chapter 6: date

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i greeted my colleagues and walked to the carpark. my heart fluttered in excitement for the date with jackson that he promised me.

we ate and talked about the events that happened in the past few weeks when jackson was gone. i felt glad that he was back and cherished every moment with him. after we were done eating, we left once we paid. but a meal needs to have ice cream, right? so, we headed to the convenience store. we chose our ice cream and sat on one of the tables outside.

the cold wind hit my face and my hair flew. "ugh, i must look ugly," i muttered to myself.

"i think you're prettier this way," he replied casually while he was eating his ice cream. "huh?" he heard me. i blushed at his words and joked, "then, i should bring a fan with me when i go out with you since you prefer it this way."

he chuckled lightly at my words and gazed into my eyes lovingly. my heart was thumping louder and louder that i thought he might hear my heartbeat. i broke the intense eye contact. "i missed you," he said. i looked up at him. i could feel the blood rushing up to my face and covered it. peeking slightly, i could see him smirking. he knew what we was doing to me. the audacity he has.

"me too. but i can't look at you now," i replied with a muffled voice.

i removed my hands and looked at him sternly. "why didn't you tell me?" 

"tell you what? that i love you?" 

oh no, this is driving me crazy.

i cleared my throat from the sudden confession. "that you were coming this morning. jinyoung told me." his mouth formed an o-shape as he nodded understandingly. "i wanted it to be a surprise."

"it was really a surprise. but i would have picked you up if you told me though." 

"i didn't want to make my girlfriend pick me up. that wouldn't make me a man. jinyoung picked me up so you don't have to worry," he spoke in a soft yet caring tone that melted my heart instantly. after the small talk, we were about to leave when i remembered that i left my purse in the convenience store. we went in and found it at the cashier counter. i picked up my purse and kept it in my bag. just then, someone tapped my shoulder. 

"omy- scared me. jacks-," i was annoyed until i turned around to see a person with a mask. "uh, who are you?" i asked. he took off his mask and placed it in his pocket. it was jaehyun. "hi irene!" he cheerfully greeted me. 

"nice to meet you again. what are you doing here?" i questioned. "no worries. my manager is outside and i came here to buy some drinks for my members," he answered. "well, that's nice of you to treat your members," i praised his considerate act. he waved his hands shyly in denial. 

"may i know what is happening over here?" jackson cleared his throat, jealously obvious in his tone. "yes. jackson, this is jaehyun. jaehyun, this is jackson. jackson, don't you remember me telling you? the starbucks guy?" i introduced them to one another. jackson nodded as if he remembered.

jaehyun widened his eyes and put his hands out. "jackson, the singer right?" he exclaimed. jackson nodded proudly. "yes, i am. nice to meet you jaehyun." he shook hands with jaehyun. 

jaehyun looked at his hands as if they were precious and somehow, he turned into a fanboy in that moment. "i really like your songs. can i take a picture with you quickly?" he requested. i covered my hands in surprise. "sure."

he passed his handphone to me and i unconsciously smiled at their elated smiles. i might say, for the first time they have met, they seemed to be quite comfortable with one another. i quickly clicked the camera and passed it back to him. he took a look at the pictures with a satisfied look. 

jackson took my hands and intertwined them in front of jaehyun. i looked up at our intertwined hands and then at him with widened eyes. i was and am still not used to public display of affection. he winked at me subtly. 

"are you her boyfriend?" jaehyun asked. jackson nodded in reply. 

i quickly rushed jackson and bid goodbye before leaving the store.

*at the doorstep of my house*

"come in," i offered. i keyed in the passcode and he followed me in.

"i'm home!" i shouted. my mother was washing the dishes in the kitchen. she looked at me and nodded and was about to continue washing the plate when she saw jackson. she dropped the plate in the sink, took off her gloves and ran towards jackson. 

"hello! look who's here. it's been so long since i saw you. how was your trip to china? did you eat well? did you sleep well? did you buy anything for us? why didn't you come for dinner?" my mother bombarded him with questions.

"mom, stop asking so many questions. give him something to drink," i scolded my mother. 

"nope, no need. i just wanted to say hello. aunt, thank you for caring every time i come over. of course, i bought something for you but i didn't expect to come here today so i didn't bring them with me," he talked softly and with a grateful tone. 

then he looked around, "someone's missing! joy! where is she?"

"she must be upstairs. let me call her down," i replied. "joy, come down! look who is here," i called out to her. i could hear her footsteps. she opened the door and walked down the stairs and saw jackson, who was smiling widely and waving at her. 

"why are you here?" joy asked in a cold tone. i nudged her and gave her a death stare, giving her a signal to talk nicely. "but he always makes fun of me. i don't like it," she pouted. "you grew a lot, joy, but your soul didn't. you are still wearing those bear pajamas," jackson teased as he ruffled her hair roughly. 

"tsk. stop teasing her all the time. no wonder she dreads seeing you. joy, you can go back to sleep," i covered for her. my mom blurted out proudly, "irene is going to be an awesome mom." 

"of course. she would be a good mother to OUR kids," jackson emphasised on 'our' and winked at me, making me blush hard again. he hi-fived my mother and just when he was about to say something, i pushed him out of the door. "bye and call me once you reach home!" i slammed the door in his face. 

i heaved a huge sigh of relief. i stared intensely at my mother, indicating that she is going to earn a scolding from me. she bowed at me, knowing she was in trouble, before running off back to the kitchen. of course, i did not scold her. she is my mom and i love her after all.

shaking my head as a grin made its way up to my face, i let my feet drag me to my room.

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