Boze- Auditions

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This chapter was suggested by @Lightning9696 ! Imagine Boze is still a part of smosh.

Your POV:

Todays the day. The day I audition for the most amazing job ever. Smosh Games. Could you imagine being able to play games, and have fun for money? Its amazing. Ive been watching smash games since the beginning and can't wait.  I got dressed nicely to look more approachable, wearing (outfit of your choosing). I then proceeded to style my hair accordingly, and stepped out of the door. When I reached my car, I froze. I might be a part of smosh games. DONT BLOW IT Y/N!!

~~Time skip brought to you b... IZZ YA BOI BIG BOSS BOZE!!... ok then~~

I arrive, and find this amazing colorful office building. When I step in the guard asks for my name, and I sadly give it to him. He lets me through showing me which stairwell to take. He told me to go straight until I reach a wall then turn right and I should find stair well 4. Then stairwell 4 should lead me to Ian's office. I make it and see an office with I sign that reads. 'Smosh daddy' I giggle quietly to myself before I knock. "Come in!" I hear from inside. I push open the door and hear it creak. "Shit, I really need to et that fixed." He mumbles to himself. "Great first impressions, am I right?" I giggle again, but louder this time.

~Time skip~

"Thank you again for auditioning. I really think you will be great! Come back for the interview portion tomorrow!" I smile pleased with myself. "I will thanks!" I say as I walk to the stairwell I came from. I whip out my phone to tell my bestie how it went. Then suddenly I bumped into someone. Accidentally knocking them over. I look up and hold out my hand. She was pretty. Shorter than I am. She had long dark hair, and a beanie that matched her cute outfit. "Oh, my bad I should've been looking." She smiles. "Your fine, I'm super clumsy. Do it all the time." She laughed. I like her laugh. It is very contagious. Soon enough I was laughing along. "Sorry, do I know you?" She asked politely. "Oh, no. I'm auditioning." She nods. Showing she understands. "Well, good luck. I like you." I smile, blushing slightly.

~TIme skip~

The next day was easy. I just had to answer some questions. Then a day or two later I received a call letting me know that I got the job!! I was so excited. After that a few months passed. The fans loved me. My initiation was smoother than others, and I have grown Major feelings for Boze. She is amazing, funny, pretty, and has a great personality. Whats not to like.

Boze's POV
A lot has happened in the past couple of months, and by a lot I mean A LOT of feelings for Y/n. I really think I love her. She is just so so amazing. Since the day she bumped in to me all I could think was, she is the most amazing person I've ever seen. Now I wanna tell her that...

I'm sorry this one is so short I promise to write part 2 school is just on top of me right now! Thanks for understanding!

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