are flying high in the air freely and there's lesser pollution. rains are becoming more natural. life is returning to how it was back a few years ago. otters are seen roaming freely around singapore river as no one is visiting the place. a deer was seen playing in the water in a beach in india, go search for it, it's beautiful. we've been too worried about our future and money that we didn't even notice that there are other creatures in this world that also need freedom and space. these animals have been hiding themselves to protect from us and we were selfish going out to have fun all the time. 

it's time for a change. after this situation is over, people will follow this for a while like what, 1 or 2 months, and everything would go back to everyone commuting to work and going out frequently with friends. so, we need to change ourselves starting now. let this be a lesson for us to learn from our mistakes. humans make the same mistakes even though they have experienced the results of making the same mistake the previous time; the reasons why a war starts is the same reason why is happened before. let's bring the change from this situation and learn from our mistake FOR REAL.

so stop complaining about not being able to see your friends or being bored. try to be more optimistic and spread positivity by posting thank you messages to our frontline workers. try to help out in volunteer work such as providing food to elderly living alone (if you can). make yourself useful. remember, it's not about I , it's about WE. i might be a mere 15-year-old but what i say is true and reflect on yourself. it's not to bring anyone down but to explain the seriousness of the situation. 

in advance, i'm sorry if i have provided any wrong information but this is what i have heard from the news and studied from reliable sources. let's care about the health of others and not be selfish so that we can all overcome this together. 

thank you for taking your time to read. 

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