Lazercorn/ David- old friends

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It's been 6 years since I've seen David and I'm so excited to visit him! I don't watch smosh because I don't have time though. I'm moving to L.A. today and staying with him for a little until I get back on my feet. I'm also going to help with Tyler. He and Sabrina just went through divorce and Tyler is under David's custody. That's all I really know about it. My plane was about to land! I packed up moving vans the night before with my things and brought one suitcase with me. As we landed I called David to tell him I'm off.
(D= David Y= Y/n)
Y: Hey David, I just landed.
D: Ok. I'm waiting at baggage.
Y: Perfect! See you soon Davie!
D: Bye (nick name N/n).
Y: Bye!
I headed off and finally got to baggage. I saw David waiting with a sleeping Tyler. When he saw me he waved me over and I said, "Hi!" In a whisper yell. "Hey! My car is right outside. Grab your bag and I'll show you." I nodded and found my stuff. We headed to the car and I sat in the back with Tyler just in case he woke up, and needed anything. "How is it in (hometown)?" He asked. "Pretty great, but I really missed L.A, and the last time I visited it assured me that it was time to move. I was actually hoping to get a job as an editor maybe on smosh, or even toaster ghosts." (If you don't know what toaster ghosts is, it is another YouTube Chanel that Lazercorn and Sohinki game on.) "That would be awesome! I'd love to work with you. Maybe you could even game on one of them, or become a smosh squad member if you want to be on screen." He quickly replied. His eyes lit up and he looked so happy, which lately was kinda rare. After everything that happened these past 2 months he's been really down so I'm hoping I'll help. I never realized how sweet he was. Sabrina was really missing out. Whatever she did to make David divorce was stupid. David is a great guy, and an amazing father to Tyler. Do I like David? No way he is my best friend, and has been since 6th grade. I looked at Tyler and saw through his baby mirror that I was blushing. Fuck. Maybe I did have a little crush on David, but he is not in the mental state for another relationship after the divorce. We arrived and I offered to Cary Tyler in. Once we got inside I laid Tyler in his crib, and put my stuff in the spare room. When I left the room David was making coffee. It was kinda early, about 8:30, and I told David I could take an Uber, but he insisted on driving me. I sat on his couch and scrolled on Instagram. "Oh y/n I need to go to work and I asked Ian if you could come, so if you want to come to the office with me you can." He said. "Well are you sure you don't want me to stay with Tyler?" I asked. He has daycare today at 9:15 till 3:00 so we will be good, and if we finish early we can pick him up then or grab food before we get him to kill time." He replied. I nodded, "sounds like a plan." We got Tyler after another 30 minutes of him napping to take him to daycare. "We're here ty." David said as he took Tyler out of the back. I walked in with the two. "Good morning David!" The worker said as she took Tyler. "Mornin' Becca!" David replied. "I pack food for breakfast, lunch, and some snacks for when he is hungry." "That's perfect. Bye David." Becca replied. "You are such a good dad, David." I really did admire him he is a great dad, and friend. "Aww, thanks." He replied blushing, I think. "Ready to head to the office?" He questioned. I nodded.
