Joven- First day!

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This story is suggested by @LilyTheOutsider if you want a certain story COMMENT!
Your POV
Today's the day I go on camera. Like Wes I've been an editor for a long time but have been given the opportunity to be on Smosh Games. I wanted to look good for the camera because I'll be seen by thousands of people across the world. Was this a bad idea? Nope, I'm gonna do great! I ran to my closet and found something cute.

(Tbh the outfits have just become things I want)Once I was ready I got in the car and asked the smosh games chat if they wanted coffee

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(Tbh the outfits have just become things I want)
Once I was ready I got in the car and asked the smosh games chat if they wanted coffee.
In chat:
Y/n: Do y'all want coffee I'm going to Starbucks?
Mari: YASSSS! Can I have an iced coffee with skim milk?
Wes: S'mores Frappé please!
Joven: plain black is fine!
Lazercorn: I'm good but thanks y/n
Y/n: ok got it! Anyone else?
Mari: I don't think so. Shayne brought stuff for the squad so I think we're good!
Y/n: Ok thanks!
Once I got everyones orders I drove through and got everything.
—Time skip of Laziness—
I arrived at the office with the 4 drinks. One for me of course! I got (your order). I hopped in the elevator but saw a hand stick through the door before it closed. "Agh! Got it!" A familiar voice said. The doors opened for me to see a late Joven. "Good morning, Joven!" I chirped. "Oh mornin' Y/n!" I handed him his coffee as he took a sip. "Thanks for the drinks N/n!" I smiled. "Don't mention it. My treat," he looked back to me and smiled. His smile just made me fuzzy inside. It's so sweet. We walked through the office just chatting and goofing around. We are going to play GTA so I was messing with the bronze player. I was definitely gonna beat him. We finally reached the games room and I gave everyone their drinks. "Hey is everyone ready to film?" Mari asked. "I think so. Are you bronze?" I spoke. Joven rolled his eyes. "Yeah." He was pretending to be annoyed. He was acting like a teenager. I couldn't help but giggle. "OMG! MOM ITS NOT FUNNY! IM 13 NOW LEAVE ME ALONE!" Everyone couldn't help but laugh at his goofy remarks. He can be so strange sometimes but I didn't mind. He was still hilarious. "GRAND THEFT SMOSH!" Everyone yelled in unison except for Joven who was a few seconds behind. "What did I tell you guys? B-R-O-N-Z-E!" Everyone laughed but Joven rolled his eyes. "I bet you lunch if I get platinum, y/n!" I giggled. Like that would ever happen. "Okie dokie, Jovie!" I chirped. "I sure do love free food," I quickly added. Did he blush? I've kinda noticed he blushes when I give him nicknames. Why am I still looking at him? Time to play and win platinum!
—laziness time skip—
Thank gosh Joven didn't die this time!" Mari scoffed. Lazercorn, Wes, and I all laughed along. "C'mon platinum!" Joven said hopefully. "Sure," Wes scoffed. Scores went up and Joven was... "Platinum?!" Joven jumped out of his chair and shouted. "YES PLATINUM!!" Joven ran around the office yelling Mr.Platinum. We closed off the video and I went up to Joven. "Ok what do you want for lunch?" Joven cracked a smile. "Oh you don't really have too." I rolled my eyes. "C'mon Joven! A bet is a bet," I nudged at him. "Fine, you pick the place," he grinned. "Can we go to (fav restaurant)?" I squeaked. "Of course." We left the office for our lunch break, and headed to my car. On our way there we chatted. When I'm with Joven there is never an awkward moment. Even when we our silent it's nice silence. It's comfortable in his presence. I'm very comfortable near him. We've known each other longer than I have the rest of the cast. We met in college and actually dated. Not proud of it, but we are still best friends. Lately I've felt those same college feelings flood back in. We decided to break up together and stay friends, but we are adults now, so maybe things have changed. No that's silly he is my best friend. He broke the silence and we chatted again.
Joven's POV
