chapter 22: let's clean!

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i connected my spotify to the speakers and tied up my hair into a messy bun. i placed my hands on my hips as i looked around the room. "let's get started," i told myself as i picked up the vacuum and switched on the switch before vacuuming the dust. i vacuumed the floor and then the walls. i swiped my finger against my table and took a look at it. there was so much dust on my desk and i didn't even know. i put away my laptop and files on my bed and grabbed my soap spray and towel. i started spraying the table with the soap and wiped it clean. there was just too many files on my desk so i decided to clear it.

if you are wondering if i'm cleaning, yes i am. i haven't had time to clean up my room ever since my mother and sister left for busan. when my mother was here, she would clean up for me because she knows that i'm either busy at work or tired due to work. sometimes, you only realise people have done these for you when they are away. so i decided to step up and be independent to clean my room on my only day off for the week. 

i read through the files and separated the ones that i currently needed and the old ones. there was the last file and i picked it up. it was not a file but a photo album. it read "life of bae joohyun" on the cover. i flipped through the pages, seeing pictures of my family when we were younger and i see a picture i have never seen before.

the picture of a man nuzzling into me as a baby; probably my dad. he was smiling so widely. i was also smiling and it showed my teethless mouth. wait, i had one tiny tooth. i could tell i was giggling from my risen cheekbones. i chuckled lightly. i must have had no worries back then. i looked to the next picture and it showed my dad looking at me with so much love and admiration in his eyes. it showed me walking towards him with my arms up in the air holding onto someone's index finger which i guessed to be my mother. 

it warmed my heart to think i had such a loving family. but i realised i never placed these pictures here so it means my mom did. i flipped again and saw pictures of jackson and me back in school. one showed me beside him in graduation and we were both holding 'peace' signs. another showed our hands intertwined while walking and i gasped, blood rushing up to my cheeks, when i saw jackson looking at me intently. i didn't even know that he was looking at me when we were walking together. wow. jimin must have taken this picture.

at the thought of jimin, i asked myself, "jimin's not there?" and searched for the pictures with him. i finally found it after searching hardly. i chuckled as i saw the picture. jimin, with spectacles, was clapping my hands super excitedly. i saw another one with him hugging me while pouting. my eyes landed on a note on it that read 'chim leaving to become a trainee and crying because he doesn't want to leave me'. not going to lie but i was also tearing up when he was leaving even though we both knew that we were going to meet soon. 

my eyes glistened with tears as i felt nostalgic. i facetimed jimin immediately and told him that i found these pictures and he cried. "i can't believe you still have those pictures," he said as he wiped his tears. "yes i did. you kept making fun of me for carrying the camera everywhere and taking pictures all the time. now, you finally realise how useful it is? you need to be grateful to me," i remarked and he scoffed. "yea yea i'm very thankful," he replied sarcastically. we talked for a while more before cutting the call.

i placed the files and laptop back on my desk. "should i clean up my old stuff as well?" 

i opened the drawers and took everything out. i felt a sudden urge to sneeze and "achum!" the sound of my loud sneeze reverberated throughout the entire room. damn it's really dusty. i wiped the dust off using the wet towel and placed a newspaper in the drawer. just as i was clearing the stuff, i found a box and there was a post-it note stuck on it. it read "middle school <3". middle school was a period that i loved the most but it also held my most painful memories. i removed the lid and looked inside. there was another photo album in it. i picked it up and heard something drop inside the box. i looked inside and there was a bracelet.

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