Walking Away

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(Channel 7 News)

Anchor Woman: In News this Morning, we can confirm that singer Sensation Ashley Ann has come of life support and is now conscious and talking.

We Head to George Main who's outside Detroit hospital.

Anchor woman: hey George, what can you tell us about the exciting news?

George: Hey Melissa, well I can defiantly confirm that Ashley Ann has been bought out of her induced coma and of life support following the tragic accident that happened more than a week ago.
Her manager did do a press conference and has assured everyone that Ashley is awake and talking.

Now at this stage the only thing the doctor is concerned is her legs which she can't actually feel or move, her manager did explain that she will be receiving the best treatment to help her get back on her feet.

She also wanted to assure people that Ashley Ann is not retiring and that she will get back on that stage.

( end of news)

Marshall p.o.v

" Girls, come on time to say goodbye, Ashley needs her rest" I said, calming the girls down seeing how they are chatting away to Ashley and probably driving her nuts with all their stories. This is the first time they are seeing Ashley since she has woken up and I can tell they are just excited to see her, but they're even driving me crazy with the amount they are talking.

" OH do we have to" Whitney complained, sadness coming over her knowing its time for Nathan to drive them home. She's currently sitting beside Ashley on her bed, Yapping away about some funny incident that happened at school.

" we will come back later, I promise" I said watching as Whitney and the girls finally start saying goodbye to Ashley.
It's been a few days since Ashley has woken and slowly she's getting better but she's still got a long way to go.

" thanks for coming guys" Ashley smiled, hugging them tightly seining for grateful and happy they came by. They've been bugging me for days to come see her but I wanted to give her time to readjust to being awake.

" we will see you soon" Hailie smiled while gathering up her stuff and getting ready to go.

" I'll see you guys at home" I said, giving Whitney a small hug before they begin walking towards the door. Seeing how there is a lot of paparazzi outside Nathan is taking the girls home so they don't get photographed or recognized.

We both watch the girls walk out before silence takes a hold of us.

" so when is the doctor coming back to check your legs again" I asked taking a seat On her bed and grabbing her hand to hold softly in mine.

" um he said he's going to come in this afternoon." She replied, smiling slightly at me somehow hoping I don't see her nerves.
The doctor came in the night she woke up and did some test to see if she could feel her legs, but unfortunately she couldn't, so he's going to try again today.
The doctor said she might get over it in time and in a couple of days she might be able to walk, but he also said that this could be a major problem that has been caused by the accident.

" do you want me to stay?" I asked, looking at her and worrying. It's not tense between us but I can tell she's being distant, I don't know if it's because she worrying that she might not be able to walk again or if it's because I finally told her about what happened at the studio with me flirting with someone else. She keeps telling me she's fine with it and she appreciates that I was honest with her but I feel since than she has been awfully quite towards me.

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