Ian- fireworks

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IMPORTANT READ: If you want to make a suggestion then comment:
Cast member: ex, Noah
Occasion: ex, Show with no name
Info: ex, Shayne's sister
If you like that plot go read "Noah- shayne's little sister" it's good!
Now onto the story!

I've known Anthony for years and he decided to have a little BBQ for The Fourth of July. I was invited, along with smosh, and some other YouTuber friends. I have my own channel called (channel name) and I have about 10 million subscribers, that I love. I've known Ian since 2nd grade. That's when I met Anthony too. I've always liked Ian, but he got along with Anthony more then me, boy stuff. I haven't seen him in a while, but we are planning on doing a smosh video together soon. I follow him on social media and stuff so I see pictures sometimes. I'm kinda nervous. We were in school together from 2nd to 12th grade. I had a crush on him and his goofy hair from 10th to 12th, but I never said anything. We were better off friends. We didn't even hang out that much, I wonder why, anytime I asked I'm to he would rarely say yes. He always had excuses. I decided to dress kinda festive so I wore this:

Then it was time to go so I hopped in my car and drove over

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Then it was time to go so I hopped in my car and drove over.
Ian's POV
I was pacing around my room. Y/n is gonna be there. I haven't seen her in forever. Does she still like me? I was kinda means in high school, always giving her excuses, so I didn't pull anything. I've had a crush on her for a long time, and knew she wouldn't feel the same. I tried to avoid her to loose feelings, knowing that if I was around her I would confess or try to do something I would regret, like kissing her. I hate it when she posts on instagram because all that makes me want to do is call her and ask her out. Does she know I liked her? Towards the end of 12th she stopped asking to hang out. Did she figure out? What if she did and doesn't want to talk? Man up Ian! It's almost time to go and your not even ready. I got dressed and headed out the door.
——Time skip to the party——
I arrived and was greeted at the door by Anthony. "Hey y/n, good to see you! You can head to the backyard for some snacks, or to just chill," he offered. "Will do, thanks!" I headed that way to only recognize Ian, and he wasn't busy. "Hey Anthony! Where's the bathroom?" I asked too nervous to go out yet. "First door on the right." "Thanks!" I replied. "No prob!" I walked in, and locked the door behind me. I started breathing heavy and sat on the floor. I can't do this! I can't do this! I just kept repeating those words in my head. Did Ian see me? What if I start to have a panic attack out there with other people? I took a little time to take some deep breaths, then finally went back out. The first person I saw was Ian. Damn it. He waved and walked over. "Hey, Y/n! It's been too long!" He chirped. I almost got lost in his crystal blue eyes. "H-hi! Yeah, it really has," I tried to be calm, but I think he noticed something was up. "Um, y/n? You ok?" "Me? Pfft, I'm fine! Super excited to see you!" I gave him a hug. He's so warm, big, cozy. I should probably let go now. "Sorry, was that weird?" He turned red. "No, I don't mind. I like hugs!" I sighed of relief. I started to sweat a little. Am I gonna have a panic attack? In high school I would have really bad panic attacks. So bad I'd pass out. Surprisingly Ian caught me every time. He understood. Back then he had anxiety, so he knew what it was like. It sucked not having him to talk to towards the end of school. "How have you been?" He asked, unfreezing me. "Oh, pretty good! I just moved out here, and have a great apartment in a good neighborhood! I finished decorating last week. You should come over sometime, and we can catch up over coffee!" Did I just invite him to my house? Am I crazy? I can hardly speak to him now! Alone? At my house? I'm crazy! "That'd be great!" He responded breaking silence. "How are you?" "Pretty well! Smosh is doing great, and I'm at a really good point in my life now. It's been pretty chill these last few months. It's nice!" We continued catching up. We had a couple drinks, ate some dinner, danced a little. It started to get dark, and people near us were setting off fire works. They wee too far to see, but they were loud. Later we heard some that were much louder, but still unseeable. Were those fireworks? Gunshots. I know the sound of a gunshot better then anyone.
—flash back—
Breathing heavy I run for the door, not making it very far considering I'm 7. A hand grabbed my shoulder, and I fell back. I heard gunshots and screams. Screams from my brother. One minute we were walking home the next we were here. He is 10. The screams stopped, and I got a quick glimpse of the chair he was in. Limp, not breathing, dead. I started bawling. The man holding me froze. "Why did you kill my brother?" I asked innocently. "Why? I asked you a question mister." I continued. "I had too." He said monotone. "Why?" I stayed firm, but tears were still falling. "My boss." "Why does he make you kill 10 year old boys, and possibly 7 year old girls?" He looked scared. I'm only 7, but I'm good at getting my way. "I-I I don't want to. If I don't he'll kill me." "Who is he and why does he want children dead?" To be honest I didn't think he knew, I he did know that he didn't want to kill either of us. "Please mister, don't kill me." I just sat there and looked at him. "There is an exit over there y/n," he said happily. "Thanks! I love you," I ran up to him and hugged his leg. He started to cry and I ran. I heard more gunshots, and a body fell to the floor. The nice man who let me go was shot. All I saw was a pool of blood beneath him. I looked back at my big brother. I hole in his forehead. Bawling I ran home to mom and dad. A few weeks later I moved to (hometown) with mom."
