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Hello everyone!! So we just reached 9K READS! Whooo hoo! I had an idea for a chapter giveaway. If we can reach 10k reads I will make 3 special chapters for 3 very lucky people!!

1. Vote on at least 3 chapters
2. Comment on your favorite chapter
3. Leave in the comments of this chapter what you want in you chapter all about you!

I'll be choosing some of the most active on this story to write about.

1st- You get a 2k word chapter with the plot of your choice (released first)
2nd- 1.5k word chapter with the plot of your choice (released second)
3rd- 1k word chapter with the plot of your choice (released third)

Details: after reaching 10k I will release a chapter announcing the winners and the following week posting the first chapter. I will post one every other week to give other readers options. Now go and ENTER!!

SMOSH x reader  {DiScOnTiNuEd}Where stories live. Discover now