Shayne - Half a Man

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The song chapter 'Damien- Someone you loved' was super successful, and if you haven read it yet go do that, and my favorite so far to write. Shayne was a super successful cast member to write about, and I believe my second most read chapter. First being the first chapter I wrote 'Wes- food fight' So for this chapter I'm doing a combination of the two. Hope you enjoy. ⚠️TRIGGER WARNING ⚠️

Backstory: Shayne was in a horrible relationship 3 years ago, and 2 years ago you started dating. Your relationship was as strong as ever until his past relationship begins to haunt him again. He is left to believe if she thought he wasn't good enough, is he not good enough for anyone? Is he good enough to be loved by anyone anymore?

Your POV

Shayne has been acting strange lately. I can't seem to tell what it is, and he doesn't want to talk about it. I decided not to push him about it. Its his choice to talk or not. Its the end of another work day and Shayne just seems very stressed. I decided to check on him. "Hey," I cheer as I give him a quick peck. He docent smile like he used to. He just kinda smirked. "How was your day?" I asked concerned, but all I got in return was a simple shrug. "Are you feeling ok? You know you can always talk to me, right? I mean I do have a degree in communications," I smile hoping to see his cheesy grin in return, but all I got was a small nod. "I'm gonna head home, is there anything you want for dinner? I was thinking of watching a movie together too," I've almost lost hope in this conversation by now. "Anything works, sounds cool," He shrugs. Im done. He is no longer putting in any effort. I can't handle this. I stepped out of the office and drove to our house.

Shaynes POV

Ugh, I bet she docent even love me. Why would anyone love me? I could tell she was frustrated with me. Who wouldn't be? I'm, well I'm just me. Shayne Topp. I don't deserve her love. I don't deserve anyones love. I'm weak, childish, small, annoying. I can never do anything right. I think I should break up with her. I don't deserve her love. I don't love her enough. I'm a horrible boyfriend. I hate myself. Theres no way that I have enough love for some one as amazing as Y/n. I finally finish work and leave the office to go home. I mentally prepare for the break up in the car. Before I get home I call my best friend Damien.

S- Shayne D- Damien

D- Hey whats up? S- Im breaking up with Y/n. D- What? I thought you guys were doing really well. S- We are. I just think I'm better off single. D- Are you sure about this? I think she's really good for you. S- Yeah, this is the right choice. D- Well if you think its best I can't change your mind. Good luck. S- Thanks, talk soon. Bye. D- Bye.

I hung up. I really think this is good for me. Im better off single. I'm not good enough for love. She's to good for me.

I was wrong to say I loved her

I was wrong to think I'm right

But when I told her it was over

My darling I had lied

I've been running from my demons

Afraid to look behind

I've been running from myself

Afraid of what i'd find

I get home, and pull into the drive way. I take a huge deep breath when I get to the front door. when I open it I see Y/n at the table waiting to start dinner. She hops up and gives me a hug. I return it but very light. "Hey, can we talk?" She lights up, but I don't think this is what she expects. "Of corse. Is this about why you've been acting so strange lately?" I nod as we sit down. "So, I've been thinking. I believe we should break up." The minute I sat that her expression changed to a deep frown. Her eyes glazing over. All she can do is sigh, and I don't blame her. " I think I'm just better off alone." She looks up. "Are you sure about this? I think you should have someone like me with you. If you don't love me thats ok, but don't blame yourself." she starts to cry. My heart breaks a little more, if thats even possible, but she will be so much happier without me. "Hey, this will be better for you. Trust me." I hold back tears. "What are you talking about Shayne? This relationship is the best thing to happen to me in years, and I love you so so much. Please tell me where this is coming from Shayne." She cried even harder. She doesn't understand how awful I am. "I don't deserve you, or anyone for that matter. I'm just unloveable. You can do so much better than me. All I do is bring you down." I stand up ready to leave. "Hey, thats not true. I love you so much. Lets just talk this out." I start to get frustrated. "You don't understand!" I shout. Before I stormed out I grabbed the beers in my fridge knowing I'd need them later.

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