"Y/n? Are you ok?" Ian questioned. "G-gun s-shots," I stuttered. More started to go of and I started to breathe heavy. "Hey hey, it's ok they are probably victory shots. No ones gonna get hurt ok?" (Victory shots: when someone fires a gun on the 4th to express independence. I am against them, and for the most part they are illegal, but they are gonna be in anyways!) I was frozen. No one else noticed though. "P-probably?" I stuttered in fear. After 18 years I was still horrified of that day. I blacked out.
Ian's POV
"Y/n? Y/n!" We happened to be standing by a pool, and she fell in. Everyone was frozen in shock, now noticing what is happening. I couldn't move. Lashes hit the bottom and my instincts kicked in. I jumped in, not caring my phone was in my pocket, or my watch was on. Once I reached the bottom I grabbed her from under her arms, and pulled her to the surface. Once we reached edge of the pool, Anthony helped my pull her out. She wasn't breathing. I know CPR, so I started doing chest compressions. "Anthony! Find her purse she probably has her inhaler in it. Once you find it bring it to me, she'll need it when she wakes up." I continued as a circle formed around me. She started coughing and spitting up water. "Anthony!" I screamed. "I found it!" He ran over and gave it to me. I moved and sat her up, placing the inhaler in her mouth and pushing it. She started to breath normally and I took it out. Someone brought out towels for y/n and I. "I-Ian what happened?" I helped her up and wrapped her in a towel. "You passed out and fell into the pool, so I jumped in and got you. "No, you saved me." She spoke. We sat down and she leaned on my shoulder. I wrapped my arm around her. "Hey, I know it's strange, but do you mind if you stay at my place tonight, so I can make sure you are ok?" She turned bright red, as did I. "That sounds nice, but I don't want you to do anymore for me. You saved my life! I need to repay you." She sighed. "Trust me this is more for me than you. I couldn't live with my self knowing you might not be ok." She nodded and accepted. "I can take you over now if you'd like. We should probably change, I don't want you to catch a cold." I stated and stood up, grabbing her hand. She stood up to, and I walked her to my car with my arm around her. I opens the door and said, "M' lady." She stepped in and I ran around. Once I got in I put on the hot air, and pulled a blanked from the back, giving it to Y/n. "Thanks!" She smiled. We got to my house and I grabbed an old sweatshirt, and some smosh sweatpants in her size that I had laying around. She went to the bathroom to change. I hope I'm not going to far. I mean I do want to make sure she is ok, but also the girl of my dreams is in my house right now with me.
I went into the bathroom to change. So many thoughts were running through my head. Do I still like Ian Hecox? Damn, of corse I do. He is so sweet and caring. I mean he jumped into a pool not caring what could get ruined, and he saved me. He is the funniest guy I know and I'm sad that it's been so long since I've seen him. I saw a huge mustard yellow sweatshirt that was probably his, and some black sweatpants. I put the sweatshirt on first and it fit like a dress so I didn't bother to put the pants on. I put my hair up on a messy bun and left. I ran down stairs and met Ian in his living room. "Hey Ian!" He was wearing a pink and blue smosh hoodie and pajama pants. "H-hey!" He gulped. "Crap did I forget the pants? I thought I had them," he turned red. "No I had them! I just didn't do like putting them on. I hope that's ok," he was a little less red now. "Oh ok. Your fine I don't care, just making sure. He looked so cute with his glasses on. Was I blushing? Crap. We were watching a movie. I was cuddled up with him on the couch and we shared a cozy blanket. Once it was over I had a question. "Hey Ian? Is there any way I can repay you?" He looked shocked. I noticed he was looking at my lips for a second but quickly looks up back at me. "Trust me y/n. I don't need to be repaid." I have an idea, but what if it backfires? Will he hate me? Well I won't know unless I go for it. "I think I have a way to," He was red. Before he could respond I leaned in and kissed him. He froze for a second. Then he smiled and kissed back. I was now sitting on top of him leaning in to deepen the kiss. It went on for a little until we pulled apart. You could see fireworks from his bedroom window so we went up there and watched some. When it started to get late we decided to go to bed. "Hey Ian?" He turned around. "What's up?" He asked. "What if there are anymore shots tonight?" I stepped closer. "It'll be ok I'm here with you. If your get scared just come in ok?" I know it sounds childish, but when you have trauma it's really comforting. "Ok! Goodnight." 
-an hour later-
*gunshots* I shot up and headed Ian get up from across the hall. The kept going off and I was breathing heavy. He ran in and sat on the guest bed I was using. "Hey hey y/n it's ok." He grabbed my inhaler and handed it to me. I used it and it calmed me down. "Are you gonna be ok?" He asked concerned. "I think so," he got up to the door. "Wait! Can you stay?" He stepped back over. "I could, but let me bring in some stuff to sleep on the floor." He was gonna step out again. "Wait! There's plenty yodel room on the bed you can just share it with me." I offered. He turned around to me. "Well, ok. If you insist," he stepped in took off his glasses and set them on the nightstand on his side. I leaned into him, and started to cuddle. He cuddled back. Soon I started to doze off.

(2316 WORDS!)
Thanks for reading! I'm sorry it's so late. I had this story ready for the 4th, but it got erased somehow so I had to rewrite it. It would've gone out yesterday but I had a doctors appointment. I hope you enjoyed it and happy 4th of July! Also it's officially my longest story! Thx for reading love you all!

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