I remember college like it was yesterday. I miss dating y/n, but I love our friendship. We decided to split 'together',but it was her idea. I didn't want o ruin our friendship so I went along, but I still have never forgot about those 3 years. She is perfect. I'm me. That was in college. We are now adults she has probably realized that we will forever be only friends, but I don't want that. I realized we were both deep in thought so I started a conversation to break the tension. We talked until we arrived. "Do you want to go in or drive thru?" She shrugged. "How about we drive thru then go back to my place and eat? I know how much you love the puppies!" I squealed and quickly nodded. She pulled in and took our orders. (If your restaurant doesn't have drive thru take it to go) we arrived at her house to be greeted by her two puppies, (dog name) and (dog name). "Aww, they missed their uncle jovie!" She giggled. I normally come over a lot, but recently haven't been. "Yess you did! Oh yess you did!" I spoke to the dogs in a goofy voice. "I missed having you over too!" Y/n stated as she tapped on the seat next to her. I tried not to blush but couldn't help it. "Is someone blushing?" Y/n teased as she shoved me playfully. "Noooooooooo," I grunted. "I'm just messing with you." I sighed. "Was that a sigh?" I rolled my eyes. "What's wrong jovie?" I turned to her. 'I love you and I always have. I know that liking you would have ruined our relationship, so I never said anything after we broke up. I love being your friend, but loved being your boyfriend even more. This is hard for me to say and I just hope you feel the same.' Is what I thought but couldn't let it out. "Come onnnnnn! You tell me everything. What's up? Is it a girlllllll?" I blushed harder. "OH MY GOD IT IS! WHO! Do I know them?" She kept questioning, but noticed I wasn't amused. "Joven, it's ok if you don't want to talk. I'm sorry for pushing. I just want you to feel better," that's why I love her she is so caring and sweet. "No your right." She squealed. "So, Who is it." I was so scared to say anything.
Your POV
I was so scared for his answer. 'You I like you y/n.' That would never happen. I wish. I kinda don't want to hear his answer. Preparing for the worst I took a deep breath as he opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. He did it again, but this time he spoke. "Do you promise you won't freak out?" I rolled my eyes. "You sound like you're 12 just tell me already." He sighed. "Ok, I like this girl. I've known her for a long time, and we used to date in college, but decided to be friends. Ever sense then I've wanted nothing more than to be with her again, but didn't want you ruin our friendship. We are now best friends and I'm so scared to tell her." I was stunned. "You have another best friend?" I wanted to make sure he meant me. "What? Umm, I mean you y/n. I love you. If you don't feel the same I understand, but.." I cut him of by pressing my lips against his and moving closer. He pulled me on top of him deepening the kiss as I gasped for air. "Thank god you said something. I feel exactly the same, but I was too scared to even mention it. I love you so much, and wish I noticed that sooner. I got caught up in school and I'm sorry. I though having a boyfriend was a distraction, but the fact that we broke up kept you in my thought even more then when we were together. I can't tell you how long I've waited for this." We both smiled as I wrapped my hands around and leaned in for one last quick kiss. "Now let's eat before our food gets too cold," I stated and funny enough Joven's stomach growled. We ate and chatted. I felt closer to him then I ever have.
A few weeks passed and we decided to make it official. As usual I took everyone's coffee orders and Joven picked me up to get the drinks. When we arrived at the office we walked in holding hands. In the elevator I placed my head on his shoulder. "Do you think we are ready to tell them?" I asked. "It's been over a month. They are our friends and deserve to know." The only person who knew was Ian. Since he is our boss we needed to make sure it was ok to have co worker relations which he said was fine. The door opened and we both had a large bag of drinks since we have orders for the whole office. Including behind the camera. We couldn't get stuff for everyone so we have different jugs of coffees and teas. As we passed stuff around we didn't let eat other go. People noticed bu decided not to question it, until we got into the sg office. Mari was the first to notice. "Oh hey guys! How ar... OMG YOUR HOLDING HANDS!" Everyone else in the room turned around and cheered. "Is there something we don't know?" Wes questioned. "We're dating!" Joven spoke up bluntly, which left me bright red. "Awwwww!" Everyone squealed in unison. "How long have I missed this!?" Damien shouted. "A little over a month. Sorry Iyar took so long I was just nervous," I stuttered. "It's ok! Y'all are so cute!" Damien replied. I looked up to Joven as he looked down at me and kissed my forehead. "So cute!" Damien repeated. "Ok enough. These bags are heavy." I shouted. We gently set them down, and we split apart. The rest of the day was amazing and I couldn't have better friends.
1759 words
I hope y'all enjoyed this! I loved writing the extra fluffy one! Please leave suggestions and comment if I should make a Wes x reader book. BYE💕

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