chapter 17: valentine

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~skip forward to feb 13~

jimin was at my house because i had cooked his favourite meal, the way my mom cooks it. he came right over once he heard what i was having at home. we had finished eating and now, we were eating ice cream on the sofa while looking through our phone. i was looking at tik tok and trying to learn renegade while jimin was watching his k-drama.

(a/n: any tiktok peeps out there? and p.s. i alr know how to do renegade;))

suddenly, a message notification goes off. i opened it. it was from jaehyun.

cuppa coffee jaehyun: hey, what are you doing tmr?

me: i'm just working, nothing much

cuppa coffee jaehyun: what time do you end work then?

me: my shift usually ends ard 7-8pm but i might have extra work tmr. why?

cuppa coffee jaehyun: do you want to have dinner with me? tmr? i know a really good place

just as i was about to reply, jimin looked up from my phone with his eyes narrowed. apparently, he has been peeking at my conversation chat with jaehyun. "what" it was not the first time he was doing this. "someone is asking you out? and that is jaehyun?!" jimin teased. "yea, so? not a big deal. it's just dinner with a friend." i obviously could not comprehend what jimin was trying to imply. 

he stared at me for long until i realised what was actually happening. "OH. MY. GOD. HE IS ASKING ME ON A DATE! ON VALENTINE'S DAY! THAT'S WHAT THIS MEANS RIGHT!" i couldn't stop freaking out. jimin covered his ears until i stopped shouting and he put his hands down. i took deep breaths and calmed down and looked back at him.

"okay, chill hyun. don't freak out, okay? you have been in a relationship for 3 years. you can do this!" he said.


"NOW SHUT UP AND LISTEN TO ME YOU LOUDHAILER. okay, phew. do you want to go have dinner with him?" he questioned. 

i nodded my head timidly. "there you go! just send him a text that you can."

i took my phone and texted him back.

cuppa coffee jaehyun: what's taking you so long?

me: oh sorry, something else came up. and yea, i can make it.

cuppa coffee jaehyun: that's great! i'll come to pick you up ard 7pm.

me: sure:)

then it hit me. all the memories of my dates with jackson on valentine's day. we went to namsan tower. we wrote our names on the locks and promised that we would never separate. i guess it was never meant to be. it was a promise to be broken. 

 "hyun, you okay? you look down," he asked worriedly. "yea, i'm fine. i just thought of him," i replied. he tapped his shoulder and i rested my head on it. he put his arms over my shoulders and grabbed my arms before tapping me gently. "you'll be fine. you deserve better. i'm sure your man is out there waiting for you." 

i smiled at his comforting words and thanked him. and then, i dozed off on his shoulders. 

~few hours later~

i woke up on the sofa with a blanket wrapped around me and a pillow under my head. i rubbed my eyes. i looked around. no one was around. i walked to the kitchen to get some water when i saw a note on the refrigerator. 

hey, i had a meeting so i had to go back. sorry. i won't be able to come tmr, so enjoy your date with jaehyun :) 

ily <3, jm

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