The fight part 3

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It's been a few minutes since we finished explaining and no one has said anything. Until Ian said "Courtney, I'm not gonna fire you it's just a crush. Damien is a nice guy I see that. It's ok." "Really?" Courtney responded. "That's great! Now that it's all cleared up we need to talk to Noah." I said. "Good idea you should go without me and fill me in later." We left Ian and I called Noah. "Hey!" He said happy to hear from me. "Hey can you meet me at the smosh office?" I asked. "Oh yeah of course I'm on my way!" Noah said with enthusiasm. "Ok see you there." I hung up. I didn't want to say that Courtney was with me because he would have been nervous. I got there before he did and told Courtney to wait in the other room until he got there and we could have some small talk for a bit. (Reminder it's like 10:30pm)
He got here and I said hey. We just chatted for a minute. "Hey
Y/N I'm really sorry about you and Shayne." "Oh thanks Noah. Speaking of I wanted to talk to you about that." I couldn't tell if he was kinda happy or scared. "Go for it!" He responded. "Courtney?" I yelled. He froze. "Coming." She said as she came out. "Oh hello Noah I didn't expect to see you here." Courtney said. "Umm.." Noah went from scared to horrified. "Someone told me why Shayne and I aren't together anymore." "I..I c..can explain." Noah stuttered. "I don't need an explanation I need you to tell that to Shayne. I need you to go with Courtney and talk to Shayne." I said. "Not if I tell Ian about Courtney and Damien." He said scared. "Oh don't worry we just got back from talking to him. He understands." Noah looked defeated. He looked very sad, like more then very sad, VERY sad. "I'm gonna call Shayne. He probably won't listen to you Y/N." "Good idea Courtney." We waited for Courtney to get off the phone with Shayne and then I drove with Noah and Courtney to his house. Courtney let herself in, Noah and I followed behind. Shayne looked horrible. Like he hasn't slept since it happened. He probably hasn't. "What are they doing here?" Shayne questioned. We sat on the couch and he tried to walk away but Courtney made sure he didn't. "I don't want to talk I'm mad enough at Y/N bit Noah I thought we were friends why would you even get near my girlfriend I've had for 3 years?" He was raising his tone. "Shayne I know you don't want to talk to me but I think Courtney and Noah have something to say." I said. "I lied to you Shayne, and I'm really sorry." Courtney cried into his shoulder. "What?" Shayne asked. "And I told her to." Noah said defeated. "Why?!" Shayne was even angrier then before. "Because I like her too." "So you think of you have Courtney lie to my face about my girlfriend cheating then she is just gonna fall in love with you?!Because that's not how life works man!" I've never seen Shayne so angry before but he was furious. "Get out of my house NOW!" He was so angry it made me so sad. Noah was respectful and left. "Courtney, why did you do it." Shayne asked. "He was blackmailing me. He knew I liked Damien and would've got me fired if I didn't do it." She said continuing to cry. "Do you still have a job?" Shayne asked. "Yeah we talked to Ian about it." I said. We talked for a little longer, and Shayne calmed down. We were lucky he didn't beat Noah up. Courtney eventually left to give Shayne and I some time alone. "I'm so sorry I didn't believe you Y/N." Shayne said as he pulled me into a hug. I gave him a kiss. "It's ok. I missed you so much Shayne. I really did. This past week was a nightmare knowing you were unhappy." I sat next to him on the couch and watched a random I ended up falling asleep. He finally did too.

715 words.
Yay I'm done with these!! Comment anything else you wanna read! And I already reached 25 views that might not be a lot of people but it is to me I'm so glad y'all like this story it makes me so happy! Thanks!!!!

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