chapter 25: i found you

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my 5-hour long surgery just ended. i was mentally and physically exhausted. i stretched my arms and legs by doing some deltoid stretches and calf stretches. "wow, that was a really long surgery, right?" jinyoung took the seat beside me as he whined.

i didn't even bother nodding and just hummed a reply. "oh yes, did you manage to find anything about your father's location?" he questioned, turning towards me eagerly.

i shook my head and replied, "nope! the police officers are too honest citizens and they would not give any confidential information unless i have evidence that he is my father. i go to the place i met him every single day but he never appears. i guess he decided not to show up anymore."

"don't talk like you lost hope. anyways, what about showing them the money that your father sends every month?" he suggested so excitedly as if he just found a treasure.

"nope. already tried that but they needed a photo of him."

he opened his mouth again to suggest something else but i interrupted him, "recent photo." i emphasised on it so that he would keep quiet. he sighed heavily and said, "then, we can't do anything. you don't want to hang posters and you don't want people to help you. how are you ever going to find him anytime soon? only when a miracle happens, then you can finally meet him."

now, he's the one who's lost hope and he talked as if i lost hope when i still haven't given up. although i thought about just letting it go and let fate do its thing, i just could not. it was about my father after all.

"i'll find him somehow. i simply don't want to give other people trouble."

i stood up and walked to the changing room to change. 

- later at home - 

standing up from my chair, i stretched my arms and walked down to the kitchen. "mom, are you done with the food?" i peeked over my mom's shoulder, looking at the scrumptious stew in front of me.

"nope, not yet. it'll take a few more minutes. go and sit down. i'll bring it to you," she kindly replied. i nodded my head and was about to walk away when i halted. i turned back to her and told her that i was going to the park.

"what's with your new love for the park? is there some kind of treasure there?" she joked. i chuckled, "nothing. i just need to get some fresh air and it's really refreshing there." she hummed in reply and i walked away.

i lied. well, technically it is true that it was to get fresh air but i also wanted to check if my dad might be there, gazing at the stars like he did the other night. 

as i strolled in the park while swinging my arms, the cold breeze caressed my skin and gave me goosebumps all over. i rubbed my arms to warm myself and i took a seat at the same bench i met my dad. i rested my arms on the bench and closed my eyes, taking in the air. it was refreshing, as always.

then, there was a sudden blow of wind, making my body shiver. instinctively, i pulled my jacket closer and folded my arms in an attempt to warm myself. of course, it was not of much use. "i should have brought a thicker jacket," i muttered to myself. i should have remembered that winter was not far away.

"are you cold, miss?" a voice called out to me. i jumped back and looked at the person. 

"jaehyun. heyy," i placed a hand over my chest and heaved a sigh of relief that it was him. i thought it was some middle-aged pervert and i was prepared to kick his shin if he ever tried anything on me.

"were you scared? i'm sorry," he apologised as he took a seat beside me. i shook my head first and then looking back at his face, i nodded reluctantly. he chuckled. it was a beautiful sound. was it this entertaining to hear him laugh?

"what are you doing here?" he asked, his eyebrows raised in curiosity. "mhm, just enjoying the cool breeze. work ended early today," i spoke dreamily while looking at the constellation in the sky. it looked like a bird today. 

"freedom, future," i spoke out loud. "huh?" his eyebrows were furrowed and his sparkling eyes expressed confusion.

a smile made its way to my face as i looked at him. "the significance of a bird. freedom, future." his mouth formed an o-shape at me. "so what do they mean?"

"a bird has wings that allows it to fly anywhere - up high in the sky, low in the grass - anywhere, everywhere. so, freedom. some consider them to symbolise the future. no idea why though," i replied. he nodded and then looked back up at the sky like i did. 

"you don't look happy."


"you don't look happy. like you lost something. do you want to tell me what happened?" he asked as he looked into my eyes. 

i hesitated but something in me told me i could trust jaehyun and that he would comfort me. "i met my dad, whom my mom said was dead, in this park; at this same bench. i even talked to him. i only realised it after i walked away and when i came back, he was already gone. like he was for 26 years of my life."

i put up a smile and looked at jaehyun with teary eyes. he sat closer to me and i did not move. my tears were too busy wetting my cheeks. he held my shoulders gently and then, embraced me. right then, i forgot everything. i forgot why i was at this park. i forgot why i was crying.

everyone was invisible. it was only me and him in this park, embracing one another and sharing warmth. my hands found its way to his back and gripped onto his shirt. he patted my back, soothing me. "it's okay." he repeated countlessly. it was like melody to me. i could listen to it forever.

i was there for everyone when they needed someone. i gave them a listening ear and comforted them but no one was there for me. i was alone. during my struggles, i did not have anyone to share my troubles with. but there was only one person that stayed with me throughout everything - jung yoon oh. that was exactly what jaehyun was doing now. the silence and the warmth was everything i ever needed. jaehyun was giving me that now and nothing else mattered.

but the moment did not last.

"i found you," a deep voice spoke. we pulled apart and looked at him. with his hands on his knees, he seemed to be panting. i knew who it was. the same bucket hat.

"da-dad? is it really you?" 

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