chapter 14: day out

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we left the house in jimin's car and i was the one driving since i insisted on it. he sat in the back seat with jaehyun but he was talking to me more than he did with jaehyun. probably be felt that bringing up a conversation with jaehyun to lighten up the mood would make it more awkward.
weird, jimin has an outgoing and friendly personality. 

i drove to a simple dokki restaurant and settled down in the corner. we ordered a variety of food. we ordered spicy tteokbokki (long ones) with fried food, fish cakes and ham rice balls. we all had the same taste which made it easier to order. while waiting for the food, we chatted a while. the food arrived in no time and there we were, munching on the food. 

while i was eating, i looked around and saw some giving me death glares while others gave the you-are-very-lucky glare. 

i just smiled sheepishly and bowed to them. jimin could not hold back his laughter because of my troubled face. i slapped him on the shoulder making him stop laughing. after finishing, i stood up telling jimin, "chim, i'm gonna pay." 

"woah woah woah, you're gonna pay? for all three of us?" he exclaimed excitedly and showed me a thumbs-up with a sly smile on his face. i though he was going to reject my offer and pay instead but my friends definitely did not have manners. "my pleasure, your ass" i stuck out my tongue before heading towards the counter. 

i heard a voice, "wait, i'm coming!" i stopped in my tracks as soon as i recognised the voice. jaehyun stood beside me and smiled at me. i looked at him questionably and when he didn't say anything, i continued walking. just when i was about to pass the cash to the lady at the counter, he held my wrists and said "i'll pay." i nodded, not being able to reject his offer because i was flustered and unable to react in time. 

what's this? that was so cool.

i felt a hand tapping my shoulder, snapping me out of my thoughts and jaehyun signalled a leggo before moving. i followed him of course. 

i shouldn't be feeling this so fast. i just broke up. am i moving on too fast? i can't, can't do this.
all three of us walked to the car and i walked to my driver's seat and buckled my seatbelt before  driving. i played some music in the car and we were jamming to it. jimin suddenly asked, "jaehyun, have you had a girlfriend?" 

"umm... dating is normal. i used to have one but we broke up. i left her. but for a good reason. and one day i hope to tell her why i did leave her," he replied casually. 

"only one?" jimin quipped. jaehyun looked surprised that jimin's questions never end and jimin apologised right away, "i'm sorry, i'm just wondering because you're so handsome but you only loved one woman, no, a girl, who is now a woman." 

"nah it's fine, a lot of people do ask me that and yeah, i only loved one girl who is now a woman and will never stop loving her," he answered while looking at me which gave me a weird feeling in my stomach. we made eye contact for a few seconds in the front mirror before i directed my attention back on the road and cleared my throat. i totally did not want to get into any accident especially with two other lives. i'm a doctor; shouldn't kill people, only save. 

i asked another question but this time to jimin. "hey, how's your tour preparation going AND when are you leaving because you being beside me annoys me," i questioned sassily. "hello, admit that you like me beside you. you smile more when i'm with you dumbshit and don't deny the fact that you can't live without me." 

"huh, how? when? why?" 

"okay what about the video calls everyday and calling to meet me whenever i'm in korea?" he asked proudly.

"oh.. oh.. that. FORGET IT" i yelled in annoyance. i stopped at red light.

jaehyun laughed at our bickering and i looked at him through the front mirror. perhaps, for a little too long that the cars behind were horning because i wasn't moving even though the red light had changed to green. jimin gave a confused look at my behaviour.

soon we reached the karaoke room, which i had booked in advance making it easier for us. it was crowded, luckily, i was smart to book it earlier. we had bought drinks when we stopped by the convenience store after eating at the restaurant. 

jimin decided to sing first. he reserved "lie". 

tsk, he really loves himself. but tbh, the song is really good. 

he started singing and that's when i realised he was not really my childhood friend anymore, he's bts. he was really into dancing in middle school and got into busan arts high school because he was that good. i supported him in everything he did. and this moment was when i realised he had grown up while i was looking at him singing which made my jaw drop and my lips mouthing the lyrics. 

after he was done, i chose my song and held onto a percussion, a clown wig on my head and funny sunglasses. "FANTASTIC BABY DANCE! WOOO! I WANNA DANCE DANCE DANCE!" i hyped myself and everyone up with this song. jaehyun danced together with me being very excited about the song. he was good at hyping up too, not gonna lie. i was done with my song soon and walked to sit on the couch as i was tired from jumping around too much. but i tripped on the table leg falling backwards. i felt myself continuously falling until i was halted by a hand grabbing my shoulders. i was a few inches close to banging on my head on the corner of the table. i turned around and found myself looking into jaehyun's eyes. we stayed for a while like that until i moved. i stood up on both my feet and sat near jimin, who was witnessing this and was ready to tease me about this back at home.

"you're blushing so hard that your face is so red like a tomato," he teased with a smirk on his face. 

i guess i was wrong about the teasing at home because it was happening right here. in the karaoke room. 

i shook my head and opened a beer can that was calling me to drink it. as i was about to drink it, jimin stopped me, "you know what happens to you when you get drunk, so don't." 

"do i look like i'm gonna listen to you?" i chugged down everything in the can. it was so refreshing. i went up to jaehyun who was singing and grabbed the mic from him and changed the song to "i love you" by exid.

as i sang, the lyrics reminded me of all the memories i had with jackson and it made my ears tear up. i couldn't control it. they kept flowing as i sang the song. jaehyun tried to stop me from singing. he tried to pull the microphone from me and he did. i pouted and wiped away my tears before walking towards the table. i took my phone and called him.

yes, it was one of those drunk calls to your ex.

"hello?" he picked up right away. 

"you're my last love and you ripped of my heart, you stole it," i cried out the lyrics from the song into the phone loudly. 

jimin took the phone away from me, speaking into it, "she's drunk and in the karaoke. i'm sorry if we caused you inconvenience."

and everything in front of me just blanked out.

a/n: hey everyone, i'm back :) thank you for being patient with me. i've been busy with exams and i got my results this week. if you realise, there's italic words in between some paragraphs- those are actually thoughts of irene. i show a lot of irene's character in this story and the bold italic words at the end of each chapter are actually clues to the next chapter. ooo do i smell some suspense? okay byee ily 😜

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