Damien pt.2- The first date

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I didn't want to keep you waiting too long, and I was receiving more Damien requests, so I tried to put this one out asap. If you hadn't read the first part go read that one real quick and come back. Enjoy!

Damiens POV

"Your right we do. I've had her wait for to long, but what if I made her wait for no reason? What if..." I started to panic until Shayne cut me off. "You both already know that you love each other, Damien. If she didn't already love you why would she have stayed so loyal to you for the past 3 months?" Shayne let out a sigh. Clearly frustrated with me. "You're right. I'm just getting into my own head." When I was finally ready I headed out. I wasn't wearing anything too nice. Just a button down and some black jeans. I texted y/n to not dress to nicely but still look good, although shed look good leaving the house in just sweats. I'm so luck to have someone as amazing as her, be so loyal and loving to me. As I was driving over I receive a call from Mari, one of y/n's best friends, so I picked up.

D- Damien M- Mari

D- Hey, Mari! M- Hey, I need to tell you something. Its about y/n. D- Is she ok?! Did something happen? Is she hurt? I'm on my way now if we need to take her to the hospital. M- Calm down Damien. She's fine. D- Oh thank god. So what did you want to tell me? M- I can tell you really care about her, and she care about you, and loves you so much. So you need to know if you ever hurt her, you are an ass hole and I will come for you Damien Haas. I don't care if we are friends, or co-workers. Your dead meat. D- Got it. I would never in a thousand years, even imagine hurting her. M- Good to know. I'm with her now and she is super excited to see you. 

