chapter 8: first date

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and there we stood in front of LOTTE WORLD that i had not gone in a while. i stood still not actually being to believe i'm standing in front of it. "surprise!" jaehyun showed as he spread his arms wide. "ho-how'd you know that i wanted to go here?!" i asked still bewildered by the 'surprise'.

"hmm... just a random guess?" jaehyun replied with a warm smile and shrugged his shoulders.

"a random guess can't be perfect, can it?" i asked doubtfully. "haha," he laughed awkwardly. "um... i wanted to come here before but it is not fun coming here alone. all the members found it childish to go to a amusement park after you are an adult."

"i don't find anything childish in that though. anyways, thanks! now, let's explore the place!!" i grabbed his wrist and excitedly ran through the crowd to the scariest roller coaster ride. i am scared of them but you need to overcome your fears. we stood in the long queue and waited. it was fast though. when we were at the front, we handed our tickets to the lady. "if both of you had bought the couple tickets, it would be cheaper. you both are a couple, right? why didn't you buy them?" she questioned us, also telling that we looked cute together.

"uh.." jaehyun rubbed the back of his neck shyly and looked away. i decided to reply on behalf of him, "thanks, but i am neither his girlfriend nor is he my boyfriend."

"oops! sorry, enjoy your ride!" she apologised for the misunderstanding. we both could not talk to each other. it was awkward. i tried to think of something to break the silence which i couldn't handle but i couldn't. jaehyun did instead, "we have to go, it's our turn." "yea, let's go," i tried to sound excited, as my stomach turned upside down due to the nervousness. why did i even suggest this knowing i'm scared?

we sat beside each other. i buckled my seat belt and held on to the handles tightly. just then, i felt someone intertwining hands with mine. i looked up to see jaehyun smiling at me. my eyes widened and i looked at him and then the hands. he looked puzzled and waved his hands in denial. "i.. uh.. you are scared of these right? i wanted to comfort you. i'm not making a move on you, okay? don't misunderstand," he said almost as fast as a train that i could not catch some of the words.

i laughed, "i did not say anything. and i didn't think of it like that. but thanks for this," and i lifted our intertwined arms. "it makes me feel better. haha" he looked relieved that i did not misunderstand it anyway.

jaehyun pov

she is so cute when she is scared. just as i was about to reply her, the ride started. it elevated slowly and dropped at a great height. i was enjoying it whereas she was screaming beside me. i closed my eyes and enjoyed the air hitting on my face fast. just then, i felt arms hugging onto my arms tightly. i opened and looked to the side, seeing her closing her eyes tight. her hair was all over her face but she looked beautiful. my heart raced and i was afraid that she would hear it. it's been so long since i experienced this feeling.
"no she already has a boyfriend. and plus you're an idol. don't be distracted," i scolded my inner self silently. i pretended to ignore and enjoyed the rest of the ride.
the ride soon ended and she realised what she has just done so she removed her hands and apologised. she got out of her seat and she looked so soulless. i giggled at her.
how cute.
"stop laughing at me!" her face was beet red by now.
i was terrified by the speed of the rollercoaster. i regretted my choice of going on it first. maybe i was too excited. my stomach rumbles so we walked to the food stalls and grabbed some hotdogs, corn dogs and popcorn. we continued exploring the place and found out we had common tastes. it was night before we knew it.

night? that calls for a ferry wheel trip. we hopped into one of the cabins and munched on our snacks. we moved higher and higher. i looked at the view. breathtaking.
"it's beautiful. isn't it?" i asked formally.
"hmm.. it is. but you can talk to me informally. i wouldn't feel uncomfortable," he agreed.
"really? then.. YAH ITS SO FUN" i started fooling around. he chuckled at my goofiness; how i can change instantly.
suddenly, a question popped out into my mind. i fought with my mind before coming to a decision because it might be a bit personal.
i cleared my throat. "jaehyun-ah, that day my mother asked you something. you replied but i had a feeling you didn't answer truthfully," i said.
he looked at me confused. "huh? what is it?"
i replied almost instantly.
"you really didn't date anyone before?"
jaehyun didn't looked taken back. he looked calm.
"well.. i did. but.." he trailed off...

"i lost her.."

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