Wes- oops

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PLEASE READ! A/N! I've been having trouble finding inspiration and am redoing smosh members. Please comment if doing someone again is ok. At one point I'd have to anyways so why not now? Please leave suggestions and now on to the story!

Your POV
I got up at 8:00 to make sure I had plenty time to get ready. I got out of bed and took a warm shower. I next made (fav. Breakfast food) for breakfast. Once I was done I got dressed. I wanted to look the part, so I wore some video game merch I had.
*Your outfit*

I thought I looked really cute! I decided to leave my hair down, and just straighten/curl it

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I thought I looked really cute! I decided to leave my hair down, and just straighten/curl it. Once I finally had everything together I was on my way over
—time skip—
I arrived at the office and went up to my floor. Once I stepped in I realized that I had no clue how to get around this place. I started walking down a hall until I found a room with some computers and one guy on his computer. I could tell he was deep into his thoughts and he looked cute when he was concentrating. I decided to poke my head in and ask for help.
Wes's POV
I've been hearing there is going to be a new member, and I was nervous to meet her. I haven't been told anything about her they want to keep it a surprise. As soon as I finished that thought I heard the door open and a beautiful girl with (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes entered the office. She was dressed cute as well. I was the only one in the office now because everyone else was filming. I stood up to introduce myself. "Hi! I don't believe I've seen you here before. I'm Wes!" She looked up to me and said, "Oh hey! I'm y/n. I'm actually kinda lost. This is the first room I saw with people that weren't filming in it, and I need directions. I hope you weren't busy." I saw her turn red but I wasn't sure if it was out of embarrassment or not. "Where too m' lady?" The blushed which lead me to believe that's what she was doing all along. "Oh, I'm supposed to go to Ian's office? I believe he is who I'm supposed to talk to." She shyly stated. "That sounds about right. Follow me!" We left the office and headed towards Ian's office. It was kinda a long walk, so I decided to get to know her. I mean she is going to work her, so I might as well. "Your joining smosh games right?" She nodded. I assumed she didn't talk much. "I just really love video games! I could play them all day." I assumed wrong. She was adorable when she was excited. We continued talking about work and games in the way there and got to know each other well. We reached Ian's office, and was wishing it was farther. I don't know what it is but I just want to keep talking to y/n. She is so compelling. She has such an attractive personality. Stop it Wesley! "Here we are." She faced me and gave a sigh. "You'll be ok I promise," I made sure she was ready and she stepped in. I waited outside his office. After a few minutes passed she stepped out of the office. A nudge smile plastered across her face. "Are you ok?" She asked. "I'm great!" I responded. Apparently I was zoning off. Damnit. "Do you think you could give me a tour?" She asked looking up at me. Her smile was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. "O-of c-corse!" Wesley Alan Johnson! If you don't get your act together you are gonna slip up! I am acting like mush. I've known her for 20 minutes. There is no such thing as love at first sight! Pull yourself together. Even if there was is probably a one person thing. She doesn't know you get over it!
Your POV
It's so hard keeping myself together around him. All I want to do is fall into his arms and kiss him. IVE KNOWN HIM FOR 20 MINUTES SHUT UP BRAIN!  Ugh, love sucks. LOVE? You don't even know him, but I really want to. He is so perfect. Tall, attractive, fit, funny, easy to talk to, sweet, a goofball, and he's right next to me. I'm making a fool, of myself! STOP IT! I mean why would he ever like me? I'm, well me. I'm not cute, a nerd, extremely unfit even though I try to be, I'm boring, needy, I'm me. He's Wes! How am I coming up with this? I don't even know his last name. "Our first stop the café! This is where we all eat. The kitchen is right through there if you want to make food. We normal go get food and just eat here." He continued as I observed the area. There were 3 people at a table. One was a girl. She had cool purple hair and was super pretty. On her right was a guy with orange hair. To her left was  another guy with short dark brown hair and glasses. They were smiling and laughing. Wes noticed I was looking at them and he introduced me to them. "Hey guys! This is y/n she is the newest games member!" I waved and smiled. "Hi, y/n! I'm Mari." I shook her hand as she sat back down the other two came up to me. "I'm David, but everyone here calls me Lazercorn!" Well that's strange. "How did you get lazercorn from David?" I asked genuinely confused. "Oh I have a laser shooting  unicorn tattooed on my back." I nodded.  "And I'm Joshua! They call me Joven." I shook the guys hands. "Well nice to meet you all. I look forward to meeting you." They sat back down and started chanting again, this time with Wes. "If you don't mind me asking where is the bathroom?" Wes pointed to it and I left.
Wes's POV
As she left all I could do is stare. Once she walked in I was in a daze. "Does wessy have a crush?" Mari teased. "Huh?" I snapped. "You soooooo like her!" She replied. "Oh my gosh he does!" Joven shouted. "What?" I was in shock. "YOUR RIGHT!" Lazercorn shouted. "Do not!" I sighed. "Someone's blushing!" Mari stated as she pinched my cheek. I pouted. "You all are so childish!" I shouted. "At least we aren't pouting like a child." Joven replied. "I've only know her for like 25 minuets!" I raised my voice. "Soooooooo? Do you?" Lazercorn emphasised the o's. "Ugh y'all suck. What if I do?" I uncrossed my arms. "HE DOES!" Mari screamed. "HE LIKES HER!" She continued. That caught Noah, Keith, Shayne, and  Damien's attention. "Who likes who?" Damien poked in. "Wes likes the new girl." Joven squealed. "No way!" Noah shouted. "Yes way!" Lazercorn shouted in return. "For real" Keith remarked. "I haven't even seen her yet." He continued. "Me either." Shayne, Damien, and Noah all stated. Everyone stifled a quick laugh, but me. "It's not funny guys!" I pouted. "Is poor wessy denying an obvious crush?" Joven annoyed me. "Oh my god whatever! Yeah I do! You happy?" I heard a door slam shut. When I turned around I saw y/n come out of the bathroom. "Oops," She said. Her face was red of embarrassment. I ran over but she went back inside. "Seriously guys look what you did!" The group of seven was frozen from when the door slammed. I suddenly felt a tug on my shirt, and y/n's hand pull me into the bathroom. "Uhh, Hey!" I said awkwardly. "You heated everything didn't you?" She nodded. "I think you are great Wes, I really do. To be honest I was scared I had feeling for you too. I truly do believe somewhere deep down there I do. I've known you for 30 minutes, and I want to get to know you better. How about this, you ask me out Friday and pick me up at 7:00, and we get to know each other even better?" I was frozen in shock. I had no words I just stood there frozen. "I-I u-uh I-I id love that." I sighed, she did too. We opened the door and Wales out but she stopped me right outside the doorframe. She got on her tippy toes and kissed my cheek. I was frozen, and everyone saw. She grabbed my hand and pulled me off. "What do you say we finish our tour. So that's exactly what we did. We talked so much. We get along so well. We exchanged numbers and talked all night. Then all day and night for the rest of the week. It was finally Friday I got home from work and was so ready for my date!
1512 words
Dun dun dun
CLIFFHANGER are you ready for part 2? I've really enjoyed writing the Wes stories and am thinking of making them their own book. I have so many ideas for it and with this book style it's restricting so comment if you think I should and this will be like a preview/ prologue!! ENJOY!

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