chapter 12: cheer up

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jackson pov
"i need to go. goodbye," she said bitterly while she tried to suppress her tears from falling down any moment. she grabbed her bag and walked away. but i hadn't said what i wanted to say.
my hand gripped onto her wrist without me even knowing. i looked into her eyes with love and admiration that i always had and will forever have. i opened my mouth to say the three words to her. one last time.
but i didn't. instead, the words "be happy" came out of my mouth. she looked disappointed at me. she knew. she knew what i was about to say.
she removed my grip on her hands and walked away. she ran towards the entrance and out of the shop. my tears that threatened to fall down while talking to her fell down one by one now.
i covered my eyes and started sobbing. i'm sorry. that i can't give you my best. but my love for you was true. it never was fake. find the one who would always make you happy.
your first love.
irene pov
it was night time. but i has finished 1 tub of cookies n' cream ice-cream and two boxes of tissues. and jimin has been comforting me for hours without getting tired even one bit. however, nothing seems to calm me down. i was probably annoyed that i had to be hurt again. by the people whom i love.
"it's ok. anyone who loved has to go through this phase in their lifetime at least once," he spoke consoling words. "but i'm going through it twice!" i wailed even louder and i blew my nose into the tissue paper again. suddenly, i wiped my tears and sat up straight before looking into jimin's eyes. "jimin, let's hang out. tomorrow. you have no schedule for the next few days and you visited me only to see me crying so much. i feel bad. i'll treat you, hm?" i spoke as if nothing had happened a few hours ago. 

"how can you change your mood so fast? and i think you need rest so let's tuck you in bed. we'll talk about this later," he turned down my offer and grabbed my arms to get me out of the sofa. i pushed him away, "no! i don't want to sleep!" i yelled at him. "nope! you're going to bed," he said firmly before grabbing onto my arms and making me stand up. we kept on playing tug of war, saying no to each other continuously until we heard the bell ring.

"i'll go get it," jimin said, before leaving his grip on my arms and walking to the door only to be greeted by an unfamiliar face. "who are you?"

"well, who are you? i have never seen you in this house before. did i come to the wrong one?" he scanned his surroundings once more and said, "i came to the right place."

"yes, you did," i stood from behind jimin and crossed my arms, looking at jaehyun. "what are you doing here this late?" i questioned him.

"uh..uh.. oh! you left your earphones in my car the previous time and i came back to return. this was the only time i was free so i came now. don't misunderstand," he said, rubbing his neck shyly and then handing my earphones to me. i let my crossed arms drop and took it from him before thanking him and inviting him in. jimin still looked confused from our conversation so i decided to enlighten him a bit.

"jimin, this is jaehyun. jaehyun, jimin. sit down and make yourselves comfortable. i'll bring some drinks," i signaled them to sit down and walked to the fridge to get apple juice. i also cleaned the tubs of ice cream and tissue boxes before pouring the drink into three glasses. i walked back to them and they were still in the position they were sitting in before and not talking to each other. 

why are they not talking? were they enemies? if they were, jibooty would have told me.

i passed the glasses to them and cheered the glasses before sipping onto the cold apple juice. refreshing, huh? 

"why are your eyes swollen and nose red? did you cry?" jaehyun noticed the difference in my face and asked worriedly. "huh? oh.. yea, i did. a bit."

"a bit? a bit only that your eyes have swollen to twice the size of your doe eyes?," he asked sarcastically, receiving a hit from me on his arms. he laughed a bit before asking again, "what happened?" 

"long story, i'll save that for another time," i did not answer his question but instead, asked a question. "by the way, are the both of you enemies? you both have not talked even a bit. both of you are idols and you should know each other." 

"ah.. yea, we do. and we talked. just a bit," jimin replied on behalf of jaehyun. i nodded, suspiciously eyeing their unusual behavior. "oh, jaehyun do you want to join me and jimin on our so-called date tomorrow?" i offered and he accepted quickly. woah, that was fast. didn't need any convincing to do. 

"well, then. it's done. i'll plan where to go. i'll text you the details," i walked jaehyun to the door and waved him goodbye. he hesitated to walk out. seemed like he wanted to hug me but was shy. i walked up to him and hugged him lightly before waving him goodbye for the second time. he blushed a slight tint of pink and waved before walking to his car. i turned around and saw jimin. "yah, why haven't you left? i looked at him, confused as to why he has not left. 

"huh? what do you mean? i'm going to stay here for the night," he replied. "nope! you're not! i'm a woman and you're a man. i'm not allowing you to stay here. go faster!" i rushed him to take his bag and leave. "no, i'm not going to leave!!" he childishly stood on his feet. "well, if you're going to do it this way, then..." i ran to my bedroom and locked the door before leaning on the door. he chased after me but could not catch up so he bumped into the door that i just closed.

"ugh, i'm going to stay here. i don't care," he uttered, annoyed at my doings but not surprised. "hello? mister, i can hear you from inside. don't think i can't," i bickered. we chuckled together as i spoke, "go and stay in the spare room. or leave. your wish." i strolled to my bed and laid on it, not bothering to wash up. 

tomorrow is going to be more fruitful. 

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