Time skip—————
We got on to the smosh floor and stepped in. We walked into Ian's office, and I introduced myself. "Hi, Lazercorn told me about you! I'm Ian Hecox." He said politely. "Lazercorn?" I turned to David. "Oh, that's my nickname here. Forgot to tell you." I sighed. "Nice to meet you Ian. I'm y/n y/l/n!" We shook hands as I left. David took me to the games office. "Y/n, this is the games crew. Games, this is y/n y/l/n." The first one to stand up was a average height man with glasses. "Hi, I'm Joven!" I shook his hand. "Hey!" The next was a girl with the coolest purple hair. "Hi! I'm Mari!" She seemed really excited. "Hello!" Then was Boze, and Wes. Last was a man slightly taller then Joven but not as tall as Wes, that mans a beast, he had blue in his hair which I thought was cool, "I'm Damien Haas, at your service m'lady." I giggled he was goofy. "Well hello kind sir. ''Tis I madame y/n." I mocked his good English accent. We both laughed. "I like her!" Damien said normally. "I do too." David replied. "I believe I'm not to shabby as well." I stated sarcastically. "You know I'm here, right?" I was a little annoyed. "Did you hear that?" Damien said. I ran up to tackle him and got in a playful slap on the arm in before David lifted me to stop. "Did you feel that!?" I was grumpy now. "Ok ok, sorry." He said. I met the rest of smosh and we played a game or two, until David was ready to go. "We have like 30 minutes, are you hungry?" He asked. "Oh sure,"I agreed. "We can go through in and out." I nodded, "perfect!" We went through the drive through and insisted on paying, making David use my card. We got our food and talked in the car, while we ate. We were parked so David could eat easier, instead of while driving. "I really did miss you David, like really did. I just wish I did this sooner." I felt myself start to heat up. I missed you too. It was so fun back in (hometown) before I moved here. We were inseparable." We told stories of things we did as kids. Like the time we tagged our school with graffiti in 8th grade before we graduated, or the time we spiked the punch at prom in 11th (Cliche I know). Also when we did a huge senior prank and superglued all of the teachers piles together and made one big stack. All of the teachers, plus the admin and principle. We almost got expelled, but ended up with in school suspension. We shared and laughed with one another, for 20 minutes, and were late for Tyler. "Shit, Tyler!" David  shouted. "Damnit!" I said in realization. We drove as fast as we could. Luckily Tyler was asleep and didn't notice he was the last one there. "Hey Becca, sorry were late, held up at work." David lied as I picked up Tyler and his bag. "No problem, David. Totally understand." I kinda felt bad he lied, but whatever. Once we were in the car I sat with Tyler, like I did from the airport.
David's POV
Wow, y/n is so sweet, and good with kids. Tyler woke up crying, and from the flash of her smile he was good. It normally takes forever for him to stop crying. She was so cute when she played with him. Cute? Did I think that? I just got divorced two months ago, am I moving to fast? No, she is just cute. That's it. Although I used to like her in high school. Do I still? Did I when I was married? The questions were so distracting I didn't notice I passed my house. I turned around and pulled in. Y/n took Tyler to his crib, and I put on a movie. I chose (fav movie) because it was her favorite since high school. "OMG, ARE YOU PLAYING (FAV MOVIE)?" She shouted out of pure joy. "You know it." We sat down when y/n realized something. "I'll be right back, I'm gonna get a sweatshirt 'cause I'm cold." "Ok," I replied. "Crap!" She shouted, and walked back in. "I don't have one." She plopped on the couch next to me. She looked up to me nudged her head on my shoulder and pouted her lips. "Davie? Can I borrow one." How could I say no she was so cute when she did that. She could get away with murder if she gave that face. "Sure it's in the second drawer on the left." She squealed and jumped up, running to my room. She came out in a yellow smosh hoodie. It almost engulfed her. She was so little (sorry if you aren't). She sat down, and we cuddled whilst watching the movie. When it was over we just looked at each other in silence. It wasn't awkward, it was comforting. She leaned towards me, and I leaned down to her. Out of no where we kissed. She got off my shoulder and sat on my lap, to be able to hold my neck. I held her waist and pulled her closer. I've been waiting for this since high school, and now I'm kissing my best friend since middle school.
—— 3 year time skip——
"David, I've known you for over 20 years, and am so happy with you. I love bing a mother to Tyler, and am so happy to be with you, David Moss, I do!" I'm married, I'm a mom, I work on smosh (games/pit), my best friends are Mari, Courtney, and Wes. I have a corgi named (pet name), and live in a beautiful home with David, and Tyler. I, truly happy.
"I love you, David Moss." "I love you too, y/n Moss"
1693 words
Hopefully you enjoyed this extra fluffy chapter for 1k💕! I'm so happy, and this chapter is requested by idktho__okthen_ you can request too! Just message me or comment what you want. Tell me: Who in smosh, occasion (optional) and any additional info about the reader. Ly all! Bye.

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