Once the call ended I was a little scared, but I know that there is no need because id never do anything to hurt such an amazing person. I make it to her house and hop out of the car behind hers so I don't block Mari's. When I build up the courage to leave my car, I do. I knock on the door to see Mari. When she notices it me she says her goodbyes to y/n, and tells me, "Gp get her lover boy." I stifle a little laugh and I step in. "Y/n?" "oh sorry coming." She stated as I hear footsteps coming down the stairs. When she reaches the bottom, our eyes meet, and I'm left staring at this gorgeous girl. She looked perfect. Her (hair length) (hair color) perfectly framed her face. It gently bounced as she walked. She was wearing a beautiful yellow sundress, that matched her yellow sandals. She had little sunflower earrings in that I noticed when she pushed a strand of her hair behind her ear. Her pale pink lipgloss complemented her outfit and (eye color) eyes. I was in awe. She wasn't dressed extremely nice, but could take anyones breath away. "Hey," I mumbled in amazement. "Hi! You look great," she stated. "You look better," I finally snapped out of my trance. "Well don't start drooling." She rolled her eyes then laughed. I laughed along. "Are you ready to go M'lady?" I questioned. She nodded, shaking some hair in her face. I pushed it behind her ear and she began to blush. I just smiled and walked her to my car. I opened her door then ran around. "So, will you tell me where we are going?" She asked looking up to me. Before I start the car i look down to her. "Yeah, were going to this new reactant off of green ave. and its a surprise dr." I chuckled as she rolled her eyes at me. 

~~~Time skip brought to you by Randal Pibbers~~~

Your POV

We finally arrived at this mystery location. It is Gorgeous. Its a park filled with trees and flowers. There is a food truck thing going on so it was the best location to get food and lay in the grass. Its perfect. "Here we are!" Damien stated as we step out of the car. "Its beautiful," I state in awe. "Not as beautiful as you," Damien flirts as I turn bright red matching the scattered roses along the paths. We just stand there in peaceful silence looking at one another. "Well lets go find which truck we want to stop at," Damien says breaking the silence, but I didn't mind. I chose the truck serving (Favorite type of food ex. Mexican) and we both ordered (Favorite food). Damien pointed out the perfect spot on the grass to sit. We started to eat when I realized Damien looking at me. "Is there something on my face?" I ask surprised. "No I just can't believe some one as amazing as you would be sitting right next to me," my heart flutters as I hear the words come from his mouth. He hen flashes me the most heartwarming smile, and I can't help but smile in return. "I know this is like the first date, but I have liked you for the longest time. I love you Damien Haas." I state suddenly feeling confident. He was frozen until he sat up strait and scooted to the side of me, wrapping his arm over my shoulder. "I love you too Y/F/N (Full name)," I rest my head on his shoulder as we finish our meal. He looked down to me. "This time you do have something on your face." I turn red this is embarrassing. "Oh, sorry." I cover my face, trying to get it. "Don't be embarrassed. Its cute. Here ill get it." I look back up to him as he holds my face wiping off the food. He takes his arm from around me, and stands.  He then holds out his hand to help me up. W pick up our trash and throw it away. "Do you wanna walk around with me?" He asks. I nod my head and he holds out his hand. I gladly take it and we intertwine our fingers. I smile and rest my head on his shoulder.

 We walk around for a while just chatting holding hands. This couldn't be any more perfect. I look up to him and just see him smiling taking in the moment. We then notice an ice cream trick in the distance. His eyes light up like a child which was adorable. "Hey y/n?" He says. "Yes?" I respond still on shoulder. "Do you want ice cream?" I giggle. "Is that a question?" We laugh as I take my head off his shoulder. "C'mon," you can hear his excitement in his speech. He starts to walk faster soon running pulling me along with our hands still together.  We both get ice cream cones. I got (ice cream flavor), and he got vanilla . "Can I try yours?" he asks. "Sure!" I respond giggling with his excitement. After he gets a taste I bob him on the nose with my ice cream. "Hey!" He shouts. I just laugh at him. He puts a finger in his ice cream and bops me on the nose in return. "Ewwww, Cold!!" Now he is the only one laughing. I take my napkin and wipe off my nose, but he uses his finger and licks it. "More for me." He laughs. "Eww, You better brush your teeth before you kiss me," I joke. He leans close to me and out of no where close the gap between us kissing me. I went stiff but melted into his touch. We pulled away and I was shocked. "Oops I didn't mean too," Damien joked. "Ugh whatever. Your lucky it was good or you would be in trouble." I roll my eyes. He turned bright red at my comment not expecting that response. I really didn't expect the response I gave either, to be honest.

 We finished our ice cream and headed back to his car. He started driving. "I really had a great time Damien." He smiled. 'Im glad. I did too," I smiled in return. As he continued driving I rested my head on his shoulder once again. "Do you maybe want to come over and watch a movie?" he asked. "First date and your already taking me home?" I giggle. "I mean its not like your my best friend and practically live with me some times." He laughs with me. "I'd love too," the we stay in peaceful silence all the way to his apartment . 

We arrive and walk into his living room. "What do you want to watch?" He asks as I sit on his couch. "Something scary!" I say in excitement. "What about Halloween?" I nod in agreement. He puts the movie in the DVD player then sits next to me while the movie starts. As the movie goes on I scoot closer to Damien. I started to get s little scared and cuddled up to him. I felt so safe in his arms. The movie had a jump scare. I jumped and squealed. Damien just chucked, and held me tighter. 

The movie ended and it was getting kinda late. "Hey y/n do you want just stay here? Its pretty late and I think were bot too tired to be driving." She states and I agree. "You can see if you find something to wear in my closet." I stood up. "Ok thanks, Dames." I step into his room and open his closet, Finding a cozy sweatshirt that was so big it fit like a dress. I think it was even big on him. Perfect! I step outside and tell him I'm going to change in his bathroom. He steps into his bedroom and grabs his own clothes changing in his guest bathroom, so when I'm done I don't have to worry about Damien being done. Although I wouldn't mind walking by. I sat on the couch when I was done, waiting for Damien. When he came out he blankly stared at me. "You should wear my clothes more, you look good." I giggle. "Well then maybe you should have me over more." I put my clothes down by my bag and stand up to feel Damien snaking his arms around my waist from behind. I blush a little giggling. He is such a teddy bear. "We should probably go to bed." I state and he agrees. "I have the guest bedroom set up for you." I now and walk off. 

I try to fall asleep but fail to. I was to scared after the movie. I thought it would be a good idea to ask Damien what to do. When I reach his room I knock and step in. He was on his phone now wearing glasses because he took out his contacts. "Oh, hey y/n! Did you need something." I sit on his bed and sigh. "Yeah, after watching the movie I can't sleep." He sigh trying to think what to do. "If your comfortable with it, you can stay in here." I smile and nod, crawling up to him in his bed. He sets his phone down and takes off his glasses. He then wraps a hand around me. I lean my head on his chest as he gently pulls me closer. That was the best sleep I've had in years. 

1945 words

Thanks for reading I'm now hopefully going to upload every Thursday. I uploaded 2 in a row because its a part 2, and I don't want to be mean. Don't forget to vote me for the 2019 Wattys! I hope you enjoyed. Baiiiiii!!

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