chapter 19: ex

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my eyes slowly opened to adjust to the light coming through my transparent screens. i slept in the same position from yesterday and i had not moved at all. i tried to get up but my neck ached. why did i not sleep with the pillow? i sat on my bed while massaging my neck. i checked my phone and it was 6am. my shift only starts at 9am. there was still time so i lied down on my bed again when my phone rang.

i picked up the call. it was from my mom.

"morning joohyun!!" my mother said excitedly into the phone. "morning!" i rubbed my eyes as i greeted her back in the hoarsest voice ever and cleared my throat. i looked at her face and smiled. it has been so long since i had seen or talked to her and ngl i missed her nags. "is my pretty joohyun doing well?" my mother spoke into the phone. "yea, everything is going well. my patients are recovering and i've also been checking up on my colleagues' patients. it's really fun," i replied.

"no, i mean how is it with jackson?" she asked the question that i was dreading. my eyes softened and tears started to well. i placed my head down and blinked many times to not let the tears flow. i looked back into the camera and sniffed. my mother was taken aback and keep asking me for the details.

"i broke up with him."

my mom's eyes nearly popped out of her sockets as she waited for me to elaborate. so i said everything. from the amusement park to the breaking up. everything. my wailing sounds had softened after i got out all the pain and stress in my body.

"aiyo my baby. why didn't you tell me this sooner? i need to be beside you when you are the most vulnerable. did you tell anyone else?" she questioned.

i nodded subtly while sniffling. "who?"

"jimin and jaehyun."

"at least you told them. don't cry too much and stay healthy. stay hydrated and eat healthy food. you can call me anytime, okay?" she pampered me. "mom, i'm not a child and i know to do all that stuff plus these days i feel better after the breakup. it's just when someone asks me about it, i start crying because all the memories start coming up," i replied as i found it unfair that she was pampering me, a 27-year-old matured woman.

"you're still a child to me always. anyways, do you want to talk to your brother?" she asked. my eyes lit up and i nodded like a child while wiping away my nose. oops.

some sounds were heard before the phone was passed to someone. i waved when i recognised the face. it was my brother, bae jinki!! "hey jinki! how are you? it's been so long since i've seen you. you have lost weight. are you even eating well or not? how is your job? is it very stressful?" i blinked my eyes innocently after throwing all the questions at him without even giving him a chance to answer. 

he scoffed before replying, "yah! give me some time to answer and don't ask me all those questions in train speed. and yes, i'm doing well and currently, i have no practice and schedule so i'm staying at home. i've been eating well because of mom's amazing homecooked food. okay enough about me, i was listening to your conversation with mom. are you sure you're alright?"

see, this is what i mean by i love my brother. he was a typical sibling at the start but later on, cared about me. he never failed to make me feel happy and wanted, especially during the time when my mother was working a lot after my father left - as in died. he took good care of me and made sure that i was happy and was not deprived of love from a male family member.

i smiled fondly at him and nodded. "you need to tell me if he hurts you again. i will come back and murder him. for real," he said and i chuckled. i nodded again and continued with another topic and later on, talked to joy. i questioned her about her work life and she said her colleagues were really kind and that she feels comfortable at her job. but of course, she does not get enough sleep like she did before she got the job. she also told me about a guy from work whom she found cute and gentle. i teased her and we ended the call not long after. 

i washed up and went down to the kitchen. time to prepare breakfast! first i washed my hands.i took out the fermented kimchi from the fridge that my mother had put in before she went away. i cut some of the kimchi and spring onions. i microwaved some rice because i was lazy to cook some rice. i switched on the stove and poured sufficient amount of vegetable oil to the pan and then added the kimchi and spring onions before stirring them slightly. i added the rice and poured some of the kimchi essence onto it and mixed everything well. i flattened the rice and topped the rice with cheese. i covered the pan and took another pan and poured olive oil. i cracked an egg and let it cook on the pan. it was a sunny-side up. later on, i placed the egg on top of the rice.

ta-da! my breakfast is done. kimchi fried rice topped with sunny-side up and cheese. perfect breakfast, isn't it?

i walked to my dining table and squealed in excitement. "i will eat well!" i said before digging into my food. definitely i'm the best cook for kimchi fried rice. everyone loves my kimchi fried rice. my secret ingredient is cheese. oops, just spilled it.

- 10 minutes later -

i was rubbing my belly in satisfaction. i headed to the bathroom to have a nice hot bath. i changed to my office clothes for today but it was only 8am. i still had 1h. i switched on the tv and knowing brothers was playing. they were replaying it from yesterday's episode with bts. i personally loved that show and my favourite was soogeun. jimin and j-hope was dancing to an old song and they were really good.

the last time i saw jimin dancing was in middle school. i remembered that after he debuted, the video of him dancing contemporary spread throughout the internet and i teased him about it. i have always been jimin's biggest fan; not only when he danced, but just anything that he does. i am grateful for him but was never able to express myself. as a friend, i am proud of him.

my phone suddenly vibrated and i clicked on the message. it was from my ex.

jackson: hey, do you have time?

what do i say? should i be casual? or should i just ignore and not reply him? i thought that i should not be scared, i should not show myself that i am weak so me being the dumb person, decided to reply.

me: uh i will be starting work soon.

jackson: oh when are you free?

me: i will be free for 2 hours around lunch time.

jackson: oh then great, do you mind having lunch together?

WHAT?! what should i even say? is it okay to meet your ex once you have broken up. i think people would not do that right? but i am not going to change my mind even when i meet him so i should just keep a straight mind and go see him and listen to what he has to say. as i was about to type, another message popped up.

jackson: i have something to tell you.

me: yea sure. i'll message you when i'm going for lunch.

jackson: oh thank god, thanks so much for agreeing!

i checked the time and it was 8.45am. i should be on time if i leave now. i left the house after getting my coat, bag and keys. i wore my heels and walked to the car.

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