The final people

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" Okay so which one?" I asked cheerfully as I held up a few pictures, I'm currently seeking Marshall's opinion on photos I've just received back and see which one he likes for my new album cover.

"I like all of them" he replied like he has done for the other 5 photos I've shown him. Once again Marshall's not being much help when he keeps choosing every photo of me.

" I give up" I sigh knowing it's finally time to give up and ask someone else because I'm not going to get an answer out of Marshall who seems to be liking every single on of them.
Instead of showing him anymore I just started packing them up seeing there's no use.

" what you cant expect me to pick your album cover!! " he said noticing how I'm quite upset that he's not helping, he doesn't have to defiantly choose one but he could at least give me an opinion.

" I'm not, I just thought you might like to give your opinion on some, but it doesn't matter I'll ask someone else" I answered him, still not bothering to look at him but rather continuing to pack up. I'm not angry I just thought Marshall might like to look at them Since he knows how excited I am for this album, but I guess not.

" okay, fine if you want my honest opinion I like this one for your album cover. It's more laid back and more you than these other ones, plus not to mention you look hot in it" he said finally giving in and telling me his honest opinion about these photos. Looking at the picture he has recommended I couldn't help but laugh knowing he's chosen one of my favorites but has also chosen the one Christine hated, apparently she thinks it's boring and does nothing for me.

" yeah I like this one as well....... Thanks" I smiled knowing I can't push it to much and shouldn't show him any more photos because he really doesn't seem interested, instead he's more Intrigued by the magazine he's reading.

" so has Christine said anything about the article about us?" He asked as I leant back on the lounge and for comfortable next to him, I looked down at the magazine I saw he was reading the same article fifty read the other day.

" yeah she wasn't to happy....... But she was more furious when she figured out it wasn't entirely false" I answered him slowly not knowing if he's going to her mad since we haven't talked about telling our managers yet.

" hang on!!! She knows about us?" He asked shocked to hear my comment and finding out that Christine knows about us.
I Can tell he's not to happy about the idea but I'm not sure why. He was the one who wanted everyone around us to know.

" look Ashely I don't want our relationship to become a thing Christine uses to get media attention" he snapped, glaring at me like I've done the worst thing ever.
I'm shocked but also hurt knowing Marshall reacted so quickly and
Defensively to the thought of us going public to the world.
This made me mad and I couldn't help but get up in anger and go gather my things up, I'm not really up for his bullshit right now I know I have better things to do.

" where are you going?" He asked, shocked that I am so pissed. How can't he tell he's comment was hurtful to me, of course it seems like he's embarrassed by us and doesn't want the world to know.

I think from me not answering back and continuing to pack up he figured out that I'm pissed of at the moment.

" oh come on, I didn't mean it like that" he said leaning forward and grabbing me softly around my waist and pulling me back onto his lap and back onto the couch.

" what I mean is I don't want Christine to manipulate things or make shit up just for her advantage" he explained with his arms around me holding me close to him so I can't leave.

" you know to be completely honest with you, Christine hates the idea of us being together.
You want to know the exact words she said to me when she found out about us?" I said trying to make the mood as calm as possible since I know Marsha's going to hate what I say next.

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