Running back

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" so your seriously not going to talk to me" I asked following Ashley into the kitchen as the guys stayed out the back playing poker. Both Ashley and I were over at fifty's house while we are in la doing separate gigs. Last night Ashley and I were meant to spend the night together but after her manager came over and told her she has to go on a public date with Jordan tomorrow night I kind of lost it and gave it to her.

" there's nothing really to say, you said it all last night" she replied not bothering to even look at me as she continued to get some more chips. I'm lucky the guys are still outside because I know I really needed to fix this with her.

" I didn't mean it like that" I said trying to make her understand that the comments I said last night came out completely wrong. You see after Christine left, I kind of accidentally lost it at Ashley and basically called her weak for not sticking up for herself and standing up to Christine, which thinking back is something I should have said a bit more politely.

" I don't care Marshall, you can think what you like. You have no idea what you're are talking about" she spat back, I get why she is so mad at me. I shouldn't have had a go at her but I know I'm going to try and make it up to her because I really don't want our friendship to end. It's been nearly two months since her concert and since than a lot has happened, she managed to hang out with my girls a couple of times when they came to the studio, I'm still surprised they aren't suspicious that something is going on between us because Ashley Ann and Eminem don't have any upcoming releases planned, but still they don't suspect a thing they honestly think we are just friends.

" look I know I'm weak but I don't need you having a go at me and rubbing it in my face" she continued sounding a little bit sadder than usual. I know she is aware that she isn't as confident as before but it's something I want to help her get over instead of putting her down.

" I know that's why I'm trying to apologize " I replied allowing her to have a go and get all her anger out on me. Trust me if I had someone like Christine there would be moments I need someone to take my anger out on stub out having to worry about hurting them.

Glancing back and seeing if we are in the guys view I quickly grab her wrist and pull her close allowing her to rest her head on my chest as I hold her tightly trying to make this right between us.

" I just want to go back to the way I was" she explained while her head was nuzzled under my chin, trying really hard not to cry. She must hate how much he has changed over this short amount of time.

" I know you do, but it's understandable why you are different. " I said trying to explain how no one expects her to be so strong after something like the incident she went through.

" after our fight I thought about it and I figured out why you are like this and I should be more understanding" I continued explaining hoping she doesn't think I'm prying. Holding her tightly while she tried really hard not to cry it's kept thinking how weird it is that she is the biggest female artist in the world.

" so why am I like this, because I have tried to figure it out but I still haven't gotten anywhere" she asked taking a step back and looking at me confused and sad. Most people usually know what's wrong and they refuse to get help but Ashley still couldn't see why she is being this way.

" well come on Ashley. Every time you did something wrong or argued with your ex he would hit you and bash you. So it's understandable that you don't like arguing with people, especially abrupt people like Christine" I said explaining my theory to her as to why she's like this. It's not uncommon for people to change after being in a domestic relationship, I guess even I changed even though I was the guy in the relationship. I can't imagine what Ashley is going through.

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