chapter 7: chat

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i was working on my reports when a message notification popped up on my phone screen. i was about to ignore it when another message popped up. i decided to check what the message was. they were from two people: jackson and jaehyun. i clicked on jaehyun first.

coffee friend jaehyun: hey! whatcha doing?

me: nahh, nothing just working. 

coffee friend jaehyun: working on what? your reports?

me: yea it's boring. ;)

coffee friend jaehyun: haha 


since he was taking some time, i opened up the other message from jackson. 

jackson: my beautiful gf, may i know your plans for tomorrow?

me: my handsome bf, i am not free tomorrow

jackson: aww that's sad. enjoy!

me: thanks for the encouragement *rolls eyes*

i smiled. then another message came. 

coffee friend jaehyun: what are you doing tomorrow? 

me: i'm working

coffee friend jaehyun: oh...

me: why did you ask?

coffee friend jaehyun: nah its fine

actually, i wanted to ask if you wanted to hang out tomorrow

me: hmmm... i'll see if i can spare some time

coffee friend jaehyun: tks!

i chuckled slightly. cute. but i felt guilty because i rejected jackson but texted jaehyun to see if im free. ugh, whatever! i opened a new facial mask pack that i just bought from watsons. i had yet to try it and since tomorrow, i'm going out with jaehyun, i thought i should try it on.

i opened up a new chat. 

jisoo chingul: hi, how are you? have you been well?

i stared at the chat. i checked her availability. last seen: 5 days ago...

i hope she's doing well, wonder what's keeping her busy... as i thought of my close friend, i dozed off on my bed with my hand clutching onto my phone.

-the next day-

as usual, i woke up and brushed my teeth. i opened my laptop and started on my reports. i made some coffee. in just an hour, i completed them. wow, that was fast. i thought i would take the whole day. well, it's good since i promised jaehyun to hang out. 

me: hey, i'm done.

i finished my work faster than ever!

i had just switched off my phone and was about get out of my chair. "TING!" i switched on my phone and sat down. oh, that was fast.

coffee friend jaehyun: wow, you wake up really early!

i looked at the time. it was 12pm. 12pm is early?! tsk, this guy has some sense of humour.

me: yea, you too!


coffee friend jaehyun: haha, i was being sarcastic.

me: me too ;)

coffee friend jaehyun: now, let's get to the point

i'll come to your house at 1

be ready

me: 1am?

coffee friend jaehyun: how are you even a doctor?

me: dk

coffee friend jaehyun: tsk i meant 1pm, don't be late!

me: you're coming to my house

how can i be late?

coffee friend jaehyun: can you faster get ready instead of texting me?

me: fine :-I

then, i remembered i should let jackson know that i'm meeting up with jaehyun.

me: but i will be hanging out with jaehyun if i finish my reports fast

jackson: hey! not fair! why does he get to hang out with you when i can't?

me: he asked me first. first come first serve basis you know?

jackson: whatever *rolls eyes* have fun!

i stood up and rushed into the bathroom. i came out with a towel wrapped around my body and searched through my closet to wear something for the so-called "hang out". i put on a sweater and jeans with natural makeup. natural look is the concept for today. 

satisfied with my makeup today, i did my 'happy' dance for a while. jus then the doorbell rang. "omg he's here!" i rushed to put back my belongings in its place. checking myself one more time, i walked out after grabbing my bag and coat. as i walked down the stairs, my mother was opening the door for him and welcoming him. 

"oh you're here?" i asked jaehyun. "i was ready long ago and look who came late," i playfully rolled my eyes at him. he smiled and i noticed the small wrinkles around his eyes when he smiled.

"it's you, idiot! you were singing in the shower for half an hour. woke up at 12pm some more! when i came to your room to check if you were awake, you were dancing while putting on makeup!" my mother scolded me. well, i wasn't embarrassed because of her but she revealed my daily routine to jaehyun. looking away, he pursed his lips, trying to hold his laughter in but he failed. terribly. 

i pinched my mother's arms and 'ushered' her to the kitchen. "mom! can you stop embarrassing me in front of a nct member every time?" i whisper-shouted. "but you already have a boyfriend. if you want a second one then i'll keep quiet," she winked. "old people are wise and experienced, spongebob said. but i guess it's not true as they grow older!" i muttered under my breath and walked away while discreetly checking my mom's expression. 

she looked so offended. i internally squealed as i beamed in pride at my victory. motioning jaehyun to follow me, we left while saying, "bye mom!" 

"whew, that was close! my mom was about to whack my ass in front of you," i heaved a sigh of relief. "what did you tell her? in the kitchen?" he questioned out of curiosity. "long story, i'll tell you later. now tell me where we are going."

"i'm not spoiling the suspense. you can see for yourself." 

tsk.. he really isn't giving up huh? we hopped into his car and sped towards our destination. 

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