(Wes) food fight

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               (Y/N)'s POV
It's been a couple days since you joined Smosh and one guy just keeps catching your eye. You decide to go talk to him and introduce yourself officially. You both have talked once or twice but he is in smosh games so you don't know each other very well because you are in the smosh squad.
You walk up and tap on the large mans shoulder. "Hi," you say as he turns around, and you get lost in his green eyes. "Oh, hello!" He responds. "You're new right?" He questioned politely as you snap back to reality. "Yeah! I'm (Y/N)," you say shyly. "I'm Wes" he responds. You just stand and look at each other for a little bit. Taking in all of Wes. His beautiful eyes, shiny silver hair, and kind smile. "Nice to meet you!" He says to break the silence. Wow good job being weird you think to yourself. "You too!" You finally say after getting out of your trance cheeks a little red.

                Wes's POV
I'm at my desk when I feel a tap on my shoulder and see a girl as I turn around in my chair. She looks pretty as I try not to blush. "Hi," she says as I start to recognize her. We talked for a few more seconds trying to make sure she doesn't notice me looking at her. There was a period of silence and soon enough come back to earth. I break the silence and she looks just as zoned out as I was until she spoke as well. She went back to her desk. (Y/N) was the only name I could think of. She seemed really nice.
                 (Y/N)'s POV
It was the next morning and you couldn't get Wes's face off your mind. You decide you wanted to look cute knowing that all of smosh will be filming together today, but knowing it's winter you need to dress kinda warm.

 You decide you wanted to look cute knowing that all of smosh will be filming together today, but knowing it's winter you need to dress kinda warm

