chapter 26: look who's here

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i pulled back from the embrace, as soon as the voice reached my ears. i turned around. my eyes widened at the person in front of me.

"da-dad? is it you?" 

the man looked up, still panting heavily. he smiled, revealing his boxy smile. i instantly stood up and threw my hands around the man. "hey, hey.. did you miss me?" he spoke. 

"why didn't you call me before coming, you idiot?" i pulled back and hit him hard on his chest. "ouch!" he screamed as he held his chest in pain. "well, it is not easy being a member of shinee, okay?" i simply glared at him.

jaehyun cleared his throat to get our attention. we turned around to look at him at the same time. after looking at his awkward face, i decided to break the silence. "this is onew from shinee. well, bae jinki, my brother," i introduced my brother to jaehyun. he blinked repetitively.

"uhh.. that, i know! i'm just shocked that he is your brother," he rambled on. i giggled. with jinki's hands on my shoulder, i nudged his ribs. he pulled away and then reached his hand out. jaehyun took his hands and shook them firmly. "hi senior, i'm jaehyun from nct. nice to meet you," he spoke.

"mhm, i know. i might have been in military but i do keep up with who's debuting," onew proudly stated. "anyways, why did you run here?" as i spoke, jinki turned to me. 

"i heard from my mom that you were here. but she told you me you were taking a walk not crying on a guy's shoulder," he wiggled his eyebrows and i slapped his arm. after telling jaehyun i'll call him later on, i walked away without jinki. "wait!" he shouted as he ran after me. after reaching my side, he continued asking me multiple questions.

"why were you crying? is it because of jackson? or is it because you feel tired? why? are you on your period?" 

the last one made me stop in my trails and i looked at him sternly. but then, realisation shone upon me when i calculated my period. "i am three days late for my period," i thought to myself, just that i said it a bit loud. now, jinki stood there with his arms crossed. i knew i was going to get a scolding from him, more like a lecture. before he could go on with his lecture, i raised my hand and silenced him. he halted with his mouth midway open. 

"before you go on, i'm very hungry and i'm also angry. so don't make me hangrier than i already am." 

- after dinner - 

"so, brother, how was military? i saw your vlive and it was hilarious," sooyoung laughed. 

"goodness, they made me do that when i just came back the day before the vlive. it was not worth it. the dalgona coffee tasted exactly like normal coffee so it was not worth it with all the beating and arm workout," he shook his head in disappointment.

"just tell them you don't want to do that and that you just want to rest for a while longer. then maybe you can call your fans when you're feeling better. look at your eye bags. god, it's drooping so low," i suggested. he immediately raised his hands to his face and touched his eyes. "omg really?" 

mom just looked at us lovingly, glad that we are back together. jinki grew up with grandma since she said she felt lonely. jinki never had a problem with it nor did he feel insecure about not growing up with his parents. i guess grandma took good care of him like she should. he came back after dad left, together with grandma. he stayed and then took care of us. he was really mature at his young age.

but i could tell that mom masked her sadness with that beautiful smile of hers. she wished dad was here. she wished that we would be a complete family. she wished that dad would come back no matter how much she pretends to be strong without him. she endured everything just for the sake of us. and i could not sit down and watch her suffer. not anymore. 

i will find dad. no matter what it takes. for you, mom. and for us.


surprise, AHAH! did you think she was going to find her dad so fast? nuh-uh, cos there's still more time for that. any guesses about who knows where the father might be? the father might be closer than you think. sorry for the short chapter, i just wanted to bring back jinki in since he finished his military service recently and shinee also reunited so shawols be ready! also, what? y'all kidding me? you gave me 641 reads and that's a lot to me. thanks so much guys, i really love every single one of you. please make sure to vote the chapter if you liked it.

stay tuned for another chapter. i will try to update once in a while. i'm having my national exams next year and lots of homework for the holidays, so i'm trying to balance everything out and trying to write out another book (keep a look out for that one).

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