Damien- the cafe

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                 Y/n POV
   It's my first day of work! I'm so excited I get to work with kitties!! The thoughts kept rolling through. It was a Monday. The sky was very blue and looked crystal clear, not a cloud in sight. I walked over to work and got on my uniform. It was morning so I fed the cats their morning food. Then there was a knock on the door. He was kinda tall with a blue streak in his hair. I liked it! I walked up to the door and unlocked it to step outside. "Oh, hello!" He said. "Hey!" I mumbled trying not to turn red. "Is Ava here?" He spoke. "Umm no she moved to the afternoon shift." "Man, well sorry to bother you, Ava normally lets me in to see the kitties being fed." I decided to let him in with me. He was so sweet, and kinda cute. "Thanks!" He said. We went in and he sat with the cats. He loves them. There was one cat, Sam, that loved him. "Hey do you wanna give him a treat?" I asked holding a handful out. "Sure!" His eyes lit up. "And uh by the way my name is Damien." "I'm y/n!" We shook hands." About 20 minutes later it was time to open. "Uh I should probably go now." He shyly spoke. "Sure, but you should probably take my number if you want to come again." We both turned beet red. I could feel myself heat up. "Uhh, I'd actually love that." His ears were bright pink as he gave me his phone. I put my contact name as y/n💕 and in other wrote 'ask me out sometime❤️' I gave it back and he texted me right away.
D- Are you free on Friday?
"Of course!" I spoke.
Y/I(Your initial)- 8:00?
D- for sure!
   He gave me a warm hug and we said our goodbyes. I made his contact Dami💙 I chose a blue heart because of his hair.

———— Time skip ————
   It was Friday and I'm so scared. I decided to wear something nice but not too dressed up because I don't know where we are going.

 I decided to wear something nice but not too dressed up because I don't know where we are going

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Your outfit ^
   He pulled up. He was wearing a pale blue button up shirt and some solid black jeans. Paired with an old pair of vans, at least I assumed they were. I heard him knock at the door, so I opened it to see his adorable goofy smile. "H-hey!" he stuttered. "Hi," i replied," Don't you look dashing," I said with a funny tone. We both laughed. Damien pulled a flower from behind his back and handed it to me. I tried not to blush, but i couldn't help it. I finally stepped outside, and locked the door behind me. He escorted me to his car and held the door open for me, "M' Lady," he said politely. Once he started driving I noticed that he had some anime and super hero trinkets on his dashboard. "You like (favorite anime or hero series) too?" I asked. "Umm, Duh,"he responded, "I watch it all the time. It's the best." I was relived we had things in common, other than cats.

   We arrived and it was a fairly new restaurant. I was glad I chose this outfit because the place isn't too fancy, but it's nice. We ordered our drinks, then started small talk. "So do you have any cats?" I asked. His face instantly lit up. "I have a sweet little kitty," (correct me if i'm wrong i tried looking into it but couldn't figure out the pet stuff.) he said in a cute voice. I kinda blushed. "Do you have any pets, (y/n)?" he asked so politely. "Oh yes I have a sweet kitten named (any name), and a cat named (different name)." We continued talking for a little while, until i excused myself to the restroom. There was a very loud table on the way there full of what i assumed to be drunk men, and one caught my eye. Sean. I now started hastily walking to the restroom, feeling my breathing become more uneasy. Once I got in I sat on the floor and began to hyperventilate. Old memories were flooding back and i didn't want them.

Flashback ---------

"y/n shut up and cooperate." he was being so mean to me. I didn't want to stay in the house. I was invited to go party with my friends, but Sean didn't  want me to go. He wanted me to stay. All of me was just his toy. Just a toy. The thoughts rolled through my head. If I stay will he hurt me again? If i go will I have to pay? I decided to leave. "I told you Sean, I'm going with my friends." "Oh no you are not, y/n!" he yelled then grabbed my arm before I could get out. I wanted to go so desperately, but i knew if I left him he would hurt me. "Let go of me Sean," I shouted squirming, and trying to tackle him. He was so much bigger then me I couldn't escape. He threw mw in the closet and locked me in. The lock was on the outside, so there was no way I could get out. I sat there for hours on end banging and screaming. No one heard. He stole my phone so i couldn't call for help.  I was trapped in there with no food and an old, half drank water bottle for 3 days. It was dark because there wee no lights. I slept on the hard floor, and the only thing i had was clothes and suitcases. Once he let me out I 'promised' him I would never do anything like that again. That night I said i had to use the restroom and escaped. I lived with one of my co workers for a little while until I was back on my feet.

Flashback over

I tried to sneak out of the bathroom, but Sean was right outside the door. Did he recognize me? Has he changed after 2 years? No. He grabbed me by the neck and shoved me against the wall. I couldn't speak, just gasp for air. It has been about 10 minutes since i left the bathroom. Hopefully Damien will try to find me because we were in an enclosed hall. "Now what have you been up to for 2 years?" Sean asked. I tried to reply, but still couldn't speak. "Oh right i'm choking you." He found this funny. "If i hold you a little looser will you only answer my question?" he devilishly asked. I rapidly nodded. He let go a little. "HELP! HE-" he held me even tighter than the first time. People were scurrying from outside. I could hear them. I gave up and realized he was gonna kill me. I was limp. Feet dangling. Face pale. I was done.

Damiens POV

I heard screams coming from the bathroom and it sounded like y/n. No one did anything but panic, so i walked over. I took my glass off the table and emptied it into another one. As I stood on the other side of the door I could see an outline through the foggy glass. A tall man with his arms out. I through the door open and quickly bashed him on the head with the glass. Pieces scattered all over the floor as i caught y/n. She was pale and limp. She looked dead, but was just barely breathing still. I carried her bridal style out of the hall way and onto the restaurant floor. She suddenly started breathing again. I was so thankful I made it there in time. I held her so that she was sitting in my lap, still on the ground. y/n wrapped her arms around my neck, and then kissed me. Still a little out of breath. Everyone else there clapped. Later the police came and took the man away. Y/n and I sat back at out table, steadily breathing again, and she told me all that happened. Who Sean was, their relationship, the night she ran away, and what happened in the hall.


   We headed back t the car, and Damien took me home. We chatted on the way, and he walked me up when we arrived. I thanked him for being my hero and saving me. Then he thanked me for such a fun night, other than that whole Sean situation. I was about to unlock my door and go inside when he grabbed my hand and pulled me close to him. Our faces were just centimeters apart when he planted his lips on mine. We stood there on my door step and kissed for a few minutes, until we stopped to give our final goodbyes. "We should have a do over date sometime." he said.  "Yeah that would be nice!" I replied. 

(1504 words)

  Thank you all for reading and i hope you enjoyed it. I was saving this one for 500 views but i just couldn't wait and needed to please the fans so there you go!    

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