chapter 3: closer

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Yes, jackson has been my boyfriend for 2 ½ years. we studied in the same college and he confessed to me after we became friends.

jaehyun immediately congratulated me. "wow, 2 1/2 years? that's quite a long time."

suddenly, i received a message notification. it was from my mom.

eomma: oh wow, i knew she would get it. 

eomma: i made lunch for y'all. r y'all coming home now?

me: oh of course!

i turned to jaehyun and said with an apologetic face, "i'm sorry? my mother made lunch for us so we need to leave now." i touched my sister's hand, signalling to her that we need to go back home. but she didn't move. i look at her confused. a grin made its way to her face so i knew what was going to happen right away. i shook my head vigorously, knowing something bad was going to be said from her mouth. well, the idiot doesn't shut up so...

"oppa, why don't you join us for dinner? you would love our mother's cooking," she looked at me proud about her idea, trying to make me agree. i leaned in and whispered in her ears, "yah, pabo, are you stupid or what? he's an idol and you expect him to eat at our house? please say something useful the next time you open you-."

"i'll join!" he replied without hesitating. joy and i turned our heads in slow motion with widened eyes and dropped jaws and at the same time said, "what?" "say that again?"

"i'm joining. i'm excited to eat your mother's food," and this time, we knew he wasn't joking at all. "okay, let's go then," i broke the silence and led them to my car. i took the drivers seat while jaehyun and joy sat at the back seat. 

i noticed jaehyun being a bit uncomfortable as joy sat a bit close to him. right away, i asked joy to move further away from him and she obeyed. he seemed better and thanked me secretly. i smiled gently and nodded my head.

in no time, we reached our house. i bought the house when i managed to earn sufficient money to buy one and since then, mom, joy and i have been living in this house. what about my dad? he died. i heard it from my mom saying that he died before i was even born but somehow, i have a faint image of having seen him when i was younger. 

i placed my fingerprint on the fingerprint sensor and the gates of the house opened as i pulled in. i parked the car and everyone got out. i knocked on the door even though i could just place my hand on the fingerprint sensor as i knew my mom was home for sure. she opened the door to see an 'uninvited' guest standing at the doorstep. we walked in and jaehyun followed in. 

my mom pulled me away a bit before whispering, "yah, who is that handsome man? is he your second boyfr-?" i cupped her mouth to stop her from saying more. but i explained to her about the situation in starbucks and she chuckled slightly at his clumsiness.

"ohh. you're always welcomed here...?" 


"ah, jaehyun-ssi. please make yourself comfortable here. think of it as your own home," my mom gave a super warm welcome. he jokingly said, "i'm not that rich to have this as my house. the interior features are so beautiful. who did all these?" 

"that's me, who else?" i boasted. "nooooo, it's totally me. i chose all these pretty colours," joy denied. we continued on bickering and as jaehyun was sitting in the middle of us, he seemed a bit troubled by the chaos. "aiya, stop fighting over small things. all of us contributed to this house," my mom intervened but gave us a satisfying answer so we closed our mouths, obviously. or else, we would have been chased around the house with the pan in my mom's hands lol :/

"jaehyun-ssi, please don't be bothered by these annoying animals and take a seat here," my mom gestured him into the dining room, insulting us at the same time. tsk tsk...

we also walked into the dining room and were welcomed with a whole spread of food on the table. there were many side dishes, including my favourite cabbage and radish kimchi. there was kimchi jjigae and of course, meat. we took a seat on the floor. i took jaehyun's bowl and served him some soup. he slurped a bit of them and hooted in joy. "wahhh, it's so good. it's been really long since i ate home-cooked food. tastes like the one i ate in my friend's house during middle school days," he recalled. 

"then, eat more!!" joy shouted and poured him more soup. we continued eating and stopped right before our stomachs were about to burst. "ice cream?" joy said. "goal!" i agreed. i went out to the convenience store to get some ice cream and came back. everyone watched tv and ate ice cream. "it feels all of us knew one another before yet it's prolly the first time we are meeting. i feel so close with y'all," jaehyun said and all of us nodded our heads in agreement. 

my mother opened her mouth to say something but closed it soon after. i noticed that but was not too concerned about it. then she opened her mouth again to say, "jaehyun-ssi, when was your last relationship?"

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