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You get to the smosh office and the first person you see when you come in was one of you best friends Courtney. "Heyoo!" Courtney yelled. "What's up Court" you replied. "Not much" Courtney once again yelled excitedly. "We're gonna film a try not to laugh come with me to the set." I followed Courtney noticing I'm the last one to get here. I saw that along with me an Courtney was Shayne, Damien, Mari, Olivia, Joven, Noah, Keith, and of course Wes. I walk in for the intro. "Hello everybody and welcome to some numbered try not to laugh challenge!" Shayne spoke to the camera. "Today we are joined by some of smosh games." Olivia said. "We have Joven, Wes, Damien, and Mari!" Keith said. "So who wants to go first?" I asked.
"I will!" Wes shouted. He is just too cute I thought. He sat down and filled his mouth with water. Shayne wanted to go first. He walked out and was holding the red phone. "Wait wait watch this. Hey Pizza Hut you're my favorite pizza place." "Wait, hey little scisors your my favorite pizza place." "Wait," as he dialed the phone one last time Courtney started making a ringtone noise and Shayne picked up. "Hello?" He said. "Hello this is the FBI and you are under arrest for lying to numerous restaurants." Courtney said from behind the wall. Wes didn't expect that and neither did i it broke him and he started to loose water. After Shayne I decided to go. I walked out with the help of Keith on the bongos and started to weirdly dance and it wasn't really working so seeing that in most smosh games videos that presumably loves candy I came prepared and said,"if you laugh I'll give you candy!" I took the handful of hard candies out of my pocket and he spit the water to the side, taking the candies. Up next was Joven. Wes filled his mouth up with water as Joven walked out." Hey Wes I know you like candy, do you want some more?" Joven said. I thought he was totally using my strategy. "Well I have a shady white van full of it and am definitely not going to kidnap you and sell you on the blackmarket." Wes have a faint giggle but didn't loose any water. "Time." Sunny said from backstage. Everyone else went trying to get Wes to laugh. A few more people sat in the chair and then the video was almost over. It was my turn. I sat in the chair waiting with water in my mouth. Olivia went first. She had a goofy hat on and a lot of bread in her hand. "Are you bready for this?" She said and shoved a whole price of bread in her mouth. " I don't have a whole wheat of time." She said shoving another piece in her already full mouth. I felt bad. She kept going until she got to her 5th slice and I gave up. Next was Mari. She came out in the same hat and a plastic loaf of bread. " are you bready for this?" She said trying to eat the plastic loaf. She stayed gnawing on it for a good 15 seconds till I laughed. After Mari was Damien, Shayne, Courtney, Joven, Keith, then Noah. Finally it came down to Wes I could tell he didn't know what to do. " Sup (Y/N)?" Trying to sound cool. " I have a question." I nodded my head in reply. "Where do baby's come from?" He said it very slyly and chill. I laughed really hard turning red. Partially because he was so cute. We all did the outro and on our way of set I walked over to Wes. " That was really funny." I said. "So was yours" He said and winked. "Thanks for the candy!" His eyes lit up it was adorable. I really wanted to get to know him more but I was to shy to ask if he wanted to hang sometime. "Do you maybe wanna hang out sometime?" He asked. It was like he almost read my mind. "I'd love too." I responded. I noticed he was looking into my eyes. Almost like I do when I look into his. Did he like me too? I thought. "When are you free?" He asked. "Umm, anytime after work this week." "Okie dokie" he responded. " let's say you come over to my house after work, I can take you. We can play video games and I'll make snacks." "sounds good!" I responded. I was trying not to blush. I've only known my crush for 2 days now and I'm already going over to his house.
Wes's POV
OMG, did I just ask her out? I thought to myself. Wow she is so cute when she is shy. She kind bites her lip. It's adorable. Do I have a crush on a co worker? What if I did I don't even know her. The day finally ended and I was in my way to get (Y/N). I was so excited. Before the day was over I had free time so o went to the grocery and got food. I walked up to her desk to go get her. "Hey (Y/N)." " Oh hello Wes." "Are you ready to go?" I asked trying not to blush. "Yeah" she respondedc happily. Thank god she looked really excited.
                (Y/N)'s POV
I walked with Wes to his car and went to the front seat as he opens the door for me. "M'lady" He said as he bowed. Wes walked around the car and hopped in as well. It was a kinda quiet trip to his house until we bonded over our favorite band, (F/B). We were jamming out and singing really loud. I was using my phone as a microphone. Wes was using his. We got there and I helped myself out of the car. We walked up to the door a he unlocked it, holding it open for me. I stepped in and gasped. The decorations, figures, and all the other video games stuff was amazing. We sat on his couch and played some mario kart and smash. Wes was kinda bummed Zelda wasn't 2 player though. We played and bonded and chatted for hours. We just instantly clicked, and got along very well. Wes brought out the snacks he prepared, and they were delicious. We continued in smash. Wes was Link and I was Zelda. He beat me and for fun I took some guacamole on my finger and bopped it on his nose. Once Wes noticed he wiped it off and tasted it. Gross, but whatever. He got a chip and slung it at me like a ninja star, hiring my shirt. Then we started really throwing stuff at each other. I didn't mind about my clothes and I don't think he did either. I ended up covered in guacamole, salsa, and chips. Wes was the same. "Hey, do you want to change?" Wes offered. " I bet I can lend you something." I nodded wiping off some more salsa from my face. I went to his room that was just as amazing as his living room. He lent me some smosh sweatpants and an old graphic tee, of course Link was on it. I changed in his bathroom putting my clothes in a bag. He changed in his room. I walked out and he was still shirtless. I kinda felt bad and went back in, but he did look good. I knocked this time and he was dressed. We went back on the couch and watched a movie, eating the snacks we didn't throw at each other. I was getting tired but before I fell asleep I leaned on his shoulder. I saw him blush a little bit. I did too. He looked down and whispered, " you're so beautiful." "What?" I responded clearly knowing what he said. "Umm, nothing." He was turning redder by the second. "I think you're pretty cute to Wes." He looked shocked, biting his lip as did I. "Can I do something?" He asked. "Sure, what?" I responded. He leaned closer his face only a few inches away. We just looked at each others eyes for a little bit, until he put his hand on my cheek and kissed me. I very clearly kissed back. I moved my hands from my side to around his neck and he moved his hands to my waist. Once we were done we didn't really say anything then I fell asleep laying with my head on his chest.
Wes's POV
She looked so graceful while she slept. I sent ahead and carried her to my room and sleeps on the couch. Did I really just kiss the most beautiful girl ever after only knowing her for 2 days. It felt like I had known her for 2 years. Did she like me too? What if she kissed me just so I didn't feel weird. what if she hated it? What if she hated me?

1850 words
(Please don't judge it's my first story and they will only get better. Comment what cast member you want next.)

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